(18) - Sticks and Snaps

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"You have one minute to haul your ass!" I cringe at the sound of Tony's voice well, everywhere.

"What the hell man?" I mumble as I grab my suit and bag, I shove some water in the bag and stumble out of the room.

"Thirty seconds!" I groan louder and begin running even though my vision is dotted with black dots. My brain seems to be moving in my skull as I run toward the Quin Jet.

"Okay, okay, you're savior... is here," I announce weakly as I fall limp on the seat.

"Are you alright?" Clint asks and I shrug.

I don't even know how long I managed to sleep but it didn't help my energy. "Go ahead, I'll wake you up before we land." Clint pats my shoulder as he takes my suit from me, I stretch across three seats and fall asleep again.


"Get up Nadia," Barton is shaking my shoulders as I nod, I stretch before heading into the bathroom. The water in the sink is cold as I splash myself, I need to wake up. The suit is feeling tighter than usual as I slip into it.

"Where is my bow?" I ask myself as I walk around the jet, eyes peeled.

"Whatcha looking for?" Tony questions and I run my hands down my face.

"My bow... I can't find it..." My head hurts. The one thing I need is missing.

"Oh my god." The realization hits me, "It fell off my back when Nat got taken... goddamnit!" Tony holds my shoulders,

"It is okay, I got an extra... better one on board anyway." I nod but I can't help but feel helpless. That was my bow, the first one I ever got... The one I upgraded with whatever I could get my hands on... my baby...

"Thank you, Tony, for everything." He just nods.


"So... what's the gameplan?" Banner shrugs as we make our way to Natasha's cell. I hold one of the pistols she gave me in front of me as I take slow steps, my goggles are off so I can see in the darker environment.

"Natasha! Natasha!" He yells as the cell comes into view, I turn my back to them and watch out.

"Bruce?" I hear her voice ask as he walks to the cell.

"You alright?" They continue talking until I hear a gunshot, I whip around.

Banner blasted the cell open with the gun and he's looking rather proud of himself. "So what's our play?" Natasha asks as I hand her the guns and grab my sticks. Tony upgraded them again, where does he even find the time to do these things?

Now they can connect into one long stick and if I throw it, it will come back to me. He added magnets to my gloves like how he did to Captain's arm. That's how his shield returns. The sticks also have an option to electrocute someone and honestly, they're really overpowered now. "I'm here to get you out safely, Nadia... I don't know what her job is." Natasha gives me a smile.

"Job's not finished." She comments and Banner nods.

"We could help with the evacuation, but I can't be in a fight near civilians. And you've done plenty. Our fight is over." He emphasizes 'our' and looks at her deeply and I turn around again.

I feel like I'm invading their privacy.

"I'm going to go... help evacuate citizens." Bruce nods but Natasha grabs my hand.

"Ultron got your bow, it's like two rooms over... but be careful."

I smile widely and hug her, "Thank you!" I walk fast but quietly.

I slide on my mask and click the sticks together, they start emitting a green light and a low buzz can be heard. I'm tempted to touch it but fight the urge, knowing it will hurt. As I run into the brightly lit room I hear loud shouts, I need to hurry.

I grab my bow and run out of the building, oh these goddamn robots are screwed. "Oh, wow an army of robots. Remind me again why I'm helping." I mumble into my earpiece.

"Because–" I hear the sound of metal crunching as I make it out of the building.

Chaos surrounds me as robots are attacking from every which direction. "Lives depend on it." Steve was right, I run and jump shoving the sticks into the sides on the neck of the robot, I see Cap's shield fly through a row of robots.

A robot throws a punch and I dodge it and kick it over, I see Wanda and Pietro on our side. "Cap you got incoming," Tony's voice invades my ears as I throw one of the sticks at a robot and it bounces back into my hand perfectly.

"Incoming already came in. Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off." I nod in understanding, not only is my life at risk but so are all of these innocent people.

I use a car door as a shield as I make my way toward a group of robots, but my hands start burning. "What's happening to my hands?!" The door falls apart in my hands, melted metal trailing down my hands.

A purple glow is emitting from them as a bunch of robots run toward me. I hold my hands out and they raise into the air, how the? I look around for Wanda, she's nowhere to be seen. "Nadia, what's your twenty?" Tony asks as I twist my hands in anger, while squeezing my fists just to see what will happen.

Each of the robot's necks snaps in sequence and I look up and see Iron Man.

"How did you–" I see a purple glow crawl along the ground and the robots are unaware as I raise my hands the glow follows and I watch in amazement, what is this? The robot's legs begin to scrunch up like crushed tinfoil as the glow travels up their bodies.

I see the fists before it hits me but something stops it, a red glow has the fist. Wanda smiles at me as she throws the robot into another group of robots. "Thanks." I send a smile her way,

"Alright, we're all clear here." Clint says and I almost laugh.

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