(7) - Tours and Trips

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I woke up in an unknown location, looked to be an office...only highly upgraded. "So Captain America...how's it hangin' buddy?" I smirk.

As I pull a pack of dots out of my bag I peel up the side of the box of 'dots' and rip through it like a letter. Steve Rogers looks at it and shakes his head, "You got some serious problems kid." He has a Boston accent, it's cute. I chuckle and nod, he has no idea.

"So...what's the story behind kidnapping a fifteen-year-old?" His chuckle is dry, unamused. I set my feet up on the desk and eat the dots in silence, Steve glares at me and I remove my feet.

"I– well, Tony needs your help–" I choke at this, Tony Stark needs my help? A kid's help? Oh god, it must be bad if he's resorting to using a child!

A giggle erupts in my throat and it's cut short by his glare. "I'm sorry...I really am...but what good could I do?" I ask.

"There's quite a lot of camera footage of you taking on men and...birds." His lip twitches with was I assume to be amusement, I turn red at the mention of me attacking innocent pigeons.

Sure, they're defenseless but their poop is literally acidic. "I've never fought men..." My voice cracks in the lie. Shit, I didn't want anyone to know I could take down two guys at once, it was my only advantage.

The enemy thinking he can take me on, only to be beaten by a five foot three inches tall girl. That's a real loss in my opinion.

Tony Stark walks in and plays a video of me using the aforementioned sticks to beat up these men that were trying to mug a lady. Matthew had only been training me for a few months then but I had them down instantly.

He told me it was better to be well versed in far and close combat that to be caught in a predicament when a big guy came up to me. He's thoughtful like that.

"You know, some of S.H.I.E.L.D's men can't even do that? Let alone a young girl." Steve explains and I nod slowly, accidentally swallowing a dot whole.

I cough it up and it lands on the desk. "Sorry," I mutter sheepishly and look for a trashcan. If I were home I would have shoved it in my mouth. But I am not at home... "Wait...where am I?" I finally ask I wanted to wait so I could eat my dots in peace.

"Back where you started." Tony's voice holds a little venom in it but it's mostly sarcasm.

"So Avengers Tower?" He nods and watches the video intently.

"Who is this?" My eyes widen as Thor walks in, holy cow...he is really tall.

I sit up straighter and Captain America sends a look my way. "The kid that Tony lost." Tony begins to retaliate but Natasha, Clint, and another man walked in.

"She looks angry." Thor points out and my skin nearly breaks out in a blush.

"Is cat eyes...blushing?" I glare at Tony Stark with no shame.

"So...now we're kidnapping kids. Good to know." The man with shaggy brown hair declares sarcastically while wiping his hands on his shirt, who is he?

"We didn't kidnap her, her dad knows she's here." My jaw drops.

"Where the hell is he then?! He just lets his daughter be kidnapped!?" I jump up and slam down the dots, Natasha puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine, he isn't here right now." The loud exhale from my nostrils can probably be heard from outside as I reluctantly sit back down.

Peter Parker exits the elevator, I return his smile a bit.

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