(21) - Explanations and Endings

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I see a jet fly in and begin firing at us.

"I got no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone." I hear the voice of Ultron, singing as if he were Pinocchio himself.

I hear shots fired and see both Wanda and Alina drop, eyes watering and fists clenched, "Are you okay?" My vision is impaired when a bright white light shoots every which way, I'm pushed by the force of it when I open my eyes I watch as Alina faints.

I cough and see that all of the remaining robots were melted down to a water-like liquid, almost as if they turned into mercury.

I rub my glasses clean and see the Hulk jump onto the jet and he rips Ultron from it as I stumble to the girls. Wanda stands up, eyes narrowed and pulls her sister up with her. I follow behind them in case.

"Girls, if you stay here, you'll die." Ultron is addressing the Maximoff girls, both are angry. But why?

"We just did, do you know how it felt?" White and red mix together as the white surrounds Ultron's body, the red focusing on his chest.

"Like that." They say in unison as his core is ripped from his body and he melts down to a liquid.

"Thor, on my mark," Tony says and I see him and Vision flying toward us. Vision grabs the girls and Tony grabs me. In the same instant, I could make out Thor hitting the core with Mjolnir, I squeeze my eyes closed.


The drive to the new facility was quiet. My head still hurt from the battle and Banner was still missing. Natasha was looking everywhere while everyone else sat around. "You know..." I look over at Tony, he has his hand on his chin.

The telltale sign he is going to say something either really sweet or sarcastic. "...You don't have to carry all of the responsibility that you do... I don't know," He sighs, "Be a kid while ya can." I give him a small smile as my new phone begins ringing.

"Charles," I state simply, I haven't spoken to him since he dropped me off at school that day. That day seems so far away, a distant memory from a different person. Wanda thinks I might be getting my powers from the mind stone but that doesn't make any sense.

"Nadia, we need to-" I don't want to hear more lies, no more lies.

"I know, we need to talk, but if you lie to me. You know you won't ever see me again, right?" He sighs and I stare out the window as we slow to a stop.

"I'll leave you to it." I thank Tony, he pats my shoulder and exits the car.

I frown as my father begins to speak. "I know I have been very absent in your life lately and I'm sorry about that. I'm guessing you already know, I am an agent at S.H.I.E.L.D, I have been since before you were born and I want to talk about this... in person." A knock on the window startles me.

I open the door apprehensively and outside stands the Charles Roads; my adoptive father.

"Now you come back? After everything!?" I throw the phone at him, "After all of that shit!? I almost died and you weren't there! Aunt Carol was even there! She's never there, but she was! But you... you weren't! I needed my dad but you're never there! You never have been and I needed someone! Anyone, I needed you!" I scream at him, he doesn't say anything as he nods.

"I know, I know, Nadia believe me. When I was given the mission-" It fits, the puzzle fits and I narrow my eyes in anger.

"I was a mission!?" My anger has reached a new high, my fists are balled in anger as I stomp away from him. "Just go! That's all you're good at! I don't want an explanation! They're so right when they say ignorance is bliss!" I feel the purple before I see it and take a deep breath.

"Just go, okay? I don't need you in my life anymore since I have a family, one that likes me for my quirks." The tears threaten to spill as he nods.

"Just, be safe Nadia. I can't lose another child." I know he said this to catch my interest and he did a good job.

"A... another?" I ask quietly.

"Fury thought I would be a good agent to adopt you because a few years prior to your birth my wife and two kids died in a house fire, I was safe because I was working." I stare at the ground.

"Stop... making me feel bad for yelling at you..." I sniff and wipe the snot from my nose.

"I'm not trying to guilt you, you wanted to know. Just know, I do care about you. I have your entire life but I didn't want to get too close... in case you were... lost. Even when I sent you to that horrendous school in Europe, it was in your best interest. Sure, it was an order since Fury wanted to see what you were capable of. To know your power." What did he mean?

"You knew about the purple stuff?" I ask with wide eyes.

"What purple stuff?" Of course, he answered my question with a question.

"Uh... nothing, thank you for telling me all this." Charles nods and I think I startled him when I hugged him, "I'm sorry for being a brat, I appreciate the things you did do." He pats my back.


"This is a nice wall..." Natasha nudges my shoulder.

"How you doing after all that?" I shrug,

"I don't think it has hit me yet. Apparently, Nick Fury is my actual adoptive parent and I really don't know how to react to that." She chuckles.

"Well, I don't know. There aren't many kids who can say their dad is Nick Fury." She points out and I nod.

"There aren't any, but one." I turn around and see Steve.

"You two want to keep staring at the wall, or do you want to go to work? I mean, it's a pretty interesting wall." He chuckles and I nod.

"I thought you and Tony were still gazing into each other's eyes. How do we look?" Natasha coos at him while smiling.

"We aren't the '27 Yankees..." He hands Natasha a tablet and I look at it.

"You've got some good people..." I mumble.

"People. Not a team." Steve says and I agree, we aren't a team.

We are separate people who were thrown into a whole new world. "Well then, let's beat 'em into shape," Natasha smirks.


Wanda stands tall in her red-clad suit, Vision's suit has a yellow cape, Rhodes is in the War Machine armor, and I in my green and black suit all gather; waiting for our first order.

"What's the word Cap?" I ask with a smirk.


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