Chapter 8

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It's the game of life. Do I win or do I lose? One day they're gonna shut the game down

Alpha Jeremiah and Luna Esmarle are throwing the celebration for Juda tonight at the pack house.
I overheard, during one of my cleaning sessions, that he would officially be 18 at 9pm. After that, he will shift for the first time, and then he will be able to find his mate, our next Luna. I imagine Jessica is taking extra time to primp herself for the main event. They've been paired together since infancy. It wasn't until 3 years ago that they started dating officially, probably their sick love for my pain that brought them closer together.
Both their parents were overjoyed for the relationship, none of them will ever believe they aren't fated mates.

But why wouldn't they be

Even I would feel sorry for the poor girl who would be mated to him, if it turned out not to be Jessica. What an unfortunate hand to be dealt. Between the jealous she-wolf, or the brutal man, I'm not sure what would be worse.

The pack house has been chaotic with everyone trying to get ready for the celebration tonight.
The best thing for me at this time is to stay out of sight, in the cold dark basement. Over the years I have managed to get a few additional items, that I stole from the garbage before anyone could notice.
A dirty used twin mattress with a hole on one side and clothes that Jessica or Anastasia had thrown out. They usually wear an outfit once or twice, before deeming them unfit to wear again.

Most of the clothes I've found have been in perfect condition. A little baggy considering I'm much skinnier than both of the girls. My body so frail, just skin on bones. Barely even a human anymore.

From the sound of the music outside, i can tell that the party has begun. At some point i will need to leave and go deep into the woods for my first shift. I don't know what to expect, or what time it will happen but I already put clothes out in the place I have in mind.
Quietly, I sneak out of the tiny window, that sits narrowly above my bed.
I make my way to the adjoining woods, carefully making sure I go unnoticed. Suddenly, I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. Like someone is burning a hole into my flesh.
I look around to make sure no one has seen me. There are hundreds of people all over the main courtyard and a giant bonfire in the middle. Glancing around, I'm staring to feel like it's a false alarm, till my eyes lock with familiar deep blue ones.


He sees me. A dark shadow seems to move across his face and he doesn't pull out of the gaze. His stare intensifies, I can even see his nostrils flare. The knuckles on his hands are white from the the tight fist he is making.

No one has noticed this stare down. Even Jessica is oblivious to what is happening while she clings to his arm. Yapping away, not seeing what's happening right in front of her. She laughs and flicks her hair over her shoulder. Juda still not moving, his eyes still locked onto me.

I feel a tightness in my chest. I don't know if it's from the anxiety that he caught me, or if I'm close to changing. I can't wait another second.

My eyes shift to the woods and then back to Juda. I can see his fists tighten, like a warning to stay where I am.

Daring me not to move.

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