Chapter 21

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Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark
Show me the places where the others gave you scars
-Taylor Swift

I stumbled into the cave, still unaware of the dangers lurking just a few miles away. My body exhausted, unable to fight the need for sleep any longer. Crashing to the ground, I succumb to the darkness.

After about 4 hours of sleeping I woke up to the sound of a stick breaking. Jolting up, I gather my bag, preparing to make a run for it. I'm not sure how far away that sound was but it was definitely close enough for my senses to pick it up. We need to keep moving, stay too long somewhere will just guarantee death, or worse, like being found by a psychotic alpha.

I shift and let Atia take control again. We run for another 6 miles when she stops to drink from a stream. Her ears perk up to something. Unsure what it is she gets in her battle stance.

Shit, someone has found us.

No matter how far or fast we run, fate is determined to play its sick joke on me.

A growl comes from the left, and another from the right.


One might of been a challenge to take down, but I'll never be able to take down two.

Then I hear a howl, it pierces right into my soul. This isn't an ordinary howl. This is a submit to me or die kind of howl. It rumbles through the air like thunder. Whoever is at the other end of that howl, I don't want to meet. I know I will surely die if they find me.

I have to run.

We can't stay here any longer, we won't survive.

Atia jumps across the stream and runs faster than she had before. Pumping every ounce of stamina she can.
I don't hear the growls anymore.

That's a good sign.

I think we might be ok, we managed to escape whatever that nightmarish sound was.

As she picks up her pace a pain spread over our back.
Atia stumbles and we collide with a tree forcing us to a sudden stop.

Something stabbed our back.

The pain is so intense it feels like acid burning through the skin. Our wolf healing abilities are trying to heal the wound, when suddenly, we see it.
A giant silhouette of a creature walking toward us.

The last thing I see before passing out are the blackest eyes, looking at me with so much rage. Deep onyx colored irises locked onto me, sending bolts of lightening across my body.
Blood dripping from his claws, the claws that just slashed my back.

The figure stood at least 7ft tall.

A Lycan.

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