(24) - Food and Fighting

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Volstagg graciously brought me some food... but he ate most of it on the way to my chambers. But I thanked him nonetheless. The cheese, bread, and meat that made it was still delicious. Sif told me not to eat too much in case I would vomit and I listened.

I had to redo the eye spell and almost took an eye out. I would have looked like Odin... I'm wearing my Midgardian armor since it is stronger than the breastplate I was given. Hera pulls my hair into a ponytail and braids it.

I zip up my suit after situating the inner plate. I put it in there just in case, I'm confident but I don't know what will happen. My daggers and sticks are on my side and I grab the shield Sif gave me, I set it back down since I know I won't need it. Fandral wanted to give me one of his many swords but I told him I didn't use big weapons.

He was a little disappointed but agreed. Thor even offered Mjolnir since I moved it before everyone else was confused but he told them what happened. That made Sif smile, "I'm surprised Thor wasn't offended." She said and Thor gave her a glare.

"Is that all Nadia?" I nod and Hera leaves my chambers. I get my mask and debate whether or not I would wear it...

"I probably should..." I mumble to myself.

"Do you always talk to yourself?" I scream and my dagger is in the wall beside his head.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" I screech and throw something at him, it's an illusion. "I could have sworn that cell blocked your magical abilities."

He nods, "As did I, but you cannot keep the God of Mischief caged forever." I eye him meticulously.

"Why did you come here of all places?" I ask rather casually as I pry my dagger from the wall, he watches me as I do it.

"You're interesting."

I scoff, "That's what all the guys say before they try to use a melon baller to take out my eyes." Loki's eyes widen at my words.

"Oh, I've been meaning to ask. When I came to visit what did you say when I left?" I question as I push the emerald necklace inside my inner pocket. I want Spidey with me, I miss my Midgardian friends. Mostly Nat and Tony...

"Maybe you should have stayed, mortal." He spits and I shake my head.

"And here I thought we were getting closer..." I feign pain and attach my bow and quiver to my back.

"As if I would befriend a mortal." His voice is venomous and I wince.

"You are a piece of work, my friend, bye now." I put an emphasis on 'friend' as I smile and wave bye.

"You will not walk away from me!" I shut the door effortlessly and begin making my way to the pit.

"Hello, Nadia!" Thor claps me on the back and I trip forward a bit.

"Come on man, I told you, you can't do that!" He laughs as Sif appears on my other side.

"How do you guys do that?" I ask as I carry my mask in hand.

"Why aren't you wearing the armor I gave you?" Sif sounds neutral, she might be offended.

"I'm wearing the inner plate but I can't move as I need to in that breastplate... plus... this stuff is really strong." She responds with a curt nod.

"I wish you the best of luck, even though I am sure you do not need it." Thor says quietly.

"As do I, I am sure of your abilities. Especially since you have been permitted to use your magic." Sif doesn't know of my weird purple abilities but Thor does, he has a glint of knowing in his eyes.

"You are going to do great Lady Nadia." Say Fandral as we enter the pits.

Volstagg makes his way over and stands tall in front of me, "You shall make us look good tonight? Yes?"

I nod and smile, "Always Volstagg, you owe me dinner if I win!" I yell and he chortles loudly.

"Of course, of course!"

"You have my best wishes Lady Nadia." Hogun hasn't really spoken to me much but whenever he does it's something nice.

"Thank you." The Warriors Three, Sif, and Thor all make their way to their respective seats as I walk down the steps. Arne is already inside as I lock my eyes with Frigga's.

She sends me a smile and I return in, she has always been so kind to me...

The sound of Odin's scepter booms through the roofless room. It's almost like those fighting cages in How to Train a Dragon. "You may be seated!" His loud voice startles me a bit as I stare up at Arne. He is much bigger than I and I know just how to win this.

"We have gathered here to witness the battle between one and a half star warrior Arne Harson and no star trainee Nadia of Midgard. If Nadia prevails she shall receive her one-star ranking, however, if she does not; Lady Sif shall decide her punishment. Whoever has their weapon to the other's neck first will be the winner. You may begin!" The crowd booms immediately as I slide my mask on quickly.

I have my sticks connected into one big spear almost. I click the button and on each end, a blade shoots out and I smile. I really have to thank Tony for this... My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Arne charging at me, he's wasting so much energy. "I am going to crush you like a bug, Midgardian!"

I laugh and hold his ax in place with my now spear. His eyes are wide at how much strength I garner. I push him back and roll to the other side and block him again. He's trying to kill me! I conjure some mist and block his eyes temporarily. Frigga taught me simple defensive spells while I have been teaching myself offensive magic. It's flawed but better than nothing.

"And I'm going to make this pit red with your blood." I spit out and suddenly I'm flying, more or so shooting in the air. I hit the wall with an 'oof' and fall on the ground. I rip off my mask to breathe and I can feel the vibration of his steps as he runs toward my limp body. I cringe when I hear the ax whoosh in the air.

But the blow never comes. I open my eyes and see there is a translucent purple wall between us. It reminds me of the golden wall that's holding Loki inside. The wall is holding his ax in place as he tries to pull it away but it won't budge. I stand up and teleport my spear to me and stab him in the foot.

"That was for throwing me!" I scream out and I am sure I look crazy. I jump in the air and kick his head, it whips to the side as he stumbles. Arne regains his balance almost immediately and begins throwing punches, I hold his fist with the purple mist and squeeze. His cry of pain makes me smirk.

I hear the bones crack and push my palm against his chest and he flies back. I then realize I'm in the air, for how long though? I ignore it as I mimic Tony's Iron Man pose and fly over to Arne's now limp body, I lower my hands and the purple follows my lead. I scoop him up in my mist and throw him in the air, he lands with a clear 'oomph' and the entire arena is silent.

I drop to the ground and walk over to his body, he's still breathing but I know he's got quite a few broken bones. I straddle his waist and hold my dagger to his neck. An uproar sounds from what I believe to be Thor. "Yes! Lady Nadia! That is my friend!" He yells and I laugh as Odin's scepter silences the room.

"Lady Nadia prevails! She shall receive her ranking tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of the night." Thor flies into the pit and lifts me in the air.

"You did wonderfully! Who knew you had such power!" I shrug and he flies us to the Warriors Three and Sif.

"Amazing! Truly amazing!" Volstagg yells loudly with a smile on his lips. I look to Sif, seeking her approval the most.

"Nadia, when you said you had powers I was not expecting that," Fandral says and I nod.

"I didn't know I could do that if I'm being honest." They all chat loudly as Sif beckons me to go to her.

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