Chapter 53

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The woods brings me a different kind of peace that I can't even describe, pure serenity. Hearing all the sounds and feeling the Earth below, really makes me feel connected in ways that are so unreal.

It's good to have you back at full strength, Atia

It's good to be back. I feel better now after that nap. Let's give Mate a chase. I miss him.

Wasting no time, Atia takes off full speed. Gray let's out a howl behind us, letting us know that he's coming. The thrill of being caught is exhilarating, especially by the beast that's hunting us now. Do we even stand a chance? No, but playing the game is part of the fun.

Atia is in full stride, darting between trees, heading deeper into the woods. A small hint of our Mates scent lingers in the breeze, he's close, but even with our enhanced wolf hearing, he makes no sound, it's like he's not even here. The Earth rumbles below us, his thunderous howl shakes the trees. Our heart is racing, Atia is pushing with everything she's got.

The trees give-way to an open clearing, a small waterfall cascades down into a pool of water, glistening like diamonds in the sunlight. It's breathtakingly beautiful, a hidden paradise. The snap of a small twig was the only warning, alerting us that we weren't alone. A black blur darts out of the trees, tackling us to the ground. Atia gives a warning growl, nipping at anything she can latch onto. Grays gorgeous black eyes bare down on us, taking his tongue and playfully licking the side of Atias face. She thrashes against him, giving another growl. Gray whines at her actions, attempting to lick her again. With her refusing to submit, he backs away, Damion takes his place.

"I see my mate wants to play today, but I caught you. Shift back Octavia, and I'll show you how I like to play" he taunts us

"How does the Alpha like to play" I tease him back

Damion strides towards me, his gaze sends chills over my body. I can't help but stare at his large, very hard cock as he moves in closer. My desire for him makes every part of me ache with need, a need that only he can fill. The thoughts that run through my mind when I see him like this, naked and hungry for me. His lips crash onto  mine, possessively devouring my mouth. I moan against him, feeling his slick-wet crown, rubbing across my stomach. Taking it into my hand, I brush my thumb over the tip, taking his wetness and rubbing it further down his shaft. I tighten my grip, giving him long hard strokes, using more of his slick pre-cum to lubricate as I pump him faster. His body goes stiff, growling as his bites my lip, then sucking it hard.

"Damn baby, if you keep doing that I'm going to explode all over you. It feels so good, O" he moans out

Dropping to my knees, I take the tip of his cock into my mouth. He tastes salty, making me want more. I take him even further, trying to relax my throat. He's so big and barely fits in my mouth. His hands grip into my hair, slowly guiding my head up and down.

"Yes baby, just like that. You are so perfect" he tells me, as I work him faster.

He moans out again, gripping my hair even tighter as I feel him release into my mouth. I swallow it down, licking the head before standing back up.

He brings his lips down onto mine again, kissing me hard. He trails his kisses down to my breasts, taking one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking and nibbling, making me cry out with pleasure. His hand cups my pussy, carefully stroking my clit. I'm so wet, it's making me extra sensitive as he slowly circles my nub. He slides a finger inside of me, sending shock waves across my body. The pressure is building inside, I'm not sure how much longer I can take it. He works his fingers perfectly, making me moan each time he thrusts one inside of me. He drops to his knees, I can feel his breath as he leans in inhaling my smell.

"Delicious" he murmurs, before he takes his tongue and gives a long stroke against my folds. His tongue moves faster, like he's devouring his last meal. My muscles tighten, as the pressure builds. Sensing I'm close, he puts another finger inside of me. Sucking hard against my clit,  the built up pressure finally explodes from my body. I scream out, cumming hard on his tongue and fingers.

"Have I told you that you are beautiful when you cum" he says, licking his fingers clean "you are the best thing I've ever tasted"

"You are insatiable" I laugh

"How could I ever get enough of you, Octavia. You are perfection. Besides, I told you that I'd spend the rest of my life making up my past mistakes. You allowing me to do this, is just an added bonus that I don't even deserve. Any chance you give me to worship your beautiful body, I will gladly take. I don't deserve you, but I'll never hurt you again. Even if you wake up one day and realize that you are too good for me, I'll still do everything I can to be a better man for you. I love you and I'll never stop loving you"

His raw honesty, along with the emotions I can feel through our mate bond, gives me the validation I need to believe him. My insecurities brings endless self-judgment, doubt and unnecessary pain. I need let go of the past, so I can move on for my own self. Not for anyone else. The bond with Damion is helping me heal old wounds, but I don't want to rely on a mate bond, I want to get stronger in my own way.

"I love you, too. I would never turn my back on you Damion. It's time for the past to stay in the past, so we, I, can move on from it. It's time to go end this" I tell him

"Let's go burn the world down, baby" he says, before shifting back into Gray

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