(37) - Portals and Punches

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"I have to what?!" I shake my head, "It won't work, my magic isn't something I just have, it's a muscle and if I strain it too much; I pull it and a pulled muscle is a useless muscle."

Steve sighs and rubs his chin. "The helicarriers are going to come down crashing no matter what, you're the only one who can do something." I nod and an idea comes to mind but I stop myself from voicing it.

"What is it?" Natasha asks and I roll my eyes. "I can melt them... but that could cause the hot metal to hit the ground... and I've only melted metal during Ultron... where are Wanda and Alina?" Maria Hill's eyes light up.

"Wait, that could work if you could push the melted carriers over top the water no one would get hurt." Steve nods with a determined smile.

"Oh how I love water pollution, just give me a few minutes to think about it okay?" Steve pats my shoulder.

"I know you'll figure it out, we're counting on you, Nadia." I turn away from them and begin walking down the long hallway we walked down on our way in. My neck still hurts from the damn collar and I'm still a bit jumpy. I hold out my hand flat and imagine the magic book appearing in it, with a thump, in my hand lands the book.

I smile at my capabilities and begin sifting through the pages.


Bodily - All about transporting yourself
Objects - All about transporting objects
Person's - All about transporting others
Other - All about transportation etc.

I open the 'Objects' page.

"If one is strong enough they are capable of transporting as big of an object as they want; if they are not capable of teleporting the entire object they may teleport parts of that object and get the rest at a later date.

Beware of using this technique, you may not be able to put the object back together."

Well, that isn't helpful. I turn to the 'Other' page.

"Portals are a variation of teleportation. It is easier as you're able to see the destination, but much more difficult because you must hold the portal both big enough and long enough for the person and/or object to pass completely through."

I never even thought of portals... it would be so much easier. I quickly read the directions and begin practicing. "We need to go soon, Nadia." Natasha's voice sounds in my ear and I nod.

"I think I figured it out, just gotta see if I can do it. Where are you?" I ask as I open a tiny portal, big enough for my hand.

"The room where Nick was," I turn off the earpiece.

Imagining the very room I found out Nick Fury was still alive was easy, I make a small circle with my hand and the portal opens. When I look through I see everyone standing around, I snap my fingers through the portal and they all look toward me. I widen the portal, "Well, I'll be damned," I make it just wide enough for me to climb through.

"I figured it out," I smile and collapse the portal.

"Let's go get this son of a bitch," Steve states sternly and I salute him with a smile.


I stand beside Sam with balls of purple in each hand, the mist is cooperating for once. "That purple stuff is hot," Sam complains and I roll my eyes at him as the door opens. Both Sam and Maria have their guns pointed but the man only sees me. I nod my head toward the inside.

"Excuse us," Steve states and the man frantically nods with his hands up in surrender.

I follow them inside the room and Steve walks over to the microphone, he clicks the button and begins speaking. "Is there any way to be less inconspicuous?" Sam nods but just shrugs.

"Attention, all S.H.I.E.L.D agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down." He takes a deep breath before continuing.

"But I think it's time you know the truth. S.H.I.E.L.D is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control." Jesus, this man is a poet for good speeches.

"They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not." Sam smiles at Captain as do I.

"Was that off the top of your head? Or did you rehearse it?" Steve shakes his head at Sam.

"Sam's right, that was one hell of a speech Cap," I pat his shoulder and look around the room.

Steve stops my little glance around short, "We gotta go, Sam, you and Nadia get the first and second carrier, I've got the last one." I nod as he hands me the chip.

I begin walking the other way, "Oh, and Nadia?" I turn around so he can continue, "Be careful." He says seriously and I roll my eyes as Sam flies away.

"What about me Cap?" He jokes and I look at the photo of the carrier and hold that in my hand to make teleportation easier.

"They're initiating the launch," Maria announces as I make my way to the targeting board quietly.

I'm like ninety percent sure nobody knows I'm in here but you can never be too careful. I quickly cast an illusion around me so it just looks like the room it's supposed to and get to work. "Falcon, status?" Maria asks,

"Engaging." A second later he says he's in.

"Nocturnus, status?" She questions me.

"I'm in, working on getting this thing open," I explain while trying to pry the board open so I can put in the chip.

"Eight minutes, Cap." I hear a few grunts before I'm thrown into the railing.

"Working on it," Steve states and I look up to see the man from the street. I push the button on my glasses and my mask covers my face.

"Really?" I ask and stand up, the man runs at me and I use my mist to push him back before shooting him with small purple darts.

These don't deter his advancement as he throws a punch at my face, I see he has a metal arm and smirk as I heat up my hand with the purple. But this doesn't stop him as he knees me in the gut and I hit him with my open hand on the side of the head. He doesn't budge as he kicks me back on the ground. I wheeze a little.

"Alpha locked." Steve's voice brings me back to reality as the man picks me up and throws me on the bottom of the carrier, onto the glass.

He jumps down as I focus my energy elsewhere. "Falcon, where are you now?" Maria questions as I stand up again with a smirk. Even though he can't see it I grab my sticks and activate the charges.

"Had to take a detour!" Falcon yells right in my ear and distracts me as the man begins to shoot at me. I teleport back onto the railing and throw a stick right to his metal arm and it zaps him. I run over to the board and shove the chip in and begin pushing it but a hard flick confuses me.

He just shot me! "Bravo locked," Sam states as I gather a ball of purple and throw it at him, it misses.

"Nocturnus?" I hardly even pay attention to her.

"Almost done, some guy with a metal arm is in my way though. I'm taking him down." I jump back down. "You're so going down one punch man," I smile at my pun.

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