(17) - Science and Seething

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"This framework is not compatible," Tony mutters as I sit on the ground throwing a ball up and down. I catch it and toss, then repeat. Over and over again. The stress ball is fluffy and light, I stole it from Tony's desk. He hasn't noticed yet to my surprise.

"The genetic coding tower's at ninety-seven percent. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes." Banner is at the computer as the door opens, I sit up.

"What the hell are the troublesome three doing here?!" I ask in surprise.

"I'm gonna say this once." Steve begins calmly.

"How about 'nonce'?" Stark smiles as I stand up and move across the room, closer to my bag. Closer to my weapons.

"Shut it down Stark!" Tony shakes his head.

"Yea. Not gonna happen." I kind of agree with him.

If we have something similar to Ultron, but on our side, we might have an advantage.

And we need any and all the advantages we can get. I narrow my eyes at the youngest Maximoff, the burn on my arm is mostly healed but it aches. There's also a nasty scar beginning to appear. She is going to pay for burning me, I don't care what it will take.

"I'm gonna say this once, get them out." I don't hold back the anger in my tone. They tried to kill me, plus the rest of the Avengers, and because of them, Natasha is gone.

"Calm down cat eyes, retract your claws." Tony puts a hand on my shoulder and I nod slowly.

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve ignores me, Bruce scoffs and moves his glare to Wanda.

"And you do? Is she not in your head?" His voice is strained as Wanda begins speaking.

"I know you're angry."

I laugh, "Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and not even change a shade."

Bruce is pissed and it is reasonable. "Banner, after everything that's happened..." Steve consoles.

"She made him destroy a goddamn city! Not even worried about how it affected him nor the people! They're just naive kids who deserve to be taught a lesson!" I'm probably younger than them but at least I'm not siding with homicidal maniacs.

"Which is nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony suddenly yells, his eyes on Steve as I stare down the trio.

"You have no idea what's in there!" Wanda shouts.

"This is not a game..." Rogers states and I see Pietro move an inch.

"Do not!" I run at him but he's destroying the equipment before I can stop him.

"No, no. Go on, you were saying?" I see the bullet hit the glass before everyone else, I know Pietro did too because he tries to run.

He falls through the hole, "Pietro!" The youngest Maximoff shouts in fear.

"What? Didn't see that coming?" I chuckle at Barton's sarcasm.

"Go ahead, piss me off," Bruce threatens Wanda. Suddenly Thor flies in and hits the cradle with his hammer. A bolt of lightning bursts inside it. The body wakes up.

"I'm sorry, that was... odd. Thank you." He says to Thor... in Jarvis' voice.

"Thor, you helped create this?" Steve sounds angry, he better be. The way he says 'this' makes me scowl as I itch to punch something.

"I had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that." Thor points to the gem inside Vision's head.

"The gem?" I question out loud and Thor nods.

"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."

There are six more of these things? "Then why would you bring it to–" Thor cuts Steve off rudely and it doesn't seem like Thor to do that. It was very 'Midgardian' of him.

"Because Stark is right." I hear a groan,

"Oh, god, it is definitely the end game now." Bruce runs a hand down his face.

"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron." Thor's deep voice resonates throughout the whole room.

"Not alone," It's still weird hearing Jarvis' voice to a body. It doesn't feel right, the disembodied voice now in a body. The body doesn't even look human.

"Why does your 'vision' sound like Jarvis?" Steve asks before I have the chance to.

"We reconfigured Jarvis' matrix to create something... new." Tony casually answers and Steve shakes his head. The whole room is tense, the tension so thick it could probably be cut with a knife. Or... a three inch dagger...

"I think I've had my fill of new." Steve rubs his forehead and I sit down on the table, might as well get comfortable.

"You think I am a child of Ultron?" Vision sounds slightly offended, if that is possible.

"Are you not?" I ask, I'm more on Tony's side of this and Vision is interesting looking.

The red is a deep maroon color almost, the grey metal is a striking difference against it, and the yellow gem even brighter against it all. He's got a very human like figure which weirds me out a bit.

"I'm not Ultron, nor Jarvis. I am... I am..." He seems to be searching for the right answer.

I think he's a 'he'.

"I looked in your head and saw annihilation." Wanda whispers.

"Oh, so no one decided to tell me she can read minds too? I really appreciate this whole team thing." I try to bite back the sarcasm but I can't help it.

They didn't tell me who were going up against, their powers, or what to even expect. "I can't see you." Wanda's eye meet my now wide ones. My chuckle is dry, unamused.

"I find that hard to believe."

Clint steps in, "Her seal of approval means jack to me." His eyes narrow at Wanda.

'I mean it, I cannot see your mind. It baffles me.'

I jump at the sound of not my thinking voice and eye Wanda, 'Did you just... think in my head?' I see her nod her head slightly. It makes my head hurt at the thought of her invading my mind.

I need some sleep, "I'm gonna be back in like... twenty minutes, an hour tops." I announce and hop of the table, dragging my bag with me.

"Where you going?" Tony's arms are across his chest.

"To sleep, if it's alright dad." I say sarcastically with a smile. He nods and I wave bye to Clint and Bruce. I give Steve a nod and make my way to the room. Crap, looks like I'm gonna have to find my way on my own now that Jarvis croaked.

Man, life just got a little harder.

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