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*several months later**


Gazing at the tiny bundle in my arms, I feel so over joyed. Evie grabs my finger, cooing slightly as she looks back at me. She's so beautiful, a spitting image of her mother.

"Time for another one, don't ya think" Miki calls out, bringing my attention over to her.

"Are you trying to tell me something?"

She just shrugs her shoulders, avoiding my question, but grinning like crazy.

"You mean I'm going to be an aunt again? That's so exciting Miki" I cry out, startling little Evie. She begins to scream, tiny tears falling from her eyes.
"My poor baby, did Aunty Octavia scare you. Shh shh sweet girl. Mommy has you" Miki says, taking Evie from me. Being back in her mothers arms instantly soothes her. She nestles against her, falling asleep.

"I'll go lay her down with her brother. She's constantly fighting her sleep" she says, getting up to leave.

"Hmm probably just prefers to hang out with her Aunty" I tease "I still can't believe you had twins"

"Maybe this time I'll just have one, not sure if my body, or sanity could handle twins again" she laughs out.

Instinctively, my hand goes to my own stomach. The tiny bulge, barely noticeable. I haven't told Miki yet, I know she will be thrilled, especially if we're going to be pregnant at the same time. Damion was the first to notice my scent changing, he rushed me to Jasmine in a panicked state. After several tests, followed by a quick scan, she confirmed that I'm pregnant. Since finding out, he's been insanely possessive. I can barely get out of the bed in the mornings without him hovering over me, like I'm a fragile piece of glass going to break. He's been so attentive, always bringing me food, holding back my hair when the morning sickness hits. I can't wait to see how he will be with our pup, I know that he will be an incredible father.

Jasmine and I have become a lot closer now that I see her regularly for check ups. She's so kind, constantly reassuring me that everything is going to be okay. Damion makes me see her for every minor thing, so I find myself in her office almost daily now. Not that I mind, having another female to talk to, since Miki has been busy with her twins, it is refreshing. Her and Gavin officially became mates not longer after we destroyed the last of Novilunium Pack. He's been helping her, trying to get her wolf to come forward, but so far they haven't had any luck. She tells me that there are other witches in hiding, some that could help her.

During one of our visits, she told me her story. How a group of attackers came to her home, slaughtering her family. Many in our community of supernaturals don't support mixed breeding, her mother was a powerful witch but fell in love with a werewolf. They were true mates, somehow breaking all the rules we've been told.  He left his pack, swearing his life to his new found mate. Together they lived peacefully for years till she finally got pregnant with Jasmine. Once the word got out that they had a hybrid child, the attacks started to come. First they were minor, a few rouge wolves, unable to even penetrate their coven. Over the years they got worse, other witches jealous of the possible power Jasmine could have.

When Jasmine came into her powers, her mother trained her, making her strong enough to fight off anyone who tries to harm her. Even with her mother being one of the most powerful witches, she couldn't get her wolf to emerge. The night the coven planned to do a ritual to help her, is when all hell broke loose. She didn't go into much detail, just telling me that only a few and herself survived. The others fled, she doesn't know where they went. She ran, channeling the wind to carry her as far as her strength could manage. That's when she found herself on Damions land, she was bleeding out, covered in wounds. He took her in and gave her shelter, got her fixed up and since then she's been completely loyal to him. Everyone she loved and cared for was brutally murdered, Damion is the only sort of family she has now. Meeting Gavin gave her back the hope she lost that day, now she wants to bring her wolf out, to search for the witches from her coven.

Thinking about her and Gavin leaving makes me sad but I hope she finds what she's looking for. I know she plans to wait till our pup is born, I just don't want to be the reason she's holding herself back. When I met her later today, I'll convince her to leave sooner. She deserves to find the part of herself that's locked away.

"You look like you're in deep thought" Damion says, pulling me back to reality.

"Hm I guess I was, I'm about to head down and see Jasmine"

"Something wrong with the pup" he says, frantically examining my body

"No, everything is fine. I just want some girl talk" I tell him, trying to hold back a laugh. He's so cautious of everything I do, it wouldn't surprise me if he picked me up and carried me to Jasmine himself.

When I finally make it to Jasmine, I pause outside of her door. Her and Gavin are in the middle of a conversation, I can't help but hear pieces of it.

"It's too late. They've found me. We can't stay here anymore. If anything happened to Octavia, I'd never forgive myself"

Opening the door, I startle Jasmine and Gavin both. Turning to look at me, I can tell she's worried about something major.

"Hey, O. I wasn't expecting you today. Is everything okay with the baby. Did you need something?" She asks me.

"No, I just came to talk to you about something. It seems like I interrupted you guys. I can come back later" I say, trying to not give myself away for eavesdropping.

"Don't be silly, I always have time for you"

"I'm sorry Jas, I couldn't help but hear what you just said. Who's found you?"

Her eyes dart to Gavin, he takes her hand and gives her a small nod.

"The ones who destroyed my coven and murdered my family. They must've came snooping around when everything happened at Novilunium. I'm sure they probably sensed how much power I used that day. One of our warriors reported that some strangers are asking around in the local towns about a person who could fit my description. It will only be a matter of time before they come out here. Everyone in our supernatural community knows about Damion. I don't know if they would attack him, but if they sense that I'm here, then they would"

"You know we would never let them hurt you. Damion would kill anyone who threatens our pack" I tell her

"I know that, but with the baby coming you don't need to be put in any danger. He would go crazy at the thought of you or the pup being harmed. You know I can't take that risk. You both mean so much to me"

"What will you do?"

"Gavin and I are going to leave tonight. The under the cover of darkness, we should be able to slip away without being noticed. The towns are miles away but we don't want to risk anything. I've heard rumors in the past that some witches are close to Canada. We will start our search there. If I manage to bring my wolf out, then I'll come back. If not, I'll have to stay away. Me being here will always put you at risk if I'm not strong enough to fight them" she tells me, tears forming in her eyes.

Walking up to her, I take her into my arms. My own tears are falling with her, both a sobbing mess while we hold each other.

"I'll miss you so much. I don't know what I'll do without you but you need to go and find the other witches who can help you. I only want what's best for you" I whisper to her, pulling away from our hug.

"I've been training Miki so we would have a back up if this day ever came. After her birth with the twins, she wanted to know more about helping others in the clinic. Especially with the new women and children who came. She's got a real talent for it. I've already given her instructions on what to do, so I know you'll be fine"

I feel a bit more relieved hearing this, I was going to ask Miki for help anyway, since I still struggle with trusting other people. I know without a doubt that she will be thrilled to have the chance.

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