(12) - Sleepin' and Searchin'

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"Have fun, Parker." Peter waves bye and jumps off of Stark tower in his Spider-Man suit. He sends me a thumbs up from the sky as he launches himself in the air. I stay on the top of the tower until the sky darkens completely. I'm exhausted.

I was never given the chance to adjust to sleeping at night and being awake during the day so I've been missing out on much-needed sleep.

The ride in the elevator is short as I have Jarvis lead me back to the room I picked out. The design is minimal which differs from my room at the apartment.

The walls were covered in posters and the windows were painted black. The only light sources was a black light and the computer screen.

This room has an entire wall of windows, the only reason why I picked it is because of the blackout curtains. I click the button on the wall to open them, I want the stars with me. I shrug off my jacket and vans.

I pull my hair out of the ponytail and brush through it will my brush. Tony must have sent someone to grab my things because the drawers are full of my old and new clothes.

A new monitor is on the desk in the corner with my computer's brain.

There's a new one beside it and I make a mental note to thank Tony for bringing all of my things. I see a couple of cardboard boxes but disregard them as I fall onto the dark green duvet covers. The bed is massive, I stretch out like a starfish and use my feet to pull off my socks.


"Look who has decided to join us." I narrow my sleepy eyes at Tony.

"That was the best sleep I have ever had," I mumble and go to search for food. Inside the fridge is a multitude of fruits, I grab strawberries and milk.

"What kind of cereal do you have?" Jarvis answers for him.

"We have Kellog's Frosted Flakes, Post's Honey Bunches of Oats, and Fruity Pebbles, they're in the cupboard to your right Ms. Nadia." I thank Jarvis and grab the Honey Bunches of Oats.

"Good choice kiddo." Stark pats my shoulder before exiting the kitchen. Thor walks in and searches the cabinets for something unknown to me. I chop up a couple of strawberries and spread them around in my cereal before I pour the milk into my cereal.

"Are there not any PopTarts?" Thor asks out loud and I shrug.

"Ask Jarvis." He does and the computer tells him there aren't any and I offer to make him a bowl of cereal. "You like PopTarts?" He shakes his head no.

"I love the tasty treats and crave one!" Thor's voice booms and I cringe.

"It's not as good as PopTarts but it's still a 'tasty treat'." I make him a bowl of cereal and hand it to him.

I rinse out the bowl I used and put the box away, my eyes scrunch when I enter the room. I forgot to close the curtains and now I'm paying for it. Jarvis graciously closes the curtains and I change into a pair of black jeans and a band t-shirt.

My vans slide onto my feet easily and I don't bother to tie them as I shove the lases into the sides. I find my glasses in the dark and open the curtains before sliding them on. "Thank god for Tony Stark," I mumble while yawning as I make my way to the conference room... at least I think it's called that.

Everyone is here, Clint is in the corner eating something. Natasha is sitting on the table eating an apple while everyone is just standing around. "We haven't lost everything... for say..." Tony sounds very hesitant as he closes his eyes as if he's in pain.

"We have physical copies, paper copies but we would have to go through them manually." I groan at the thought and everyone acknowledges my presence.

"We have to go through what?" I don't even want to know as I sit on the small sofa, it's comfortable.

"The information we have on that Strucker guy," Natasha tells me and Tony goes to get all of the files, Bruce goes to help him. The two of them return with three boxes each.

"Oh yea, go ahead, just sit there. We got it." Tony mumbles sarcastically.

They all move to the large table and I see what Clint has been eating. It's my pizza from yesterday. "What the hell!?" I yell and his eyes meet mine, I go over to him to take the remaining slices from him and he tries to dodge me.

"First my dots? Now my pizza!?" He begins running with the box, "Get back here! I kind of paid for that!" I give up with a huff. He ran out of the room with the pizza and it isn't that worth the effort.

"I have never seen him act so childish..." Natasha murmurs and I sit at the table sourly.

It was delicious but oh well.


My head hurt, a lot. This Strucker guy has a lot of friends. Well, 'friends' isn't the right word to use but it works. "These people are horrible," I sift through the sheets as Tony says he knows someone. It's around noon and we have been at this for hours, finally something.

"From back in the day. He operates off the African coast, black market arms." I see Steve give Tony a weird look, which Tony disregards.

"There are conventions, alright? You meet people, I didn't sell him anything. He was talking about finding something new, a game-changer, it was all very 'Ahab'." Stark explains.

"Who is... Uly... Ulysses... Klaue? I try to sound the name out the best I can from my seat at the table.

"This." Thor points at the picture.

"What is 'this'? Buddy use your words." Thor does a very 'Midgardian' thing and rolls his eyes.

"A tattoo?" Tony sounds like he's about to laugh.

"That is not a tattoo, it is a brand." Thor sounds very sure of himself and Banner looks it up at the computer.

"It is a word in an African dialect...it means thief, not in a friendly way." He pushes up his glasses as I move to their side of the table.

"Since when is being a thief ever friendly?" I ask and Bruce shrugs,

"Which dialect?" Steve asks and Banner squints at the screen.

"Uh...Wakanada? Wa...Wa...Wakanda." He finally gets it and everyone looks confused, me especially.

"If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods..." Tony says in thought before Steve cuts in.

"I thought your father said he got the last of it?" I raise a brow.

"I'm not following. What comes out of Wakanda?" Bruce asks before I can and Tony stares at Captain's shield.

"The strongest metal on Earth."

I turn my head to the side, "And that is?" Steve answers and asks where Uly... whatever is right now.

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