Chapter 48

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He loves me
He just said he loves me

"I love you, too" I blurt out before even thinking.

Leaning up to him, I plant a soft kiss on his lips. I can't even help myself. I'm still shocked at his confession. My heart is racing a million miles and I'm pretty sure I'm going to faint from shock but I'm so happy. No one has ever treated me like this before. Everything is so new, I'm in uncharted waters here but, I'm finally ready to let my walls down. Damion has been so understanding and patient with me, he has done so much to make up for his mistakes from the beginning of our relationship and I'm ready to completely give him my heart and soul. I can feel all of his emotions through our bond, I know deep down that he means every word he's saying. I hope he feels mine, too. It's taken me a long time to learn to trust again, slowly, I'm healing all the broken parts of me, Damion is doing everything he can to help heal them too. I never imagined my life would lead me here, to this moment, this man professing his love to me, I'm just glad that it did.
This morning has definitely been a whirlwind of excitement but the seeds of doubt have already been planted for the pending fight I'm about to face.

"Let's take a shower together before we head downstairs" Damion says to me

Pulling me up to my feet, he picks me up bridal style as we make our way to the bathroom. I can't help the giggle that escapes my lips. His body sends tingles all over me and I can't get enough of it.

He places me into the shower and begins to lather up some soap on a loofah. Carefully, he rubs it in soft circles over my body. I'm positive I'm about to explode with serotonin overload. He sets my nerve endings on fire. Heat is starting to pool between my legs and I'm sure that even the guards outside the door can smell how turned on I am.
Damion let's out a growl behind me.

"Mm does this make my mate happy, washing this glorious body. I can smell you, O" he purrs into my ear.

He takes the water and rinses off the soap from my body, careful to not miss any spots. Taking a little extra time to let the water stream hit my nipples. His hand brushes against my now very hard nipple and softy strokes it with his finger. I can feel his hard cock pressing against my ass. He growls again. Rubbing it slowly up and down between my cheeks.

"Soon that tight little hole back here will be mine, mate. Do you like that? The thought of me claiming that sweet little ass" he says, gripping my hips so he can press himself harder against me.

His hands move further down to my wet, slick pussy. Taking his time as he slides his fingers up and down, rubbing slow circles on my clit. A loud moan explodes from my mouth when he puts his fingers inside of me. Pumping them in and out faster, building my climax, knowing I'm about to come undone any second. My body relaxes against him, practically melting as my knees begin to shake. He bends me over and slams his cock inside of me. I scream out, as my orgasm consumes my body. He thrusts harder, my pussy walls clamp down tight on his thick cock. He roars, loudly, as his release spills inside of me.

"You are amazing, Octavia. This pussy is heaven on earth, I'll never get tired of burying my cock deep inside of you. Watching you come undone is the sexiest thing I've ever seen. I love you so much" he says as he places a tender kiss on my lips.

"Now, let's get you washed up again. Not too much, I want every male here to smell exactly who you belong to" he laughs, taking the loofah back out.

That shower session was definitely needed, taking some of the edge off, since my thoughts linger on the tournament. I'm a ball of nerves, wondering how I will react when I finally see Juda.

"I can see the worry written all over your face" Damion tells me
"I can also feel how anxious you are through the mate bond"

"I guess I need to work on my poker face" I laugh, nervously.

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