(48) - Hovering and Hoping

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I follow beside Bucky and Sam as Persephone walks toward the left. "I'm gonna go and..." Bucky nods toward her, clearly understanding what she meant. What did she mean?

"She's gonna turn into the wolf," Bucky answers as if that's something normal for a woman to just turn into a wolf. I nod my head and cough into my hand. I really hope I'm not getting a cold because that would suck.

Sam smirks, "We found it. The jet's in hanger five, north runway." He's radioing Steve and I grab my fighting sticks. Sam gives me a look, "I know damn well you are not about to fight with some sticks, use those purple sparkles!" He scolds.

I roll my eyes as I shove my sticks back into my pants. "Fine, just know that when my powers most likely malfunction; it's on you." Sam scoffs at me. I shake my head at him and rub my gloved hands together to "warm them up." I hear something land on the glass and look to the left. "Peter?" I ask out loud.

The blue and red spider suit confuses me as Bucky and Sam begin walking faster. "What the hell is that?" Bucky exclaims while staring at Peter in his Spider-Man suit.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now." Sam sighs loudly.

Just as Sam finishes his sentence the sound of glass breaking startles me as a Peter kicks me in the stomach. I cough and then sneeze. What is going on? I jump up as fast as I can and Peter falters, "Nadia? Is that you?!" His voice is higher than it normally is. "Oh my god!" He yells and hugs me. I mumble that I'm sorry and attach a widow's bite onto his neck.

Peter begins shaking and Bucky throws a punch at Peter, he catches Bucky's arm and gasps. "You guys seem to have him under control, see ya!" I throw a ball of mist at the glass and a hole forms in the glass, pushing myself at the hole I fly through with ease. I see Tony flying above the ground and land on the ground lightly.

I run my hands down my face and take a deep breath. The deep breath is cut off as I'm thrown into the air. "Finally!" I flinch when Wanda speaks in my head, "Come on, Nadia... we have work to do." I nod to myself and jump into the air for a boost and begin flying over to Clint and Wanda. I land by slowing down enough to walk over to them.

Tony's eyes snap to mine in an instant and I can see the pain in them. "Hey, Tony," I say and try to ignore the tears that are coming up, he seems to shake his head as to clear it as he looks at Wanda.

"I think you hurt Vision's feelings." He says sarcastically and Wanda rolls her eyes, she lifts her head to look at him as I notice the red forming around her fingers.

"And you locked me in my room." Tony scoffs at Wanda.

Wanda's hand touches my wrist and I see her plan as bright as day in my head. I nod reluctantly. "What if he gets hurt?" I think and she tells me she'll make sure he didn't. I hope nobody gets hurt, it would be even harder to rebuild our team if someone did.

Tony looks to Clint, "I did it to protect you, hey, Clint." Clint nods and Tony does too. What is up with men nodding to one another when they see each other? "You get tired of shooting golf?" He asks Clint and he shrugs, lifting his bow.

"Played eighteen and shot eighteen... just can't seem to miss." Clint shoots an arrow toward Tony and he dodges it. Tony's face looks perplexed.

"Well, I guess there's a first time for everything." I close my eyes briefly as I throw an illusion of myself into the parking garage. I push the purple out as far as I can while Wanda begins breaking the walls. When Wanda crumbles the walls down to dust I throw my arms forward and with them, the cars.

When the first car falls the sound startles me back into my body, Wanda catches my stumbling body. "Thanks." I push her off of me and give her a reassuring smile. As the cars crash into Tony, he tries to dodge them but Wanda and I force them to hit him. With every hit, I feel even worse. I remember how he made the collars and how he didn't help me.

This makes me mad as I throw a truck right at him, he's thrown into the wall before he falls on the ground and Wanda covers him in cars. "Everyone move!" Captain yells over the comms and I begin running. I don't want to push myself with all the flying.

Clint begins sprinting alongside Wanda and I. He spots the jet, "There's our ride." Wanda lags behind as Captain dashes in front of us, Scott falls in beside me, Sam and Bucky fall in as well. I push myself to run faster and begin running right beside Captain.

"Come on!" Steve yells at us as we run even faster than before. Suddenly a bright yellow stream of light begins slicing through the concrete. Cap and I stop so fast that we all run into each other. Vision is hovering above us, his face is grim and I know Wanda's staring intently at the ground.

Vision's cape flaps in the slight wind, "Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right but for the collective good, surrender now." He announces in his formal voice. I squeeze my fists and wonder if I can do that to the ground... directly in front of us Tony, with Natasha dropping from his arm.

Rhodey carries in T'Challa as Peter swings in with his webs. We all form a wide line with Persephone in wolf form beside Bucky. Captain and I stand in the center and the eight of us, face the six of them. Vision slowly descends and lands on the ground without a sound. I tighten my jaw with worry.

"What are we gonna do, Cap?" I ask without moving my eyes from Tony's team. Steve takes a deep breath.

"We fight," Natasha mumbles something under her breath and I begin walking, everyone follows. I slow my walk and allow them to get further ahead.

As we keep getting closer, I can sense the worry between all of us. "They aren't stopping!" Peter yells and Suddenly we're running again. I throw myself into the air, just as Steve blocks a punch that Tony throws, the fight truly begins.

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