(45) - Dead and Defeated

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I look around anxiously for that wolf, it reminded me of the one I killed in Asgard. In the corner of my eye, I see the big black body of the wolf running along the rooftops. I'm starting to feel the effects of overusing my powers but push myself some more. "I got this," I state quietly to myself and follow after Bucky, the Black Cat, and Steve.

"I can't shake this guy!" Steve yells and I shoot a blast at the cat before I drop beside the wolf. I know I shouldn't ask but it wouldn't hurt to.

"Mind giving me a lift?" The wolf seems to roll its eyes but leans down enough for me to hop on. I can feel the muscles in the wolf's shoulders move as it runs, it jumps in the air and I use the mist to make stairs leading toward the ground.

I watch as Steve runs into some police and I urge the wolf to go faster and it complies. This is so much more exhilarating than riding Inky. They reach a tunnel and I lose sight of them, "Jump!" I yell as I pull the fur of the wolf's neck and it jumps into the air, I'm thrown from the back of the wolf and my vision turns black.


I wake up to the familiar feeling of electricity coursing through my veins. I never thought of the day I would be wearing this collar again. I twitch as the pain shoots through me. "What did you do?" I ask Rhodey, "What the hell did you do!?" When I scream at him the collar shocks me with the highest voltage I've gotten yet.

My arms are constricted by a straitjacket. The hot tears streaming down my face burn.

I look to my right and see Bucky in a similar position, but his arm is in what looks to be one of those wheel clamps. His head is hanging low as I'm shocked again. I cry out in pain because I feel the electricity all the way in my toes. My vision begins dotting with black as I struggle to stay awake for the sake of seeing just who did this to me.

"What–" My eyelids fall and I can only hear what's happening outside the bubble.


"Once we put out the PR fire and those documents are amended. Then, I will file a motion to have you, Wanda, and Nadia reinstated." Tony says and Steve's jaw twitches.

"Wanda?" He asks and Tony almost smiles.

"She's currently confined at the compound, Vision is keeping her company."

Steve takes a deep breath, "What about Nadia?" His voice is clipped and Tony looks at the floor.

"She... she's uh– she's fine." Steve's head tilts to the side, the computer screen switches to Nadia's containment room.

"She's fine?" His nostrils flare as the sight of the young girl twitching in pain is burned into Tony's mind.

"Every time I think you finally see things the right way–" Tony cuts Steve off mid-sentence,

"What?! It has a pool, a screening room, there are much worse ways to protect people." Steve chuckles dryly, clearly unamused.

"Protection? This isn't protection, it's internment, Tony." Stark nods, knowing just how to get around Steve's lack of understanding.

"She isn't a US citizen. And neither is Nadia, she's a ghost-"

"Come on, Tony!" Steve exclaims, anger lying in between the surprise.

"You do know they don't grant visas– or citizenships– to weapons of mass destruction, Steve." Tony's voice is as meticulous as it always is.

"They're kids!" Steve shouts and Tony's had it with Steve.

"Give me a break! I am doing what has to be done... I have to push off something much worse."

Steve nods a bit, "Keep telling yourself that," He sets the pen down and shakes his head at Tony. As he's exiting the room, Tony stares at Nadia's rocking figure. And almost as if she knew he was watching, she looks up at the camera.

Her eyes are full of pain... and betrayal.

"Why did you do this to me?" Her lips mouth at the camera and Tony looks away from the monitor with trembling lips. When he looks back up another tremor rocks through her body. There is sweat trailing down her face and her lips have gone white. Her eyes look sleepy as she stares at the camera with anger in her eyes.

A snarl falls on her lips as the screen turns black, but not before the sight of her screaming in agony appears on the screen. Nadia used as much strength as she could to break the camera, which caused a numerous amount of people to run into the room. "No!" She cries as the people begin electrocuting her to see what the problem was.

Her face is screwed with pain as they check the room and when they realize she broke the camera they prepare to move her.

When the man hauls her up and over his shoulder, she just whimpers, "Hurry up before she wakes up again!" Nadia's body rattles on his shoulder and she flinches with every step, the shock collar electrocuting her with every movement.


I want to die.

This is too much pain for me to handle, but I need to hold on. I need to because it will be over because we will win. If we don't, then I have no idea just what I will do. My body's been pushed past its limits far too many times and now, I don't think I'll ever bounce back from this. I close my eyes tightly and imagine I'm somewhere else.

Not in this grey hallway, on some stranger's shoulder, not in a strait jacket, and not wearing what's the human equivalent of a dog shock collar. I'm in a field, of green hydrangeas; just like the one that Frigga showed me when she was teaching me about mind magic. Things were much simpler, sure things with me have never been simple with me.

But I would much rather be back six months than be in this situation. A situation where I would rather die than keep going, I've never felt like this. I've never felt so... defeated...

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