Chapter 23

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When I call your name, girl
It starts the flame burning in my heart
Tearin' it all apart
-Four Tops

Octavias POV

Slowly I open my eyes.
Ugh, my head hurts.
Looking around I see that I'm in a medical room.

Shit, someone brought me to their packs medical.

Panic sets in, I need to get out of here. 
My heart beats faster, anxiety washes over my body.

Oh Goddess, did Juda find me

A woman's face comes into view, her light blue eyes look me up and down.

Confused, I finally ask where I am.

"You are in Dark Moon pack. Our Alpha brought you in two days ago. You had a large wound on your back, which has since healed but you've been out of it for many hours. Looks like your body has suffered from exhaustion and some starvation. I've given you an iv for fluids and I'll be starting a new diet plan to get your body back healthy" she says.

Two days, I've been out of it for two days.

But wait, holy shit, I'm in Dark Moon pack.

The very pack others based their horror stories on to scare their pups into behaving.
Anxiety sets in again, I can feel a panic attack coming.

"Calm down little wolf, what's you name" the pack doctor asks me

"Octavia Johnson" I reply.

"Well, Octavia, you aren't going to get hurt here. Not under my watch. So calm down" she says.

I nod my head.

I do my breathing exercises to calm myself down.

I scan the room. Making a mental image of everything I can. I need to plan an escape route. Staying here can't be an option. They'll kill me the second I'm well enough to fight, I know how this pack works. If they take you in, it's for training purposes for their pack members. They need rouges to help their younger warriors get hands on training. I've heard the rumors since I began school. For years they warned us of the cruelty in Dark Moon. I listened to bits and pieces but I was already suffering in Novilunium pack so I doubted anything to be worse than them. I guess I'm about to find out.

While I'm still scanning the room my eyes lock into the deepest black orbs I've ever seen, something about them tiggers Déjà vu.
His jet black hair pushed to the side and the stubble around his jaw line seems to show that he hasn't rested in a while. Speaking of jaws, holy heavens, its not natural to be so perfectly chiseled. His muscles on display under that loosely fitting t-shirt, it's like the Gods above will step down any second and claim their long lost son, a direct descendant of Zeus himself I'm sure of it. I'm certain that Michelangelo would have painted his face in the Sistine Chapel, had he been alive during that time.

His brows fury together while his gaze never leaves mine. We are locked onto each other.
A shiver runs down my spine. Did I die and fall into a Greek God era.

I forgot to breathe.

"Why were you in my pack lands, Octavia" I hear him growl.

He's angry.

He must've mindlinked his pack doctor and they told him that I was awake now.
I need to escape before they find out anything else about me.

"I didn't know it was your lands, I'm sorry" I reply.

His nostrils flair at my response. I see his shoulders get more tense. The muscles in arms are flexing, with that I see my future.

I'm going to die by his hands

Those gorgeous hands. Pull yourself together, O

He walks closer to me.

I gulp. Still trembling.

I think

This is the Dark Moon Packs Alpha and he is every bit as scary as the stories told to us in school.
I can't even focus on anything. All I see is a very large God-like man, closing the distance between us.

When he's within arms reach of me, it hits.

Like a euphoric wave rushing over my body.

Pure bliss


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