(47) - Hugs and Heaviness

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"Uh– what time zone is this?" The man's voice is confused and Clint shakes his head while leading him over to us. The man's face falls into one of amazement, "Captain– Captain America."

They shake hands, "Mr. Lang." They keep shaking hands and I watch him in amusement.

"It is truly an honor. I'm shaking your hand way too long." He pulls his hand away.

"This is awesome! Captain America," He looks at Wanda, "I know you too and you!" He points at me and I awe at him. He's like a puppy, how adorable.

"I just wanna thank you since I know you know a lot of super people, so thanks for thinking of me." Sam begins walking over to us and Mr. Lang's smile widens. "Hey man!" Sam chuckles.

"Tic Tac?" He asks and Lang nods,

"What happened last time when I..." Sam shakes his head and I look at them both; confused.

Sam gives me the 'I'll tell you later' look and I nod in thanks. "You know what we're up against?" Steve questions Lang and he stares blankly at Steve. "We are outside of the law on this one so if you join us, you're a wanted man."

Lang shrugs casually, "What else is new?" He just sighs loudly.

Bucky peeks over the top of the bug, "We should get moving!" He yells at us.

"I'm gonna ride with them, catch up... and make sure this new guy is fit–" A speaker crackles and I look up nervously.

"Dies ist eine Notsituation. Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren." I crinkle my brows, what just happened? Bucky must see my confusion because he translates what was just said over the speakers.

"They're evacuating the airport." I give him a weak thumbs up, I thought we were leaving but I guess not...

"Stark..." I mumble and Mr. Lang asks me Stark as a question.

Steve's jaw is tight, "Suit up." I feel the smile leave my face and I think about what's going to happen.

I walk over to the Volkswagen and pull open the trunk. "I need my wings!" Sam shouts and I roll my eyes, I slowly raise my hand and use the mist to send them to Sam. I sigh when my body feels normal and when the shock doesn't course through my blood. I pick up my suit and written on the tag is 'Loki's Copycat.' I take a deep breath to try and ignore the irritation and sadness boiling up in me.

Creating an illusion on myself I quickly dress in my suit and when I don't find my mask in the trunk I sigh. I remove the illusion.

"Here," I turn around just in time to catch my mask, "It was in the front seat." I thank Steve and click the side; the helmet turns into glasses.

"Those are so cool!" Scott yells from the van, I shake my head at him. I tap the side twice and the screen on the glasses switches to a video. It begins playing and the sight of Tony makes me pause in place. He looks so sorry but I refuse to accept it. He allowed them to put that collar on me again.

After he knew that they did it before.

"Nadia, I know you're wondering why the hell I'm doing this and it's because you have chosen the wrong side. I don't think you should be here and I hope you change your mind about who you stand behind. Before this thing starts you have the option to join me. Please, Nadia." The words flash slowly on the screen, something touches my shoulder and I grab the hand tightly.

"It's just me–" Cap says and I nod as the glasses turn back into regular glasses.

I take a deep breath before closing my eyes. I know that everything will change after today. Nothing will be the same for any of us, especially Tony and I. I didn't expect to grow so close to him but his sarcastic asshole act is just to die for. Before all of this started I would fantasize about meeting Hawkeye and Black Widow since I was twelve.

And when I did, they helped me escape Avengers tower. Which was very nice of them.

I slide onto the ground and Persephone comes over to me, she's in a black skinsuit that glints purple in the light. Seph squats down to my eye level and stares at me, "Are you alright, Nadia?" I stare numbly at the concrete ground and shrug.

"I don't know anymore. It's like everything is moving at a million miles per hour and I'm just watching it pass me by like a chump on the side of a road." I mumble in a mopy voice.

Persephone chuckles, "That is a very vivid description." She murmurs and I nod, my head reels as I try to figure this entire thing out. How did this even happen? Life is moving by too fast and I don't know how to cope with it. When I met this team, they were a unit and now they're split up; fractured.

"Let's move." Steve's voice is somber, lacking any trace of happiness. His face mirrors the significance of what is about to happy and it nearly sends a shock down my body. I nod my head once and begin to stand, Persephone helps me up.

"Thanks," I say with a small smile. The smile holds no emotion because I know that if I let myself feel anything other than nothing, I will break. I won't be able to hold in the emotions, I'll be the Hoover Dam bursting with the pressure. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, squeezing Persephone's hand before I let go of it, I make my way to Wanda.

Our eyes meet and I can see the sadness swirling in her's, "Are you ready for this?" She asks me and I shake my head no.

If I speak now, my voice will break. "I don't think we'll ever be ready for what's to come." She agrees with a slight dip in her head. I hug her tightly, I've missed her so much and I don't know when we will be able to hug again.

I snap my fingers before raising my voice, "Hey!" I begin and everyone pauses to look in my direction. "I really think what we're doing is unprecedented and I don't know what's going to happen but I do know one thing; this team will never be the same again." My voice cracks and I blink away the tears coming to my eyes.

"So," I clap my hands together, "with that being said... group hug!" I say with fake happiness. They all shake their heads and make their way over. I'm between Wanda and Steve as we all hug.

Steve clears his throat, "All that matters is that we all make it out alive." We all murmur something along the lines of agreement.

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