(29) - Horses and Healing

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When I open my eyes it's dark outside. I yawn and go to take a bath, I want to go out and hunt. The giant woods is somewhere I've wanted to go for months. But Thor said it held giant beasts and monsters that no Midgardian should take on. Although now I'm not sure I'm completely Midgardian...

I change into my 'super-suit' and savor the feeling of wearing pants and not a dress. It's tight and clingy, unlike the loose and wavy dresses I normally wear. I notice that the small pistol is still in my boot from the Ultron battle. I smile at the thought of seeing Natasha again... I'm honestly ready to return to Earth.

The need to be stronger isn't as... strong as it was before. And wanting to learn magic has nearly left me completely, I can teach myself a lot now. Frigga made sure I had enough knowledge to figure new spells out on my own. I spot my bow in its usual spot, hanging beside the door; looking out of place as it clashes with the golden wall.

"Let's go..." I murmur to the bow and slide it into its spot on my back, I check my quiver for arrows and slide it on too. I push the curtain away from the window and scout the area, there are about ten guards I have to get past in order to get to the stables. I teleport behind a pillar and cringe when a guard walks right past.

I cast an illusion of me up ahead and he runs to go check what it is and I run past the pillar, when the stables are in view I teleport. My breath is ragged as I stumble from the overuse of my teleportation magic. My hands find my face and I rub my aching temples.

I look for Inky and when I spot her she neighs quietly. "Hey girl," I pat her cheek and look for an apple for a treat. It's late but Inky prefers the dark, which is why I like her. She can see really well in the dark and we can relate on that... I relate to a horse, how quirky. "Let's go Ink," I open the door and walk beside her behind the stable, we need to be hidden.

I mean sure, Inky is all black minus her blue eyes that shine green in the sun. She's such a good horse, Sif has taught me how to care for her and frankly... I'm gonna miss her. I would take her with me but I don't think a horse would do good in the city. I hop on her back and whistle, she begins a soundless trot.

Once we reach the path I click my tongue and grab ahold of her reins, she begins to run. The wind feels amazing as she stretches her body long and slim. Inky runs for about five minutes before I command her to trot again, she slows down slowly and butts her head against my hand happily. "Good girl," I coo and pull the reins to stop her completely.

"Go back okay? Don't look at me like that, I know I sound stupid but I can't teleport you..." She snorts and hits my side with her nose, I know what she wants. "Here, you fatty," I feed her the second apple and she neighs at me.

"Now go," This time Inky turns around and I wave bye, I know she'll make it back okay. She always does.

"Time to hunt." I climb on top of the boulder to my right to get a vantage point, if I don't know what a place looks like when I'm teleporting I could wind up anywhere.

It's easy teleporting from my room to the dining hall or the training grounds, but I'm in uncharted territory. I see a cliffside large enough to shoot from but still hidden, I'm still a bit tired from the teleporting but do it anyway.

I nearly miss the cliff and scramble for safe ground, let's do this.


Thor knocks on Nadia's door again but still; there is no answer, "Perhaps she is asleep." Sif nods.

"Perhaps, but she would have answered by now. I will go in." Thor moves out of the way to allow Lady Sif to enter, he doesn't see the small smile she has on her lips from him being such a gentleman. She knows he treats everyone with the utmost respect but cannot help feeling special when he does the same to her.

Thor stands outside the room flipping his hammer in the air, it whooshing with each toss. "She is not here, where would she be at this time?" Sif sounds a bit frantic and still calm. She is aware that Nadia can hold her own but still worries for the young girl. Thor thinks about it for a second, tossing his hammer higher then he lets it fall to the floor.

"Damn you, Nadia! We must go, now!" He yells and Sif looks to him in confusion as he summons his hammer, "She went to the giant forest. She has wished to go here ever since I showed her."

Sif's face falls, "I will get the Warriors three," Thor nods and flies off. Little did he know...


I shoot the arrow and the bird is startled, still flying until a large poof of feathers dust the air. "Number three..." I count and out of the corner of my eyes, I see a pair of blue eyes, "Damn it! Inky I am go–" I cry out in pain when the large claws slice my throat nearly open. We fall to the ground as it claws at me. The mist is attacking the beast without my permission while I clutch my throat to ease the bleeding.

The mist surrounds my throat and I can feel the skin mending itself and when it is done I fall to my knees in exhaustion. I look at what attacked me, a giant wolf-like animal. I wish it hadn't attacked me, it's beautiful. It's deep black fur shining in the light of the cosmos. I kick it and it moves, reluctantly I grab a dagger and stab it in the skull.

The coppery smell of blood finally reaches my nose and I cringe. The sound of trotting shows Inky coming my way, "Really? Now you've come to help?" I hear something else, a deep baritone sound... oh no...

"Nadia! What have you done!?" My face cringes as I lay on the ground next to the dead beast.

"Hey, buddy..." I mumble and give Thor a weak thumbs-up, too tired to move.

"Nadia! Are you hurt?"

I shake my head, "Turns out that mist can heal me too, what is that thing?" I point at the wolf.

"That is a wolf Nadia, one of the rare ones... you're lucky you survived. Why did you come in the woods at nightfall and all alone?" I shrug and Thor sighs, offering me his hand.

"I knew you would never agree to bring me before I left for Midgard, Inky is the reason I got my throat clawed out." She snorts in response as if she has nothing to do with it.

"Let us go, you could have died."

I roll my eyes, "Yea, yea, okay dad." Thor cracks a small smile as he lifts me onto Inky, he climbs on behind me.

I feel my throat and there's a scar there, something to remind me of my mistake... my recklessness.

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