(27) - Voices and Visions

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I have never seen anyone so pale and frightened at the mere thought of someone. Loki's face is twisted with fear and confusion, "But how?" I know he isn't talking to me, something dawns on him. "Oh no, oh no, please, I will get you the tesseract. It will be yours, as I promised! You never specified when you wanted it!" His voice is rushed and fragile as he looks up at me.

I furrow a brow, "What do you mean?" Loki's face extorts again, he shakes his head.

"Why are you still here?" And we are back at square one again, he's now on his feet as he turns away from me.

"Loki-" His hands shoot through the illusion throwing my mind back into my body. I stumble and trip, hitting my head on the corner of the bedside table.


"Where is it?!" His voice is cold, showing no emotion.

"We are not sure, ever since he lost it. We haven't been able to acquire the rest of the stone." The man scowls. He is not one to anger and he has been angered.

"The girl is hard to connect to... it protects her," On the throne, he stands.

"You said- no you swore! That you would have your hands on it as soon as he was dead!" His loud voice booms across the oblivion. Bouncing off of nothing as it's lost in the cosmos.

"I cannot se-" The man has jabbed his sword through the other's chest.

"You are supposed to see everything, I suppose I will have to work on my own." He drops the dead body and climbs back up to his throne.

On an uninhabited planet which is no more, he sat upon a broken throne; insisting he was pure, when in reality he was just as shattered as the desolate planet.


"You hit your head rather hard," I cringe at the light and pushed into my hand are my glasses.

"Thanks." I push them on and Hera helps me up.

"What happened Nadia?" Her eyebrows are concerned and her face is worried. I shrug and push my legs to the side of the cot, I feel stiff and my mind is blank.

"I honestly do not know how I tripped, but thank you for fixing me up... as usual." I see Arne is still in here, except this time he's awake and his eyes are narrowed at me. Men and their egos; I swear...

I remember seeing Loki... and hearing a name lost to my mind, but I remember the entire thing... minus the name. Someone is messing with my mind and I do not understand.

I have to see Frigga, there is no one else I can go to... not with what I have done. What will become of me? My heart races, "I must go-" Hera holds my shoulders and shakes her head.

"You are not well enou-" I silence her with the mist and run, she will be able to speak once I am far enough away. I try to teleport but I'm too tired.

I attempt to remember where the queen's chambers are but fail and resort to asking for help. "Hello, I have been practicing magic with the queen... but the palace is so confusing. Could you escort me?" The guard nods and walks beside me, maybe if I'm not alone I won't be cornered. I hear footsteps and cringe.

Sif and Fandral walk by us without a glance, as if we were invisible.

I look to the guard and sure enough, he's invisible... oh no, what now? I scramble through my mind and suddenly he reappears, unbeknownst to his prior appearance... or lack of. "My queen, a young girl has said she is under your teachings? May we enter?" The door just opens and I smile at Frigga.

"You may leave." She turns her gaze to me and frowns, "What is that?" Frigga's voice is distraught as she strides over to me, placing her hands on my cheeks.

"I have a confession... but I do not want to get in trouble." Frigga looks into my eyes, she's digging for something.

"Why is there so much... loneliness?" I rip away from her grasp.

Panting because I could physically feel her sifting through my brain and it hurt... like something was stopping her. "I know what you have done Nadia, I will not speak of it. If I do, then it has happened..." I nod and she sends a small smile my way.

"There's something wrong with the one who has aided you." She agrees.

"There is plenty wrong with my son, but you sound most certain. What do you believe is wrong with him?" Frigga doesn't sound angry, let alone disappointed me for seeing Loki and it makes me feel so much better about confiding in her. Except... something feels off, maybe it's because my brain feels like it was shoved in a blender.

Or the smell of sage... or the sun that's all too bright. "I made myself and that guard invisible!" I blurt and her eyes widen before she covers it with a smirk.

"That is an amazing accomplishment. Only few wielders of magic have achieved that feat." My heart warms at her praising me but that itch is still there... but what is it?

I gasp, "Loki..." I watch as the illusion fades, "How the hell do you keep doing that?" I ask and he just smirks.

"You knew right away, didn't you?" He questions and I shrug.

"Something felt off." He runs his fingers on a few items as if he's relishing in the feeling of touching something outside his cell.

"Let me guess, queen Frigga is posing as you... in your cell?"

He nods, "For a mortal, you are sure inquisitive... but naive as ever." My nostrils flare, I wasn't naive on Earth. I don't know this place for what it truly is yet, Earth is a terrible spot to be with all the war and anguish.

"How so?" I try to cloud my emotions feeling the sifting feeling again.

"You aren't aware of the voice in your head." Huh? My thinking voice? I am very aware of that... "The one... that doesn't belong to you." My eyes widen and I know what he means... it's only happened a few times when I heard the scratchy disembodied voice telling me "Great work." after I killed something.

I heard it when I killed that man in the woods in Sokovia... it was so crisp but a million miles away all at once. "You have grown so much... he is very proud..." I ignored it, thinking it was my nerves of taking a human life.

"So you have heard it, that means you are dead." I gasp and look around my room.

I'm in my coronation dress, my glasses are on the night table, the sun is low in the sky, and I am in my room. On the large bed, sweating and gasping for air. I rub my hands on my face and calm my rapid heart... it was so vivid... but how?

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