(38) - Names and Nocturnus

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Nadia shoots purple at The Winter Soldier relentlessly but he isn't really affected. "Hey, Sam, I'm gonna need a ride." Captain America says into the group's coms and the Falcon nod and flies toward Steve.

"Let me know when you're ready!" He responds back to Steve just as Steve jumps off the edge of the carrier without any warning.

Sam catches Steve just in time and flies the duo to the helicarrier where Nadia is fighting The Winter Soldier. "You know, you're a lot heavier than you look." The sound of glass breaking startles them as Bucky falls to the ground, Nadia is flying over him her eyes glowing purple and face bloody. Bucky gets up with no problem and kicks Steve off the edge of the carrier.

Sam runs to fly and catch him but Bucky grabs Sam's wing with his now distorted metal hand and throws him back. Nadia rushes back to put the chip in but see's Sam falling and puts a portal between him and the roof, "Thanks, kid." Nadia nods and something blue catches her eye.

"Cap, this might feel weird!" She yells and makes a portal.

"Let go!" He lands next to her uneasily.

"Woah–" Steve notices Bucky standing behind the two of them. "People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen." Nadia is struck with confusion, Steve knowing this man makes no sense. "Don't make me do this..." Steve sighs and throws his shield at Bucky. "Get the chip in!" Steve yells but when Nadia turns around its gone.

"It's gone Cap," She sounds defeated.

"Find it!" She begins looking around frantically and spots it on the bottom of the carrier, dangerously close to the hole in the glass. She flies down with ease and lands softly next to the chip. But as soon as she's reaching for it, she's falling and grabs a pole before she falls to her death. Bucky stabs Steve in the shoulder and grabs the chip.

But Steve pulls the knife out and throws Bucky down. Captain pulls Bucky into an armlock and squeezes. "Drop it! Drop it!" When Bucky doesn't drop the chip he breaks his arm and chokes him till he passes out. Bucky's limp hand drops the chip as he runs to finish this.

"One minute," Maria Hill reminds them of their time limit.

"Where's Nadia?!" Steve yells as he climbs up to the targeting system.

"I'm okay! I'm on the roof waiting to send these things into the water! Unless you need help?" Steve yells no as Bucky wakes up again. Bucky begins to shoot at Steve. He manages to hit Steve in the thigh and shoulder, but Steve keeps climbing.

"Thirty seconds, Cap!" Nadia hears this and opens the portals needed. She draws from the building and sends it through her mind and into Steve's, he doesn't notice the sudden burst of energy but it helps him get the chip out,

"Charlie–" Bucky shoots Steve in the stomach which causes him to fall.

Steve coughs and forces himself to get up and put the chip in, "Charlie locked." He states and the targets disappear,

"Alright Cap, get out of there!" Maria Hill makes the carriers targets themselves.

"Fire now," Steve says and Nadia looks up at the carrier.

"I can get you out!" She yells as Steve shouts at Maria to do it. She makes the carriers open fire on each other witch Bucky and Steve inside.

"Please, tell me you got that chopper in the air!" Sam yells as Nadia moves the portals to catch the falling helicarriers.

"Sam, where are you?" Natasha says into the earpiece as Nadia is searching frantically for Steve.

"Forty-first floor, north-west corner!" He sounds winded and is breathing heavy as a helicarrier begins destroying the building.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't expecting them to move around like this!" Nadia shouts as she starts taking piece by piece of the carrier, but not fast enough as Sam leaps from the building and into the helicopter.

"Forty-first floor! Forty-first!" Sam shouts at Fury and Natasha as he nearly falls out of the helicopter.

"It's not like they put the damn floor numbers on the outside of the building!" Fury shouts back.

"Nadia, you gotta go!" Nadia looks to the side and sees blue.

"Hill, where's Steve?" Natasha asks as Nadia runs toward the edge and jumps, sustaining the portals and herself. She opens one below her that opened at the ground. She hops through and rolls on the ground.

"Where did you go!?" Natasha screams with worry when she's lost sight of the teen.

"Looking for Steve, wait for me." Nadia begins scouting the area.

"Then finish it." Steve spits out at Bucky and The Winter Soldier hesitates. It wasn't the first time he's ever hesitated but this time it was different, "Cause I'm with you to the end of the line," Steve's face is bloody as Bucky's eyes gloss over. But the helicarrier keeps falling, shooting Steve into the water. Nadia climbs up a tree for a better view and sees The Winter Soldier... dragging something out of the water.

His eyes meet hers, he can feel her trying to read his mind. He doesn't say a word as he walks away and Nadia sees he was dragging an unconscious Steve out of the water. She runs over to him and waits for Bucky to be out of sight. "Nat, I found him onshore," Nadia speaks fast as she begins compressions.


"What is your full name?" I shrug,

"Nadia Oakley." My voice wavers and the pin shoots up.

"Here's the truth, the full truth. One night, I was doing what I always did, shooting birds in Hell's Kitchen. Minding my own business until I saw an empty Iron Man suit watching me, so naturally, I shot it." I shrug once again and cut the man off before he can even breathe a word.

"Then a couple of days later Black Widow and Hawkeye kidnap me, well, I consented because they helped me escape. But, Tony Stark thought I might be a threat so he wanted to know if I was. I escaped then Captain America got me. Next thing I know I'm in Sokovia fighting a fucking robot. We beat the robot then I go on a vacation, location doesn't matter to you." I point at the table and take a deep breath.

"I find out my dad isn't even my dad, which he never was but that's a different story. I find my peace with him, he was an absentee father, you get the gist. We find peace, oh! I forgot to mention I got these powers right? You see my eyes, they glow and I can see in the dark. I got these powers that let me melt metal, fly, and protect myself. I don't know where the hell they came fro–" The man is beat red as he cuts me off.

"How the hell does all of this fit into the question I just asked you?" I smirk before answering.

"The pin shot up because my name isn't Nadia Oakley, nor Nadyezhda, hell it isn't even Nadia Roads." I pause and look the man in the eyes as I put my finger on the lie detector. "My name. My name is Nocturnus." The pin is steady, showing I wasn't lying.

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