Chapter 29

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You're the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are
The devil in disguise

Once breakfast is over, I follow Miki to the training grounds. Her and Nik have been training for years but she promises to go easy on me for the first time.

The chill of winter hits me, and the snow has dusted the ground. We take a path towards the back of the house, just through the woods. Stepping into a large clearing, I see several pack members sparring. Several are crowded around two very large, very muscular men and from here I can't tell who they are.
Getting closer I can feel my pulse racing, that gorgeous Greek God, shirtless, muscles flexing

Calm down O, get it together

My mate.

Damion Is fighting with his Gamma, the strongest warrior vs the Lycan. I know his Gamma doesn't stand a chance, but I can't look away from the scene before me. Muscles, covered in sweat, flexing with each blow.
Something starts to tingle in my stomach, unsure of these feelings emerging.
Both of the men are throwing hard blows onto the other, neither backing down. Damion laughs as his Gamma lands one on his cheek, spiting some blood out before taking his turn. In one Swift motion, he's got him pinned to the ground and his Gamma surrenders.

"Alright, get back to work everyone, shows over" the Gamma booms across the training grounds.

Damion walks away, never even sparing a glance my way. My heart aches knowing another Mate is destined to throw me away. I quickly wipe away a stray tear before anyone can notice.

Miki pulls me to an area that's empty and begins to show me the basic routines. After kicking my ass, for what feels like an eternity, I feel my body getting the hang of it. In no time, I'm keeping some sort of rhythm with Miki.

The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand up, like a cool chill hitting me. I look around to see what it could be, but I don't see anyone. I must be imagining things.

Miki continues to coach me through the training, making everything look effortless. The way her body moves is perfection. She is absolutely gorgeous and I see now why Nik can't keep his hands off her. I hope one day I'm as strong as her, most of all I hope to keep my new friend at my side.

Panting and out of breath, I beg her to call it a day. Any longer and my arms will be absolutely useless tomorrow. I'm aching in places I didn't know could ache. Right now I just want to stuff my face full of food, and take a hot bath.

We make our way in to the pack house, and join the hundreds of other members for supper. At the end of the great hall, is the head table. Surprisingly, Damion is in attendance. I didn't see him this morning, so I wondered if he even ate in here with everyone.
His eyes lock on to me, and I stiffen at the effect it has. Tingles shoot across my body. His face tightens, a slight tick in his jaw. Miki pulls me from this stare down and we head to our table. She didn't even notice the way her Alpha eyed me like his next meal.

Maybe I want to be his next meal

Stop it O, stop thinking like that

Miki continues to ramble on about the training today and how we need to work even harder tomorrow, but my mind keeps wandering to Damion. I turn to see if he's still looking at me, unfortunately his Beta seems to have his full attention now.

As I'm piling food on my plate, the room suddenly gets quiet. I turn to look around and see everyone has their eyes on the front of the room. Standing in all his perfect glory, the Alpha clears his throat to make an announcement.

My pulse starts to race.

Oh goddess, he's about to reject me now

"As most of you know, a neighboring pack has asked permission to send some of their warriors here for training. Although this is not something we've considered before, I've decided to allow it. If things go well, this could mean new alliances for us in the future. They will be arriving tomorrow, and I expect everyone to be welcoming and hospitable" his voice booms across the room.

"Yes, Alpha" everyone replies in unison. As if they even had a choice to object.

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