(6) - Dancing and Darts

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"Shouldn't she be awake?" Tony pokes the girl's cheek and bright eyes meet his eyes as she catches his hand.

"Where the hell am I?" She rolls off the table and lands in a crouch. Tony waves off the concerned robot and Nadia looks around frantically.

Her bright eyes burning due to the light. "Could you like...dim the lights if you're going to kidnap me?" Nadia didn't want to come off rude.

"No need, here." He tosses a replica of her glasses.

"How did you-" Her face makes the one of recognition. She pieced it together, "My father said a 'friend' made it, not like one of the most well-known superheroes in the world." Nadia rambled nervously as she slid them on.

They were different from her own, computerized. They lowered the lights but she could see everything as if it were night. "Wait- back to it...where the hell am I?" She asks again, this time her voice is lower.

"Star– no, Avengers Tower. I keep forgetting that we changed the name–" Her jaw drops as he casually answers.

"You kidnapped me-" The sound of a whoosh from the opening elevator shuts her up, Peter Parker awkwardly shuffles out. "Peter?..." Her eyes narrow and Peter runs to the side of Stark.


"Why is he here?" I growl in irritation, he was nice at school but I know there's something going on. I can sense it.

"Are we gonna tell her Mr. Stark?" Peter's well-known high voice quips.

"Tell me what?" I move across the room and examine everything with these new glasses.

They tell me what everything is. There's an Iron Man suit hand sitting on the table and I brush my fingers on it. "I'm..." I raise an eyebrow as Peter begins to mumble.

"Spider-Man?" His face turns bright red.

"Your voice, height, posture, all same features of this itsy bitsy spider that was following me." I spit out and he clears his throat. "So, what's going on...is this a hostage situation or are we gonna dance?" I need to put on a bitchy front to show my disinterest.

"Wh– why would we dance?" Peter asks in confusion and Tony drops his head in a hand.

"She means to fight, Peter, really?" The disappointment is clear as Peter's face drops at his mistake.

"Oh..." I nod sarcastically and begin whispering to Jarvis in my glasses.

"What can I use as a weapon buddy?" He's hesitant to answer but any possible weapon turns blue in my glasses, I smirk. "Thanks," I say loud enough for both of them to hear.

"For what cat eyes?" My smirk falters at the nickname.

"Oh...the glasses." He doesn't see the glove attach to my hand as I shoot a blast at Peter then him.

"Bye!" I grab my bow and quiver from the table to the right and shoot a hole in the glass. I jump.

"Nadia!" My smile is venomous as I stare up at a worried Peter.

I landed on the Quinjet and shot a grappling arrow at the opposing building, I salute Hawkeye in the window and run into the night.


"So Tony is gonna try and subdue me? Why?" Questions Nadia, her brows furrowed.

"He's scared you're dangerous." Scoffs Clint Barton, Nadia's idol. She was baffled by how good he was with his bow and that was why she took up archery.

"How would I be dangerous?" Natasha Romanoff shrugs, the young girl's other idol. The only woman on the original Avengers team and the best one considering her disadvantages.

"Do you need to get another explanation?" Asks the Black Widow, Nadia shakes her head.

"Well, I don't think you will be dangerous...so we'll help you escape." Natasha's head snaps to Clint's.

"What!? We did not agree with that." She exclaims.

"We didn't agree on anything. Plus, the kid isn't doing anything bad. I mean, if I saw a suit of armor following me I would attack." Clint defends and Natasha sighs.

She groans and takes a deep breath. "Fine, but she's your responsibility." Clint nods.

"I'm gonna need my bow and quiver, which I assume you guys have?" Natasha nods before pausing.

"Wait...who were you with? He looked familiar." Nadia bites her lip, unsure if she should tell them.

"I don't think it's my place to tell." Natasha cracks a small smile.

"I was hoping you were gonna say that...now struggle against me. Tony is sending a suit to grab you. When you get a chance to, grab your bow and jump out of the west window." Nadia nods before grabbing an arrow to throw at the incoming suit.

The suit twitches as Natasha kicks Nadia's feet and Nadia trips. Natasha grabs her and holds her tightly to her chest.

"Sorry, kiddo." The woman whispered in the girl's ear.

The suit traps Nadia as she wails and beats on the metal, "He will come for me! He will!" They didn't know who she was referring to, she knew who, and it was her horned friend from Hell.


"Well, that was dramatic," I mutter under my breath before dashing toward the apartment. If I was careful enough, my father wouldn't even know I was there. I shouldn't be risking it but I can't survive in the winter without a coat.

In goddamn Hell's Kitchen. You'd think with the name relating to somewhere in the deep South it would be hot as hell, to no avail. My thinking voice causes me to lightly chuckle as I hear a helicopter overhead.

I realize I'm still wearing the glasses and curse, Tony could easily track the signal. No matter how cool they are I have to destroy them.

"Sorry Jarvis." I'm hesitant about stomping on them even though I have to.

I cringe when they crunch and begin going a different way to my house.

"Everything will go smoothly, you've already had enough bad luck for a lifetime." My attempt to calm my erratic heartbeat...and nerves does nothing.

There is hardly a sound as I drop onto the fire escape outside my room, I slide the window open with no trouble and I slip inside my window. I crouch to the ground before finding what I need, my windbreaker, and some extra money.

If I was on the run I needed to break my credit trail. The sound of thunder cracking makes me cringe.

I hate the rain...I hate the cold. I love summer, sure it's humid as hell but the sun leaves the air warm even into the latest hours of the night. Believe me, I would know.

Sliding on the windbreaker as quietly as I can I shove cash into my small backpack, I take the battery out of my cell phone, crush it, then set the empty phone on the table. I shove the burner in my pocket and grab the fighting sticks Matt gave me for my birthday.

He told me, someone, who just happened to be named Stick gave him the sticks and thought I could use them; just in case it came to close combat. I push them into the slits in my pants. Looking around the room quickly before I turn back to the window, where a figure sat on the fire escape.

How had I not heard him? "Hey, Nadia. I'm still unsure why I'm doing this for Tony but I'm gonna need you to sit down, we need to talk." My eyes widen as he slides through my window. I hold the sticks in my hands, ready for a fight. Steve's hand flits and I feel a prick in my neck.

"What is with people and knocking me out...I have like a million on you guys...in suing money..." My eyes close slowly, darkness welcoming me.

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