Chapter 6

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I'm just a kid
And life is a nightmare
-simple plan

The past 2 and a half years have been a steady routine of keeping my head down and doing my chores. Silently, I walk in the shadows, careful to not be seen. Once I am seen, I'll be beaten, attacked and ridiculed. My only peace comes when I am alone in the damp basement. My small room, put together by literal trash found when no one was looking. A broken mirror hangs on my wall, the reflection starring back at me makes me sick.

You are disgusting

Time has been cruel to me. My tired, empty eyes, stare at my frail, weak body. Bones practically protruding through my skin. Starved and malnourished. The only thing keeping me alive is the strength from my wolf, soon I fear won't be enough. Even though I haven't shifted yet, and completed our bond, my wolf still gives me strength.
We are both born into the world together, once I turn 18, the bond completes and we finally shift for the first time.
We also will find our mates.
The one destined to love us, the one our souls seek, forever United, bound together for all eternity.

Mates...ha, what a joke

How could a person ever love me. I'll never find happiness in this life time. I'm destined to be alone. To be discarded and unloved.

Born alone

Die alone

High school has become a living nightmare. Now that we are all older, most of us turning 18 in the coming months, the bullying has amplified, special thanks to the ever consistent Elite members.
The Elite, the heirs and future lead assholes of this pack.
Ryan Jakobs, Gamma.
Jessica McLain, Beta.
Anastasia Jakobs, Ryan's twin sister. Forever trying to stay relevant in her brothers shadow.
And the untouchable Juda Everett Armstrong, future Alpha to the second most powerful pack in the Northern Territory.

The occasional warrior wolf spawn will try attach themselves to the Elite group, but they're just the ones sent to get their  lunch trays or take their notes in class, classes which they mostly skip. These suck ups are never officially part of the group, however, no one complains, even when they can only be the errand runner. I guess they'll take whatever humiliating task they can get to stay in their good graces.

Juda is turning 18 tomorrow, which means he and his wolf will finally become one. He has trained since he could walk, his muscles are impeccable. He truly can only be described as God like. At 6'3, he towers over everyone. Even taller than the current Alpha, his father. Noviluniums pride and joy, the picture perfect specimen, supposedly blessed by the Moon Goddess herself.

Every inch of him is almost perfect.


Underneath, that perfectly chiseled jaw and those rock hard abs, is the blackest soul a person could have. A soul so tainted and pure evil, even the Goddess above can't save. Deep in those beautiful blue eyes, a storm so powerful, waiting to be unleashed. Heads bow in submission when he enters a room, only those in his close circle dare to look him in the eye. His hands could crush a wolfs throat with little effort. He has a magnetic pull about himself that none of the she-wolves can resist. One of them, always hanging around, hoping for the chance to be his mate.
Our future Luna, how unlucky she is.
All of us know that it will be Jessica, they've been inseparable for years. Both toxic and just as evil as the other. Thriving off the darkness brewing inside, a common thirst for the pain they inflict.
Even though Jessica has tormented me for years, her attacks are child's play compared to his. Deep inside that cold dead heart is a deadly storm.
A storm, raging for one person, the most insignificant being.


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