Chapter 54

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The drive to Novilunium Pack will take a couple of hours. I sit nervously in the passenger seat, trying to distract myself by fiddling with the radio station. I can't believe that Damion isn't bringing more wolves, I know he's incredibly strong, but it's still unsettling thinking about him fighting against so many wolves.
Damion reaches over, taking my hand into his.

"I can see you thinking of all the possible scenarios, but there is only one ending to all of this Octavia, your enemies will fall at your feet"

"I know you are right, Damion, my back and forth doubts give my own-self whiplash" I tell him "saying you are going to be stronger and actually being stronger are two different things. Something I'm clearly struggling to grasp"

"You are stronger than you think, O. You kicked ass in that fight with Juda. Putting an end to one of your main tormentors. Healing takes time, it doesn't happen overnight. I'm ready to burn the world down with you, babe. You just say the word and I'll light the match"

"What will you do when we get there" I ask him

"Hmm I haven't really decided yet, it's a toss up between ripping out Catiyana's fathers throat with my hand, or crushing the Novilunium betas skull beneath my foot" he says

Wow, okay then

"Whatever I decide will depend on how they respond to our arrival. They know we are coming to kill them, I just don't want any unnecessary deaths. Only those who hurt you will die. Since Luna Eclipse has aligned with them, they'll die too. Anyone who wishes to swear their loyalty to you, if you allow it, will be spared"

Everyone in that pack turned their back on me. Some not by choice, the Alpha did command them. Circumstances of my birth, that was completely out of my control, determined my fate there. I'd never wish that on anyone.

We continue to talk more, before I know it, we are pulling up to the road that will take us back to the pack house of Novilunium. My nerves are on edge more than ever, seeing the house come into view, takes my mind back to the events that happened there. Damion squeezes my hand a little tighter, in an attempt to ease these emotions. I'm sure he can feel everything pouring through our bond. Before I leave, I will set that house on fire, burning away all of those painful memories.

Pulling up to the front of the house, Damion gets out and walks around to my side of the car, opening my door. Justin pulls up next to us, along with the warriors that came with him. They get out and walk over to us, carefully watching our surroundings.

"Where do you think they are" Justin asks

"Probably at the back of the pack house, where they usually do their ceremonies and parties" I answer

Leading the way, I take us down the path along the side of the house, that will bring us to the back. The spot where I finally broke free of the chains that were binding me here. As we get closer, we can hear the sounds of both packs. It sounds like some of them are cheering, what they could be celebrating right now is beyond me. Stepping into view, I see what the cheers are for. Tied to a post, in front of a large bonfire, is Gavin. Blood is pooling from his face, one of his eyes is swollen shut and claw marks are everywhere across his body. I gasp at the sight, Damion pulls me into him, as he looks on at the show before us.

"Ah, welcome guests" Jessica's dad, the beta of the pack, says.

"We are so glad you finally joined us, just in time for the show. We are about to put this traitor to death, then we will celebrate your deaths after his" he shouts out. The crowd cheers even louder.

Damion smirks at him. "The only ones dying tonight, are any wolves who don't come immediately and beg my mate for her forgiveness. I will only offer this once, you have 3 seconds to decide your fate" his Alpha voice thundering out for all to hear

"Beg the mutt?! Ha! I will kill that whore, while you watch. Alpha" he spits back at Damion


The crowd starts to mumble amongst themselves. Some looking nervous, we've all heard the stories about Damion. The ruthless alpha who's strength can't be matched.


A few wolves start to shuffle forward, the beta growls at them, stopping them in their tracks. Some woman step forward, ignoring the betas growl, running towards me.

"P-please forgive us, Octavia. We didn't have a choice, we can't resist an Alpha command" they say, dropping their heads down

"I understand what life is like in this pack, the male wolves here prefer to beat their women into submission. I forgive you and welcome you to my pack" I tell them "go gather all the children and make your way to the front of the house. You don't want to be on this side when Damion unleashes hell"

The beta looks on furiously, behind him Catiyana steps out. That awful smug look on her face just begging me to claw it off.

"Damion, since you couldn't come to your senses and pick me. We will make sure you and your ugly mate never leave this place" she screams out, glaring at me.


Without another warning, Damion shits into Gray. Justin and the other warriors, shift along side him.
He roars, sending over half the crowd to their knees, even I'm struggling against all that power. Lunging towards the beta, he grabs him by the throat, while ripping out his heart with the other hand. It drops to the ground with a light thud, the crowd gasps at the scene before them.

He didn't even mention ripping hearts out. Pretty sure he said the throat.

"I changed my mind" he tells me in the mate bond

Allowing Atia to take over, she charges towards Catiyana. I can't deny that I've played this out in my head since the moment she flaunted herself around Damion. She shifts into her wolf, preparing for the fight. We collide into each other, her teeth grazing across Atias ear. Atia bites down on her shoulder, making her wolf whimper at the sudden pain. Blood pools into Atias mouth, she latches down harder. Catiyana's wolf falls to the ground, leaving her neck exposed. Atia thrusts her teeth into her throat, biting her with a deathly grip. She's angry and possessive, trying to eliminate the wolf who dared to try and take her mate. The she-wolf is thrashing underneath Atia, attempting to break free from her, but her efforts are futile. With quick precision, Atia snaps the she-wolfs neck, leaving her limp-lifeless body on the ground. She howls out in victory, sending a warning to anyone else who dares to challenge her.

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