(50) - Shooting and Shrinking

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When Peter saves Rhodey, he notices that Nadia's falling from the sky and swings toward her. "As much as I know you wanna save her, Pete. Don't! She is their strongest memb–" Tony gives up midsentence because Peter has already caught her.

Iron Man kicks Falcon off of him and begins chasing after Sam in the sky. Tony dodges Scott's attempt to hit him with the wing of the plane he just ripped off. "If anyone on our side has any shocking or amazing abilities they would like to reveal, I am open to any suggestions." Sam shoots Red Wing at Tony and cracks his helmet.

Scott, still enormous blocks T'Challa's path to stop Steve and Bucky.

He sweeps his foot through the crates that T'Challa stood on. Just as he swept his foot through them, War Machine began shooting mini-missiles at the giant Scott. Attached to the back of War Machine flies Spider-Man, Peter begins shooting webs at Scott and aims for Scott's arms.

As War Machine and Peter attack Scott, Clint shoots arrows at Black Panther but to no avail.

When Rhodey begins chasing after Bucky and Steve's retreating figures. Nadia began waking up, writhing in pain on the pavement. She rubs her hands on her face and takes short speedy breaths as her heart beats rapidly. She sits up slowly to see that Scott's foot is making its way to land on her.

Wanda pushes her out of the way with the red mist. Nadia makes her hand into a thumbs up and Wanda smirks.

Just as War Machine tries to avoid Scott's foot, Wanda begins throwing cars at him. Peter lands on Scott's arm and distracts Scott from Vision's approaching figure. Scott trips into a plane and Vision spots Bucky and Steve running away toward the hanger.

T'Challa cuts Clint's bow in half and Vision phases through Scott. "Something just flew in me!" Scott yells in fear. Vision shoots the Mind Stone's power beam at a control tower and as it begins crashing into the floor, Nadia's purple mist catches it.

She cries out in pain and Wanda helps her but War Machine fires a sonic disruptor at her. She releases her hold on the tower. Nadia roars in anger and throws it out of the way. When Steve and Bucky finally reach the hanger, Nadia begins running for it. Persephone stops in front of Nadia and Nadia jumps on her back.

Persephone pushes herself and Nadia holds onto her fur tightly. Seph skids to a stop when Natasha Romanoff waits for Bucky and Steve. She has her arm up with her fist closed, "You aren't going to stop." Steve shakes his head.

"You know I can't." Natasha nods.

She sighs loudly, "I am so going to regret this." She shoots a Widow's Bite at T'Challa's approaching figure and he falls to the ground in pain. Nadia hops off of Persephone and limps over to Steve.

She coughs loudly before speaking, "I don't think I can go, Cap." She coughs again and this time blood comes out. Nadia's dry laugh makes Steve frown. "I think I'm done for, just do one thing for me..." He nods and she motions for him to come closer. "Just please, no matter what he does; forgive him." Steve's jaw tightens as he agrees silently.

"Be careful with her," Bucky says to Natasha and she gives him a thumbs up.

Persephone sniffs at Nadia before following Bucky and Steve. "No, she is not coming on the jet." Bucky rolls his eyes.

"She won't do anything, isn't that right?" The wolf nods as they run for the jet. Natasha catches Nadia as she faints. Natasha sets Nadia down and goes after T'Challa. She keeps him occupied while they shoot at the debris to leave the hanger. T'Challa jumps over her and grabs at the Quin Jet's landing gear.

When the tires go inside of the jet, he falls to the ground. Natasha rushes back over to Nadia, who is lying on the ground in a heap. Nadia's body looks uncomfortable as Nat hauls Nadia into her arms and carries her out of the hanger. "Hey, you guys ever see that really old movie? Empire Strikes Back?" Peter asks while sliding along the top of a plane.

Scott swipes his hand after him but Peter avoids him.

"Jesus, Tony, how old is this guy?" Rhodey complains and Tony sighs loudly over their comms.

He shrugs as he fires at Scott, "Didn't carbon date him... he's on the young side." Pete swings his body toward Scott and tilts his head to the side.

"When they're with those walking thingies, on the snow planet?" As he says this, he begins swinging around Scott's legs.

Tony's head snaps to see what Peter is doing. "Wait, I think he's on to something." Rhodey nods as Iron Man and War Machine, shoot at Scott's head. Peter swings faster and faster, webbing Scott's legs up.

"Yes! That was awesome!" Peter exclaims as Scott falls over and knocks Peter flying into the air. Scott slams on his back and shrinks down to his regular size, he removes the face-plate of his helmet and groans.

"Does anyone have any apple slices?" He groans again, "And maybe some peanut butter... not smooth though." Scott falls limp due to using too much energy to distract Tony's team. Tony flies over to the limp Peter and clicks the button on his helmet to open it up.

"Hey, kid, you alright?" Peter jumps in defense and Tony holds his hands up. "It's okay, same side. It's me." Peter sighs in relief before smiling weakly. He's got blood dripping from a cut on his forehead.

Tony pats his shoulder, "That was scary." Peter mumbles and Tony nods.

"Yea, you're done, okay?" Peter's smile falls, he didn't understand why Tony was sidelining him now.

"What? No!" His exclamation makes Tony shakes his head.

"No, you did a good job so stay down!" Tony begins walking away and Peter tries to jump up. Tony turns around again, "Stay down or I'll call Aunt May, you are done!" Peter shakes his head no.

He reaches out for Mr. Stark. "Wait– Mr. Stark! Please, I'm not done," Tony's flying now as Peter slumps down due to exhaustion. "I'm– I'm done." He says quietly.

Tony flies over to the hanger where Natasha shoots at War Machine. "What are you doing! Wrong side, idiot!" Tony yells at her and she ignores him.

"Said I'd help find him, not catch him!" She yells as she hits War Machine with one of the bullets. As the Quin Jet finally flies out of sight.

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