(49) - Blasted and Blinded

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I pull my arm back and blast Vision with the largest amount of mist I've ever used. He retaliates with the stone in his head and I nearly fall due to the strength of it. I grit my teeth and yell out in pain as I feel something prick me in the back.

Throwing a shield around me I continue pushing against Vision's strength. When I begin falling I don't realize it until I've crashed into Tony. He seems to shoot me with his blasters instinctively but catches himself. I throw him sprawling in the air and push myself further. "Someone take the kid down, he's being a pain in the," A grunt and a blow sounds, "ass." I search for Peter in the chaos.

Wanda is lifting cars into the air to try and deter Peter but she's struggling. "Wanda, I want you to grab the biggest car here... and throw it at me!" I drop onto the ground and begin hyping myself up, oh how I don't want to do this.

"Why would I do that?" Wanda questions with confusion.

I smirk, "Because... I'm about to stomp on a spider." I sound confident... right? When the large van begins coming my way I get a running start before jumping into the air I dive through the window and while doing so, I melt the metal around me; forming it.

I imagine a giant fly swatter and when I see the vague shape of one, I use my mist to grab it and swat Peter out of the air. His body goes flying and I throw the mess of metal as far as I can. "That was awesome!" Scott yells in excitement over the comms as I see T'Challa begin clawing for Bucky's neck.

Just as I grab T'Challa's hand, Persephone in her wolf form jumps at T'Challa with ease and begins snapping her jaws at him. Bucky salutes me and I spot Peter webbing up Captain's shield, "Don't help me, Nadia, help them!" Steve yells and I whip around just in time to dodge Vision's weird blast thing.

I haven't thought of a name for it yet.

Searching for something to throw, I realize I have my sticks. I grab them and hit them together, sparks begin flying and I know Tony regrets giving me such good gadgets now. I throw one past Vision's head and he ignores it, "Nadia, please, stop this madness-" The stick that I sent through a small portal hits him in the back of the neck.

His body seems to glitch and the surprise on his face makes me a bit worried. He advances for me and I summon my other stick to me and hold them in front of me to form an 'X'. When he begins blasting them with the stone I push myself to fly forward and teleport myself behind him. I push the sticks into each side of his neck and soon, we're falling.

As Vision shuts down for a second, I begin forcing him into the ground and I cover him with the cars from earlier. "We gotta go, he's probably in Siberia by now." Bucky's voice comes across my earpiece as I watch T'Challa beat Seph up. I close my eyes and lift the ground below him up and then flip it upside down so he falls back into the pavement.

"We gotta take down the flyers... Vision is mine, just get to the jet." Steve replies and the sound of Sam's wings causes me to see Rhodey following close behind. Clint shoots and arrow and I try to quickly cover it with mist to give it an edge.

I shake my head violently, "Vision is down!"

"Both of you just get to the jet! We ain't getting out of here." Sam orders.

I agree we aren't all winning this one. "If we wanna win this, some of us gotta lose," I say confidently, "But if we do lose, we lose in style." Saying Buzz Lightyear's line with a little too much courage makes me feel even more sure of myself.

"Steve, this is not the real fight." Sam sounds like a guidance counselor on a crappy high school television show. I move my eyes to the hanger, I just gotta clear the path for them.

A sigh sounds, "Okay, what's the play?" Steve's voice is uneasy. It's safe to say that we're all on edge, even Tony's team.

Sam flies past me, "We just need a really big diversion." Something lands on my arm and when I look down at whatever it is, it's a very small Scott. He waves at me and I wave back slowly.

"I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half... don't come back for me." I snort a bit at myself. I wanna say 'That's what she said' so bad but now is not the time.

"Are you sure about this, Scott?" Steve questions in his concerned mother tone. The tiny Scott on my arm shrugs.

He bends his knees, "I do it all the time... well, once, in a lab. I'm the boss, I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS! Flick me!" Scott yells and I do just that. I struggle to follow the tiny Scott but suddenly he's very easy to see, I have to jump back in order to not run into him.

"I guess that's the signal." Steve sounds surprised as I gape at the giant Scott.

Holy shit! He's like the size of a building. "Way to go, Tic Tac!" Sam chuckles as Scott holds onto Rhodey by the legs. Scott tosses him into the air and I see that Vision has made his way out of the ground.

"Uh, Vision is back. I repeat, Vision is back!" I know I sound frantic and that's because I am. I've only stayed in the air so long because I got this weird burst of energy but now, now I feel woozy. I wipe my eyes and feel my stomach jump, I'm gonna vomit. Holy shit, I've never felt like this before. It's like my head is being blended and my stomach kicked.

I see black dots in my vision, oh no, "Guys...?" My eyes struggle to stay open as I feel myself losing control of my mist, it's like when Tony's blasters don't work. The feeling of falling startles me back into control until my eyesight goes blank. I enjoy the sensation of the air whipping past my ears as I fall faster toward the ground.

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