Chapter 42

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"I was going to see Miki but the babysitters club had me in lockdown, care to explain ?" I reply. Looking directly into his eyes, challenging him.

Vary few people are able to look directly into an Alphas eyes, those who can are usually other Alpahs or of high rank and it's only for a few seconds. Yet here I am, at a standoff with the most powerful Alpha and not even scared.

Hmm interesting. I guess it's part of the mate bond

He laughs, full on laughs at me

"Something funny, Mate" I spit out, purposely dragging out the mate part.

"Nothing, my beautiful girl. Just watching you run around like a ninja makes me crazy for you. I put the guards on your door for your protection but obviously I need to find better guards since here you are" he replies.

Here I am indeed

"Well, I appreciate your concern but I can handle myself" I say

"I know you can my fierce queen, it's not that I doubt your ability to take care of yourself. It's the simple fact that John has arrived and I don't trust anyone from his pack. Especially since he came here to stake some sort of claim on you" he says, while softly rubbing my back. Sending tingles across my body.

John, I think he's purposely forgetting his name

Wait, He's already here. Shit

Sensing my worries he places his hand to my face, gently caressing my cheek
"Don't worry about him, he will not see you till the tournament tomorrow. And your beautiful face will be the last thing he sees before I rip his head from his body" he whispers to me. Knowing full well this isn't a threat. It's a promise. One I'm not sure I want him to fulfill.

"Damion" I say "please let me try and fight him" I plead nervously.

His black eyes pierce into my soul. Still caressing my cheek in soft circles with his hand. His brows furrowed slightly as a small grin forms.

"My mate wants to fight huh" he replies

"You know that myself, nor Gray will let that happen. I can't sit by and watch you fight against an Alpha wolf. You've only just begun your training and he's had years of practice. Taking down an alpha wolf isn't easy for someone who's not an alpha themself" he says hesitantly, concern clearly written on his face.

"I understand that, all I'm asking for is a chance. If it goes south, then you can step in. But all I want is a few punches for all the pain he's caused me" I reply, while all my anxiety surfaces.

I know I can't take him but that doesn't mean I can't hurt him. Or die trying.

As if he's reading my thoughts, Damion growls.

"He will not lay a hand on you, Octavia. I meant what I said about killing anyone who hurts you or has hurt you in the past. I will never allow you to feel an ounce of pain again. My biggest regret was allowing Gray to hurt you so deeply in the woods when we found you and then my foolish actions of letting you wonder if I was going to reject you. I don't deserve you and I knew deep down you deserved someone better than me. I've caused so much pain for other people, pain that I don't even regret. I'm not a good person, I kill, I enjoy it. I was going to reject you so you could find someone better, you deserve all the best things in life. But I can't let you go, I can't even think about living this life without you, now that I've finally found you. I've been alone for years, our kind we're destined to be alone. We've never had a mate blessing, you are the greatest gift I've ever been given. I didn't know what to do, I was scared to accept it. To accept that I could love, or be loved in return. I hope that someday you can forgive me, for all my foolishness" he softly speaks, slowly breaking the chains on my heart and making me feel mixed emotions inside.


No one has ever spoken to me like this before. The rawness of his words, the expressions on his face showing his sincerity. He means every word and I know, without a doubt, that this man would never hurt me again. Part of me wants to run away, scared of these new feelings emerging. Who am I kidding, I'm already hooked on him, the truth is, I don't think I could run even if the opportunity came. I'm in too deep now, if the bond wasn't rooted so strongly into my soul, then these words alone just sealed my fate.

Fuck, I think I'm in love.

Is this Stockholm syndrome? Pretty sure it's probably Stockholm syndrome.


"Or you could just trust our mate, I already told you he loves us" Atia huffs.

Damn know-it-all wolf.

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