Chapter 51

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The hot shower water burns away all the feelings from the fights. It's finally over, justice was served. Or, that's what I keep telling myself. Could I have chosen forgiveness instead? Maybe. Did I want to? No. I wanted them to suffer, like I suffered. The years of pain and abuse, years I'll never get back, nightmares that have plagued my whole life. I did this for Mrs Ollie, the kind old woman who protected me. I did this for my mother, who left this world too soon. Mostly, I did this for myself, to be stronger than ever, finally able to put my past to rest.

Leaving the shower, felt like I left a piece of me behind. A piece that I don't want back. The past that hardened me, shaping me into the woman I am today. It's only been a few months, I know I still have a long way to go before I'm completely healed, but it's a start. A beautiful beginning to a new life with my Mate.

Stepping into the room, I see Damion sitting on the bed watching me. He's truly the most gorgeous male I've ever seen, I'm so thankful that the Moon Goddess gave me a second chance.

"We need to go to my office for a meeting, we are going to work out the details of Novilunium Pack and I want you there beside me" Damion says

Following him out of the room, we make our way down to his office. Derrick, Justin and Nik are waiting in there for us. I'm glad to see Nik is among them, he fought so well during his battle.

"Alpha, we have some news to share with you" Derrick tells him

"While the tournament was going on, Luna Pack didn't show up and before it started Catiyana and her crew disappeared" he says

Huh, that's why I didn't see them around, I was wondering where that conniving she-wolf went. I'm sure if I would have spotted her in the crowd, Atia would have ripped her throat out too. Now I'm curious about Gavin, I can't help but feel like he would have wanted to see Jessicas downfall.

"We think they may have gone to Novilunium Pack and formed an alliance with them" Justin tells us.

Well that's not surprising, scum attracts scum.

"I think it's best to prepare a small group and travel to their pack lands, without their Alpha or their old Alpha, that leaves the Beta in charge" Justin says

Jessica's dad, probably plotting to kill me since I ripped her throat out, then we all proceeded to kill off their Pack. Fantastic.

I look to Damion, trying to read his expression. He sends calming waves through the mate bond, relaxing me.

"Justin, gather some of our best warriors and prepare them to leave in the morning. Derrick, you stay back here and manage the pack while I'm gone. Nik, begin training our newest members tomorrow. I trust you and Derrick to keep things under control here. You two are both strong fighters and I don't have any doubts about leaving the Pack under both of your care" Damion tells them.

"Octavia and I will be retuning to our room, we leave first thing in the morning" he says before taking my hand to lead us back.

"Yes, Alpha" they all say in unison

Walking into our room, I still feel a bit apprehensive about going back to the place where it all started. The thought of seeing those demon twins, Ryan and Anastasia, puts my wolf in a frenzy.

"What are we going to do about all the other pack members, and the Luna Pack" I ask Damion

"Don't worry, my love, this time I'll take care of everything. You fought hard today, and I know you would fight hard tomorrow but this time those wolves will die by my hands" he growls out.

"Promise me that we will take the children and innocent people away from there. I know that Pack has done nothing but cause me pain. I just can't stand the thought of continuing their beliefs into the new generations" I tell him

I should just burn the whole place to the ground, watching the flames devour every single one of them but I know those innocent children don't deserve that. I'm sure there are a few people willing to join our pack and put the past behind us all. Forgiveness needs to start with me, just after those people get what they deserve. I'm a walking contradiction.

"You know I'll do whatever you want, O. Burn them all, kill them all, it doesn't matter to me. They don't matter to me. Only you matter" he whispers to me, holding me tight against his chest.

"I don't deserve you, Octavia. However, I will spend the rest of my life proving to you, that you are the only thing I live for now. Before you, I was just an empty shell. Lost in the darkness. I was existing, not living. Now, you are the very air I breathe. You consume my soul. My light, shining so bright, chasing away the demons that have surrounded me in the night. Even in death, I will love you. I will chase you across the stars, follow you to through eternity, loving you forever"

My heart just exploded. When I thought about fated mates, I never imagined this is what it would be like. Hearing him pour his heart out to me, telling me how much he loves me, makes me wish I could freeze this moment forever. To pause time, where it's only him and I, lost in this very second.

I can't even find the words to respond to that. How do you even top that. I just love him so much. There aren't enough adjectives that come to mind right now, to explain all of these emotions. I do the only thing that I can think of and pull him down to kiss me. I put everything I have into this kiss. Trying to show him just how much I love him, too. Eternity isn't long enough.

"Go to sleep my beautiful mate, tomorrow we will break the last of those chains to your past" he tells me before I drift off to sleep.

I love you, Damion

I love you too, Octavia

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