(25) - Praises and Playing

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"Nadia, you have proven yourself to be a very useful and strong fighter. Asgard will surely miss you when you return to Midgard." Sif has her hands clasped together in front of her waist.

"Thank you, your approval means more than you'll ever know." She smiles sweetly.

"You remind me of me when I was young, maybe that's why I have taken a liking to you." I nudge her shoulder with my own and wince when I do so. I don't remember Arne getting me, but then again I was thrown into a wall.

"Are you alright?" Sif turns and I nod.

"I think so," I sit on the nearby bench and begin to unzip the suit. When the fabric brushes my shoulder I cringe.

"That is one big bruise, let's get you to a healer." I allow her to lead me to the healing room.

When we enter I see Arne laying unconscious on the bed. I have been in here many times during my stay. One time I nearly broke my neck and was in here for almost three weeks. "Look who's back." Hera teases and I shake my head at her.

"She appears to have bruised her shoulder, but we don't know the extent of her injuries," Sif explains before saying goodbye. Hera leads me into the bathing room so I can change into something looser. When she exits I teleport my things into my room so they don't get lost.

"That is a rather large bruise..." Hera murmurs while rubbing some weird lather on my aching shoulder and back. My face is on the bed as I lay on my stomach.

"I was thrown into a wall, mind you." She chuckles and I see her nod.

"Arne had to be carried here, where did you learn to do that?" She asks and I shrug.

I instantly regret it as pain shoots through my arm. "When I was on Midgard they just appeared, I have no idea how I have these powers..." The pain begins to subside quickly.

"You should be good now." She helps me up.

"Thank you, Hera. Now take a break, enjoy the night." She laughs sarcastically.

"I've been assigned to take care of Arne, I won't be enjoying the night." I wave goodbye and lift up the bottom of the dress. I walk back to my chambers with the intent of visiting Loki again. But, I would have to make an appearance in the dining hall to avoid suspicion first.

I change into one of my nicest dresses. Frigga had me fitted for a dress a couple of days ago and it's beautiful. I brought a calendar with me so I don't lose track of time and I'm leaving in a few months or less. The dress is a deep emerald suede.

The sides had a silky fabric that fanned out it was light green with a gold pattern. The front of the bodice had a ribbon that made it look like a corset and it functioned as one. The sleeves reached my wrists and the silky fabric went past my hands. The dress was both class and comfort in one.

I pulled the necklace from my suit and put it on, I see a crown thing on my nightstand. A folded sheet of paper sat beside it as I grabbed the paper. On the rather thick paper written in nice handwriting was a note.

" Every warrior princess deserves a crown, my youngest son aided me in the choice. I hope you like it.

- Frigga "

Her youngest son? Loki did not help her pick something out for someone besides himself. That man is probably one of the more selfish people I have met. I have had a total of two interactions with him but each wasn't relatively pleasant.

I pick up the headband looking thing and admire the intricate design. It's majorly plain but there is a single emerald in the middle of the golden metal. It's just a matter of time before people think I'm evil... villains always choose green for their colors.

Green Goblin from that one movie, Loki, that chick from Kim Possible, and... I can't think of anyone else.

I slide it on my head and it creepily fits perfectly. The dress makes sense since I had it fitted...but did they come in at night and measure my head? I see the paper begin to burn and push it on the floor away from anything flammable. When it's done burning there are no ashes, no evidence of the note.

Makes sense I guess, since it mentioned Loki. I slide my daggers into the slots on my thighs and begin to walk to the dining hall. The women who pass me all give me a smile and I finally feel respected. Like beating Arne has shown them I'm not just some weak Midgardian.

I walk through the threshold and before I can even take a step in, I'm on Volstagg and Thor's shoulders. "Lady Nadia!" Thor and Volstagg begin chanting and the entire hall joins in, minus a few people here and there as they basically toss me around in the air.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down!" I yell and they carry me to their table.

"You did wonderfully!" Volstagg shouts as they set me down.

"Nadia! I wasn't expecting such power! I saw what you did during the battle of Ultron but this was completely different!" Thor congratulates me and I smile widely.

I don't necessarily like all this attention but it's from people I care about. "Thank you, thank you," I mumble and I sit in an open seat.

"Here!" A glass of beer is sat in front of me.

"No thank you." I decline.

Thor shakes his head, "At least give it a try! Every warrior drinks mead!" I roll my eyes and grab the glass...why am I doing this again?

"Thor, if she wishes not to drink. She doesn't have to drink..." Sif places a hand on his forearm,

"She's a growing girl!" He defends as I smell it... ew... I know what wine coolers taste like but I am pretty sure this is far from a 'frootie tootie'...

Matt let me try one, I miss him... it's been forever since I've spoken to any of my fellow Earthlings and honestly, I miss the internet. I take a deep breath and chug the mead, might as well drink it all so Thor doesn't give me more. I'm well aware of the praise from Thor and Volstagg as I slam the glass down while slightly gagging.

It was okay... I don't want anymore but it was worth the try. "How was it?!" Thor asks eagerly, his iconic smile on his... two faces? I open my mouth to speak but a small burp interrupts me and I giggle.

"It was," I burp again. "It was alright... but why are there two of you?" My voice sounds cloudy.

That is strong!

"Thor! Now she's drunk, I'll take her to bed." I hear Sif scold Thor as I lay my head on the table with a smile.

"No! No, it's fine! I am fine!" I sound not so sure.


"So! What you're saying is, you left Earth to look for these Infinity Stone things?" Nadia is nearly shouting as she talks to Thor across the table.

"Yes, I had a vision of the world ending and at the center sat six stones." She nods and shoves some cheese in her mouth.

"Have you ever noticed how good this food is? Oh my god..." She gushes and Volstagg nods in agreement.

"Lady Nadia is a woman of taste." Volstagg compliments and Nadia gives him a lopsided smile, "I still see like... th... three of everything," She laughs and Fandral shakes his head.

"I agree with Sif on this, I believe she should go to sleep now. She is only Midgard-" His words are halted as a purple mist surrounds him, Nadia lifts him in the air and he begins yelling. "Put me down! Right now!" She nods and drops him on the floor with a thud, Thor and Volstagg burst out laughing while Sif goes to help Fandral.

"What? He said put him down." Nadia says in a defensive tone.

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