(3) - Mac and Matt

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"Come on, come on, open the damn door!" I beat on the door and another across the hall opens I look to see a woman's head pop out and she scowls at me. "I'm sorry," I whisper as the door in front of me opens.

"I thought we made an agreement." He states and I roll my eyes.

"That was before the Avengers were chasing me." I try to push past him but he doesn't budge. "Come on Matt, don't do this. I need somewhere to lay low... no one knows I know you." Matthew sighs and lets me pass.

"If I come back and there's anything off about the apartment, you're done for." I laugh at him, "If I trashed the place you wouldn't even know Murdock." He shakes his head and sets his glasses on the counter.

I met Mr. Murdock when I was jumping around Hell's Kitchen, he thought I was a criminal. If having a hell of an aim is bad then I am definitely a criminal.

"So, what did you do to piss off the Avengers?" He asks as he fills a glass with water and ice.

"Well... it's more or so I pissed off Tony Stark, one of his suits was following me... so I blew it up." The sound of the glass being almost slammed down echoes in the quiet apartment. He walks over to me and sits in front of me.

"Nadia, what the hell? You're lucky you're even still alive and what if he were in the suit?" He questions and I roll my eyes, "You rolled your eyes, didn't you?" I chuckle and smirk. "Now you're smirking, of course, you think it's funny." Matt sighs in his words and I know he's disappointed.

"It was one of the old ones, like sixty or something. I read it off the side before firing. Then earlier... well, the past few days actually Spider-Man has been following me. I knocked him out.." I explain and Matt's fists clench and unclench in anger.

"Hey, at least I'm okay!" I try to defend my rather reckless behavior and he doesn't buy it.

"You do realize you have Earth's mightiest heroes looking for you? And you're what, four, maybe five blocks from your apartment! I know you aren't as stupid as you're acting!" He flicks his head to the side and I know what he's doing.

He's listening to my rapid heartbeat. "I know, it was dumb." My words are hardly even words, they're more or so incoherent mumbles.

"What was that?" He challenges and I sigh in annoyance.

"I know okay? I realize now how dumb it was! Plus, Spider-Man saw my face." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"We'll have to do something about that, I'll figure it out. In the meantime stay here, do not answer the door, and turn on that phone because if I have to call you more than once I swear–" I cut him off by placing my hand on his forearm.

"I know, I know. The phone is on, thank you, really." He nods and his dead eyes move across the room. He really doesn't understand how much I appreciate this, he's too nice to me.

"If anyone finds out you were here, I didn't know, got it?" I nod and he chuckles.

"Have you eaten tonight?" Matt asks, his tone no longer angry as he stands up and walks over to the small kitchen.

"No, haven't had time with being on the run and everything." There's sarcasm in my voice as he looks for food.

"How do you know which of these spices is the right one?" I pick up the chili powder and shake it.

"I can smell which one it is, this is... pepper." He scowls and coughs as I laugh.

"Well, you weren't wrong." He picks out a few more spices.

"What are you making?" I jump onto the top of the counter and he pushes me off.

"I'm cooking here." I can tell that he's being serious but his voice betrays him. "Your favorite, one of the few things I know about you." We haven't told each other much about one another.

Purely because his identity must stay a secret and I don't like people. I only know his name since I put two and two together after he tried to apprehend me for shooting birds. I saw a half of his face but it was enough to figure out who he was, especially knowing his voice too.

"I really don't know how people haven't figured out your identity yet man, it was too easy." His scoff is audibly loud as he sets some milk to boil. He gets cheese out of his fridge and my stomach growls. "The beast is hungry." I joke as I flop onto his couch, "Oh! I forgot to say sorry for waking you up." He just shrugs.

"I was out a little bit before you showed up anyway." I nod in understanding since he was wearing just some sweats and a t-shirt.

"So, what have the criminals of Hell's Kitchen been up to lately?" I ask in hope of some gory details.

"Nothing really, which is honestly more worrying than excessive crime." The sound of the boiling milk is calming as the bubbles pop and reform only to pop again.

"My life is a weird life Matt," I mumble, it really is. "You'd think since you're a lawyer you would be able to learn more about me." My thoughts are spoken rather quietly but I know he heard me since I heard the knife being set down.

He walks over to the couch and nods, "That's what I was thinking too." He began.

"Back when we met I tried finding any public records of an individual named 'Nadia Oakley'... but just like Wilson Fisk, there was nothing. Not a single Google result, not anything on Yahoo, Bing, Firefox, the list goes on. Nadia, you're a ghost." I just listen, I think about it.

It makes sense, I've never been to the doctors, dentist, or anything like that. "Until about a week ago. Suddenly there's a 'Nadia Oakley' attending Midtown High and she's got medical records and all the fun stuff like that." Matt's continuing this while going back into the kitchen area.

"The medical records must be fake then, I've never been to the doctor's before." He raises an eyebrow and makes a 'hmph' noise. "Need any help?"

He just shrugs, "Eh, why not?" I go into the kitchen and begin grating the cheese he handed me.

"I can't believe it's two in the morning and I'm making macaroni and cheese with a teenager." I bump his shoulder as I laugh at him and he smirks. Matthew Murdock is like my unintentional extended family.

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