(2) - Friend and Foe

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"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy, though," Peter mumbles from my right with his hands cradling his head.

Ned agrees before a new voice is heard, "Too late. You guys are losers." I look across the table and see a girl with wild curls, she stares at my glasses with an uninterested look.

"Then why do you sit with us?" Ned questions and she just shrugs.

"Because I don't have any friends." I like her, she seems like a genuine person. I move next to her and Peter raises his eyebrows, I shrug in response.

"What's with the goggles?" She doesn't look up from her book.

"Sensitive eyes, I'm Nadia." Her nod is short before announcing her name was Michelle Jones.

"My friends call me MJ." Peter's attention is grabbed as he jumps in.

"I thought you didn't have friends." Michelle gives another shrug as I eat a fry. This should be interesting.


"Where are you?" I hold my tongue as I nearly yell into the phone. A sigh sounds from his end and he takes a deep breath.

"Work, I know I said I would get you but a friend of mine is coming to get you. Her car should be there right now." I look up and see a black car.

My eyes squint as I exit the school and the sun beats down on the hot pavement. I walk up to it and the window rolls down, inside is a redhead with a smirk. "Get in kid." I roll my eyes at the endearment 'kid'.

"What do you do?" I ask as I remove my glasses.

"A lot of things." She answers simply.

"That isn't cryptic," I mumble and hug my backpack to my chest. I look out the window as she drives very fast.

"You are two miles from your destination." I jump at the sound of a lifelike voice and the woman chuckles. I glance at her before turning the air on my side up, it was rather warm out and since I'm (normally) awake during the night I'm still not used to the heat.

"Your dad said you weren't a regular kid." I roll my eyes again.

"Of course my father said that." I emphasis father because he is no dad. He isn't really around he's just the one who pays the bills. The woman laughs and seems to ignore my anger toward Mr. Roads.

I have a right to be angry, he's the one who decided he wanted a kid. He should have been one hell of a parent. "What are those glasses for?" I'm asked for what feels like the millionth time today.

"Sensitive corneas," I mumble before putting in an earbud.

I take a good look at her again, "You look really familiar." I say in thought and she chuckles again.

"I get that a lot," She says with a smile saying that there is an inside joke and I want in. I tap my finger on my phone screen and try to piece it together.

"You have reached your destination, Ms. Romanoff." I lift an eyebrow at the computer as she rolls her eyes.

"And you are?" The guard asks and she shows him a badge as he lets her through the gates.

The car slows to a stop and she presses a button that opens the door. Sunlight floods the car and I slam my eyes shut. "Why the hell would you do that?! Ow!" I slide on the glasses and she laughs, she laughs. Why would she laugh? Did she think I was faking it?

"Had to see if it was a lie, that's all." When I'm out the door slides shut on its own and she's gone. The car is silent and fast. I kind of want one now. I won't get one though, probably ever. The walk up to the apartment is loud.

I'm used to the quiet snores and sounds of fans in this hall. Instead, there is arguing, music, and sounds of kids running around. The apartment complex we live in isn't cheap, nor is it bad or ugly. I just don't like how it's a gated one, meaning I have to be extra careful when I'm out at night.

Sure, it helps me hone my skills but it doesn't make it any less of a nuisance.


I'm wandering farther than usual as I'm following something. Well, more or so...a someone. Specifically a kid in a blue and red skin-tight suit. He's been hanging around a lot lately. Ever since I destroyed Tony Stark's suit.

As I'm jumping over an air conditioner my foot is webbed down, "Really? You really want to do this Spidey?" I ask along and he swings overhead. I yank the webbing off with low effort and run away from him, I need a vantage point.

He's keeping up and I hear the sounds of him shooting webs at me as I full out sprint. Suddenly he isn't there, but this doesn't stop me from running. I've seen the movies where the killer is suddenly gone and everyone thinks it's fine until they're all dead.

I climb the ladder and see him. Gotta distract him before so this actually works. I shoot an arrow to his left and he sees it right after I shoot a nonlethal arrow at his chest. He thinks he's fine, until the gas releases. That only happens when he pulls it off.

I see him rip it from his chest before examining it, I run back toward my apartment. I won't get tailed again.


Peter is tailing this unknown subject before noticing it's Nadia, he's kept his distance till tonight. Not noticing it was his classmate, till tonight. "Hey Mr. Stark, I know this girl." He says into his mask and Tony who is back at Stark tower nods into the camera.

"Good, name, now." Peter gives him only her first name since she never told him her last name. His spidey-senses go off as an arrow zooms by his left side. He turns that way before another latches on his chest, directly on the spider logo.

"She's really good Mr. Stark." He rips the arrow off and stares at the little claws as a black gas is released. "Mr. Stark something came out..." Peter falls to his side limp, Tony doesn't know what happened as he sends an empty suit to pick the kid up.

"I got you, Pete." The suit opens up and encloses Peter who is in his Spider-Man suit inside. Jarvis flies the suit back to Tony and he opens it up to find Peter, knocked out and sleeping rather peacefully.

"What did she do?" He whispers as Jarvis runs diagnostics.

"He seems to be fine sir, just inhaled what seems to be the run of the mill tear gas that policemen use," Jarvis announces and Tony sighs in relief.


I slide into my window and quickly pack a bag, I need to lay low for a little bit and I know just the place to go. I just hope my father won't kill me when I'm back. Where I'm going is dangerous, hidden, but still dangerous.

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