Chapter 38

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Run, run, run away, run away, baby
Before I put my spell on you
You better get, get, get away, get away, darling
'Cause everything you heard is true
-Bruno Mars


I'm literally running for my life, going as fast as Atia can push us. Probably not the best idea I've had, but I panicked.
I hope Gavin is ok

I should have never entered those woods, he's going to kill me now. I can only hope that he didn't see everything, especially that kiss

Oh goddess, Gavin kissed me

The further I run, the quieter things become. The darkness is heavy now, even with my night vision, it's hard to see through the thick dense woods. I pause for a moment, attempting to catch my breath and listen to see if he's chasing me.

Maybe he gave up

Maybe he's still dealing with Gavin, I hope he doesn't kill him.

It's just a misunderstanding.

I let out a deep breath, placing my hand against a nearby tree. I don't hear anything around me, so I think I might actually be safe. Maybe I should just camp out around here tonight, give Damion time to cool down before I face him. Try to defuse this situation before it gets any worse.

As I scan the surrounding area, I slowly walk forward, hoping it will lead me in a safe direction.
A shiver suddenly runs down my spine, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My body is reacting to one thing

He found me.

As if I summoned him into existence, I can feel his presence behind me. His warm breath trickling down my ear.

"Going somewhere, Octavia" he whispers in my ear.

His hands grip against my waist. I can feel his warm body pressing firmly against me.

I shiver against him.

Sparks igniting from his touch.

"You've been a bad girl, O" he says "what did you have me stumble into out in the woods"

His grip tightens on me, forcing my body to turn around, flush against his. His black eyes piercing into my soul.

I'm melting at his touch, my skin is burning under the spots his hands are placed on.

He knows what it's doing to me, I'm sure he can smell my arousal by now.

This mate bond is literally going to be the death of me.

Now, I'm stuck in the middle of the woods, facing off with the worlds deadliest Alpha.
The fact I thought I even stood a chance against him, I can't help but laugh at myself.

"Did it turn you on having him touch you" he says while moving his hand slowly down my stomach, his fingers tracing slowly against my skin

"Were you going to fuck him" he growls, his eyes getting darker as he continues to stare at me.

His beast is trying to come out, I know that look all too well. I need to calm him down. Defuse this situation before he goes on a rampage.

"It's just a misunderstanding, Damion. He had no clue that we were mates. He was just warning me of something and then it just happened. The kiss didn't mean anything" I say, trying to rub his arm in hopes that he will let our bond calm him down

His jaw slowly ticks, and his muscles get tense.

"He kissed you" he roars out, his fangs starting to protrude
"How dare he touch what is mine" he says "I can smell him all over you"

"I'm sorry, please don't hurt him. It wasn't his fault, he didn't know" I plead. "I know you wanted to reject me, but I didn't know he would try that tonight, before you had a chance to reject the bond"

His body stiffens after hearing my words. Anger rolling off of him in waves now

"Octavia, let me be very clear. Tonight and every night till you take your last breath, you will be mine. No man shall touch you, no woman shall belittle you. In this lifetime, and every lifetime going forward, you will be mine. I will burn the world down for you. I will deliver the heads of any person, who dared laid a hand on you, to your feet. I will worship the ground you walk on and I will never hurt you again. This I promise you, O" he says right before he crashes his lips onto mine

The kiss releases fireworks inside of my brain. I can't even feel my legs anymore. My heart is racing, any moment it will probably beat out of my chest.
I pull my head back, breaking the kiss for a moment

"You mean you aren't going to reject me" I ask, still confused about what's going on

"No, Octavia, I'm going to mark you. So that every wolf in the world knows you are mine. I can't wait anymore. You are driving me crazy and I need you by my side. I will deal with the consequences later. But for now, just know that I will always protect you" he replies, leaning down to kiss me again.

I put my arms around his neck, in a sad attempt to deepen the kiss. A moan escapes out of me, and by this point my panties are soaked. As if he's reading my mind, his hand lowers down to unbutton my jeans.
His tongue is fighting for dominance in my mouth, I completely allow it. I'm so inexperienced, I honestly don't even know what to do. I relax against him, and let him lead this, well, whatever this is.
His hand slowly eases down to my panties, feeling the wetness pouring out of me at this point.

"Mmm I love the way your body is responding to me, beautiful" he whispers in my ear.

His hand carefully pulling my panties to the side, and caressing my folds with his finger. Slowly he slides it up and down, spreading my juices around my clit. All the wetness makes his finger slide with ease, as he begins to rub in slow circular motion. Pleasure sweeps over my body, sending tingles each time he rubs me. A pressure is starting to build up. If feels so good, like I could explode any second.

I feel him hardening against me, he presses even more which sends sparks once again. I have a desire to feel every bit of him inside of me, I'm shamefully lusting for him so badly. His magical fingers have picked up the pace, the pressure building is almost too much now. I moan out against him, I can see a smile forming on his face.

His black eyes ripping me apart.

He knows exactly what he's doing, and he's enjoying every second of it. I can't hold back any further, my body relaxes against him and I let out a loud cry of pleasure.

My orgasm consumes me, it feels like every nerve ending I have just got jolted by lightening. My heart is racing, my blood is pumping so fast, I can't feel my legs.

"You are absolutely beautiful, Octavia" I hear him say, as he's pulling his hand to his mouth. Slowly he sucks all the juices from the fingers that just gave me an earth shattering orgasm.
"And you taste delicious, too" he teases, licking the last one clean.

I try to hide my face in embarrassment, I can't even imagine what I just looked like, moaning so loud out here. I also can't believe he just gave me my first orgasm and how much I loved it

How much I want to do it again

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