(33) - Stealth and Stealing

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The feeling of wetness makes me open my eyes and my head rings, ouch. Steve is leaning over me with a damp washcloth to my face. "You hit your head pretty hard." Memories of the dream in Asgard hit me like a truck and I grab my head. He rubs my back and helps me sit up.

"Where are we?" I ask and my temples ache. I take the cloth from Steve and push it on my forehead. I can feel the cut but decide against looking at it. Steve lets me lean on his side as we walk into a small kitchen. A man is standing at the counter, I see eggs, bacon, and toast. "Oh sweet mother of food, I must have died and gone to heaven." I feel my leg aching and wonder what the damage is.

The man hands me a plate of food, "I'm Sam Wilson, you are?" I stop midbite and swallow quickly.

"Nadia," I answer simply and he takes it.

"So, the question is: who in S.H.I.E.L.D could launch a domestic missile strike?" Natasha has a hand to her mouth, her voice is unsure.

"Pierce." I raise a brow as I take a gulp of orange juice. Oh god, I miss breakfast food. The eggs are sunny side up and cooked perfectly.

I haven't had breakfast food in months, nearly a year.

"He's on top of the most secure building in the world." Nat scoffs as I listen quietly while dipping the toast in the egg yolk.

"Didn't you say something about the Lema-something Star having it? The uh, algorithm thing?" I ask and Steve nods,

"Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star," He corrects my 'Lema-something Star'. "So was Jasper Sitwell." Who?

"How do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a S.H.I.E.L.D agent in broad daylight?" I raise my hand and wipe my mouth.

"If we can do it quick enough I can cast an illusion on myself... or the area... the latter is harder to do so?" Sam shakes his head.

"You don't." He drops a manila folder in front of Steve and I hop off the stool to have a look.

"What is it?" I ask.

Sam smirks, "A resume of sorts." I pick up a photo and so does Nat.

"Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you." She sounds kind of impressed, whereas I'm completely confused. "You didn't say he was a para-rescue," Nat mumbles to Steve as I look at a photo of Sam and another man.

"I heard they couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPGs. What did you use, a stealth chute?" Natasha asks casually as if talking spy business was normal.

Sam doesn't answer, he hands Steve another file and Steve raises an eyebrow, "Thought you said you were a pilot?" He emphasizes 'pilot'.

"Never said pilot," I crane my neck to see a photo of what looked to be a jetpack with wings? I scoff sarcastically,

"I can fly too." Nat's eyes meet mine. "Okay, so it only worked the one time because I was in the heat of battle–" I stop myself from explaining further. It didn't really matter, but I did indeed fly. Or hovered? I don't remember.

"Sam, I can't ask you to do this. You got out for a good reason." Steve says seriously.

"Dude, Captain America needs my help. There's no better reason to get back in." I felt that; Tony goddamn Stark needed my help! Iron Man! I never really thought just how cool it was until this exact moment.

My jaw drops, "Holy shit, I'm an Avenger–" I gasp. "Oh my god..." I push my hands on my head and cup my forehead. Holy hell...

"Told you it was gonna hit her. After the fact." Nat chuckles and sends me a smile.

"Where can we get our hands on one of these things?" Steve asks as he sets the file down, I can finally have a good gander.

"The last one is at Fort Meade, behind three guarded gates and a twelve-inch steel wall." Steve looks to Nat who shrugs, then he looks to me.

"I can probably get in. If you have pictures of the building. Better yet a floorplan, then pictures of the room?"

Sam nods, "Yea, I can do that." We begin discussing how it would all go down.


"You sure you can do this?" I nod but inside I'm feeling a bit uneasy. My magic is more predictable than the purple mist stuff because I have control over it.

But right now I need them to work together. "You got what I needed right?" Sam nods and hands me a sack. I open it, my proper suit and weapons are inside. "No one saw you?" He shakes his head.

"That illusion worked well, saw my reflection and got a little confused." He chuckles and I just nod my head slowly. "Give me ten minutes." He exits the room and I quickly change and gear up. I cast an illusion over Sam to make him look like a woman so when he went to Stark Tower he wasn't possibly recognized.

The pictures and floorplan are just what I'm hoping I need. I walk into the kitchen, "I need someone to be nearby to grab me in case I'm missing a few body parts. I'm gonna teleport the wings first. Since they're our main priority." Steve sends me a nod, Natasha was in a car about a half-mile from the base, putting all of the cameras on a loop in case someone was watching. We were just waiting for her signal.

"Go, time kids," Her voice sounds in my ear and I take one last look at the photos. Sam had them on hand so I've spent the last two hours memorizing them.

"How far is it again?" I ask just to give myself an idea of how much work this would be.

"Thirty miles give or take a few," Woah, that is a lot. I've never teleported more than a mile and now...

Stop it, Nadia, you can do this. You have to.

I slip on my mask, "Don't mean to sound weird but can I hold your hand real fast?" Steve looks at me with a confused look. "I need more energy if I'm gonna make this jump and you aren't completely human so I can draw from you?" He holds his hand out and I grab it with both of mine, feeling his energy join mine. I pull away and thank him.

"Thank me after you've safely returned," He tells me and I nod.

"As the children in Spongebob's opening theme song said: Aye, Aye, Captain!" I clamp my eyes shut and feel myself traveling, I imagine my entire body with me as I fall on my butt. "Ouch," I cough and look around the space I'm in.

"You in Nadia?" Nat asks and I respond with a yes. "You have ten minutes before the cameras are back up." I take a deep breath.

"Well, then I better get to work."

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