(34) - Falling and Flying

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I scramble off my ass and see the jetpack, all I need to do it send it back. That's it. It's simple, easy peasy. I grab it and imagine it being teleported back to Steve and Sam. I imagine the homely kitchen and the sun shining through the window. My eyes are squeezed shut as I send the bag back to them.

When I open my eyes they're gone. "Got the wings, now come back, Nadia," Steve says in the earpiece.

"I'm workin' on it Cap, teleportation isn't that easy," I look around and search for something to draw from. I see a necklace and it's glowing purple. I grab it and whisper the simple spell Frigga taught me.

"Relinqueret, in domum tuam, ne fias meae. Relinqueret, in domum tuam, ne fias meae. Relinqueret, in domum tuam, ne fias meae." (Leave behind your home, and become my own.) The necklace melts into my skin and I feel a sudden surge of energy.

"Nadia, you have ten seconds!" I close my eyes and imagine the kitchen again.

When I open them I'm tripping into Steve. He helps me stand up straight again. I gasp for air, "Oh my god!" I can't breathe, I rip off my mask and try to get some air.

"Hey, look at me, Nadia, look at me, you're okay. Just focus on breathing," I nod frantically as he stares at my face, worry on his own. I keep gasping but as he talks me through it I can feel the air fill my lungs.

I close my eyes and hug him once my breathing is decent. "Thank you," Steve pats my back as my eyes droop a bit.


I wake up in a car, my headache is gone. But my chest burns. I see something falling from the sky and I push myself against the window, a man in a suit is plummeting before Sam in the jetpack grabs him. Flying the man up to the top of the parking garage, I push the car door open and stumble out, and begin the run to the top.

The run-up is stopped short as Steve, Sam, Natasha, and a suit stop me. "I just ran up three flights! For nothing?" I groan as Natasha nods.

"Let's get going kid," I sigh as I join them for the walk back down. Once we reach the bottom Sam and Steve get in the front seats as Nat and I put the man in the middle.

"Don't you think that Nat should be driving and you two should be back here?"

Sam shakes his head, "Nope." I sigh and Nat smirks at me.

"So who is this chump?" I ask addressing everyone in the vehicle. Except for the suit.

"Jasper Sitwell, one of HYDRA's lapdogs," Natasha explains briefly and I nod.

"So what's the story behind this HYDRA thing?" I question trying to get caught up.

"S.H.I.E.L.D is basically HYDRA in disguise." Huh, well isn't that dandy. Nick's dead, S.H.I.E.L.D is compromised, my dad is MIA...

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks." The man between Nat and I speaks up, Sam smiles in the mirror sarcastically.

I elbow him in the ribs and he groans, "So why don't you try sticking a cork in it." Sam suggests.

"Maybe HYDRA is like Spongebob, you fill one hole another opens..." What started off as a joke became something serious.

"Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." Zola's voice chimes in its heavy accent.

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here." Natasha's voice is clipped and full of worry.

I lean forward, "We can use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly," Steve replies.

"What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea." Sitwell pants,

I smirk as an idea comes to mind, "What? Does that not sit well with you?" I ask with a sadistic smile and Sam actually chuckles.

Steve sends him a pointed look and Sam shrugs, "What? It was a pretty good joke," He defends when a loud thump sounds. I look up, the roof is caved in and a hand reaches through the roof for Sitwell. I grab at his legs but he's thrown to the side like a rag doll.

Natasha jumps into the passenger seat, onto Steve's lap, leaving me in the back.

Sam accelerates then suddenly we jerk to a stop, Nat's eyes meet my own. Both of our eyes are wide, except in her's I see genuine fear. Me? I'm confused as to who or what can do that. The man on the roof is thrown to the ground from the sheer force of the hasty halt. He has long brown hair, a mask covering the lower half of his face.

The weirdest thing about him is his arm... or lack thereof. In place of his left arm is a metal one. A car crashes into my side and throws me into the other side of the car. In the same moment, the steering wheel is suddenly gone. I can hear my heart beating in my ears as I imagine the man being stabbed in the back, "Shit!" The man's voice is low. Sam breaks my concentration as I take in a deep breath, Natasha begins shooting at the man in the mask but he jumps onto a car behind us.

He begins pulling us off the road, "Think you could do that teleport thing?"

I nod, "Just me though, never did it with another person." Steve nods and points, I look and see an opening. "Be safe guys," I close my eyes and clamp my arms around my knees and with a whoosh I see I've made it.

I watch as the three of them slide on the car door down the street. I also notice HYDRA agents join the man. Steve and Sam scatter as Natasha shoots the man's mask off, I strain to look at his face. A bullet lands beside me and I yelp. I'm wearing my suit! How did I forget? I grab my sticks and whip it at the agents and manage to take a few down, "Go, we got this!" Sam tells Captain and Steve runs after the man and Nat.

I kick a man on his chest and dodge a punch, the purple shatters his hand and I use it to my advantage. I throw a couple over before I hear an explosion and look frantically for Nat. A man punches me and I laugh, "Really?" I place a hand on his forehead and the purple invades his body, he falls to the ground flailing around like a fish. Time to try this again, I put my hands on either side of my body and push off the ground.

I hover over the bridge before trusting the purple. It wouldn't let me die... right?

"Of course not," I freeze when the scratchy voice invades my mind and fall to the ground with an 'oof'. The air is knocked out of me and I gasp for it, I just fell like thirty feet.

"Sam," I try to yell but the lack of air disables my voice. Something hits my head and my vision dots with blackness.

"Hey, Nadia. You really should have listened to me..." Is the last thing I hear before I doze off.

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