(39) - Files and Fathers

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"So, you've experienced this sort of thing before?" Nick asks Steve and he shrugs.

"You kind of get used to it." I stare at the epitaph on Nick Fury's gravestone. 'The path of the righteous man. Ezekiel 25:17' I have no idea what that means but it sounds deep. Charles never forced religion on me so I grew up forming my own beliefs. I believed there was a God at some point but that belief kind of deteriorated as I grew older.

"We've been data-mining HYDRA's files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. I'm headed to Europe tonight, wanted to ask if you'd come." I know he isn't talking to me so I stand quietly beside Steve and Sam with the single black rose in hand. I figured Nick wasn't a flower guy so I grabbed the most 'I hate flowers' flower I could find.

"Got something I have to do first." Steve states simply and Nick turns to Sam.

"What about you Wilson? Could use a man with your abilities."

Sam shakes his head, "More of a soldier than a spy," Fury turns to me, eyes covered by glasses.

He raises a brow, I shake my head. "I got things I have to figure out before I leave the states," He nods.

"If you want info about your mother, I got it." My smile drops.

He hands me a file. "Everything about you, that I know, is in there." I thank him and pull the file to my chest while setting the rose on the ground in front of the gravestone. "Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here." He points at the gravestone then walks away.

Natasha walks toward us. "That's about as close as he gets to saying thank you, you should all be honored." She says with a small smile.

"You aren't going with him?" I ask curiously and she shakes her head.

"No," Is all she says.

"Not staying here?" She shakes her head again this time crossing her arms over her chest.

While staring at the gravestone she takes a deep breath. "I blew all my covers... gotta find a new one." Steve nods.

"Might take a while." Natasha smiles and holds up a file folder.

"That thing you asked for, I called in a few favors from Kiev." She hands Steve the file.

I can roughly make out the word in Russian as 'File'. 'File No 17'? "Will you do me a favor?" Steve raises a brow, "Call that nurse." He chuckles.

"She is no nurse." Nat rolls her eyes and looks at Steve.

"And you, are not a S.H.I.E.L.D agent." He has a small smirk on his lips as I begin walking away.

"I hope to see you soon Nat," She gestures for me to come in for a hug.

"Я буду скучать по тебе, детка." Nat whispers to me.

I can understand what she said, mostly at least. 'I'll miss you, baby.' I hug her tightly before rehearsing my lines in my head before I mess up my terrible knowledge of Russian. "Пока мы не встретимся снова, мама," ( Until we meet again, mom, ) She smiles at me and kisses the top of my head and ruffles my hair.

"Be safe, Nocturnus." I smile at her and make my way to the car. "Oh, and Nadia. I was the one who stole your stash of dots from your room! Saying it was Clint was more believable!" I shake my head, I'm not even mad.

Nick Fury is leaning on the car, "I know you want answers, so ask now. Before I 'die'." He states and pushes off the car with his hip.

"How did you know about my powers?" I ask, do I really want to know?

Yes, you idiot, my subconscious snaps at me. "Your aunt Carol. She's not exactly normal." I turn my head like a confused puppy.

"What's that mean?" My voice is shaky, here we go...

"She's not a regular human. Which I assume you know that, to an extent." I nod slowly. "She's the one who brought you to me. When you were born your mother was already dead but word of a newborn baby crawling out of the womb is bound to raise some questions. So, Carol got you before somebody with bad intentions could and brought you to me. I'm legally your parent and you will be meeting with lawyers about your inheritance." He says this casually but it isn't just some regular thing we're talking about.

"I cr– crawled out? How?" He shrugs his undamaged shoulder. "Why did you send me to that school? They tortured me..." I shake my head at the thought of the small space again. They would shove me in there so often my eyes adapted to the darkness... that's why I can see so well in the dark.

"I should have done more research but at the time, I was worried about you being in this world with these abilities, that I didn't know the extent of and not knowing how to control them." I look off to the side, the file feeling infinitely heavy in my arms.

"What am I?" I choke out, this is the real banger.

The real question I've wanted to know since I could form an opinion in my own mind. "I don't know." Of course not, why would he?

"Am I from Earth?"

He nods, "As far as anyone knows, yes. There is a possibility you aren't but, as I said. I don't fucking know." Nick sounds like he's making a joke, that's new. "You are much more than I expected of you, Carol saw what I see in you now. She saw power and now, I understand. She wanted me to give this to you; when the time was right. Only use it in extreme emergencies," I look at the pager?

"Thanks, for everything. I don't know where I would be without you changing my fate." He nods and turns around.

"Oh, and kid? Don't fuck up Nadia," He calls over his shoulder and I hear some leaves crunch.

I turn around and see Steve and Sam standing solemnly. "So, what's next?" I ask Steve and he walks over to the car,

"We find that bastard." Sam answers and I shake my head at him.

"Which one?" Steve shakes his head at Sam as I hop in the back.


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