Chapter 41

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The few days of rest have been completely blissful. Damion has rarely left me alone, not that I mind, but when he leaves there are always guards around. I'm starting to feel suffocated. I really need to find Miki and catch her up on everything, if I stay in this room much longer, I'll lose my sanity.

Tomorrow the tournament begins so I imagine the pack house is busy with preparations to house everyone that's coming.

Just taking a peek downstairs shouldn't hurt anything, right?

Opening the door to our room, I peek outside to see if I can slip out undetected. Two men are standing directly at the door and stare at me with blank expressions.
"Um hello?" I say to one of them "I'm just going to run downstairs and grab some food".

"We have orders to make sure you don't leave the room, we can send for something to be brought up" one of them replies

"Oh no, I don't mind going" I say "I'll be quick I promise, no one will notice that I've left"

"Sorry, we are on strict orders to guard you" the other one says. Not missing the slight detest in his voice. Annoyed that he's on babysitting duty.

"Very well then gentlemen, having food delivered will be lovely. Thank you" I reply, closing the door behind me.

Shit, Atia. How will we get downstairs with thing one and thing two guarding the door

Just be patient and we will wait for an opportunity, they have to take a break eventually. When they are distracted we will make a break for it. It's not like we will get in trouble anyway. Mate loves us.

Silently rolling my eyes at her comment. My self doubt it still lingering in the back of my mind. How could someone like him actually love someone like me. I know the bond makes you crazy, obsessed and borderline insane for the other person, but love? I'm not even sure what that is.
Have I really even seen Mates in love before? My old pack was full of vicious wolves, I doubt any of them were even capable of loving someone other than themselves. I don't want to think about it anymore. I don't think my heart could handle it. The time I've already spent here has been so different from my last pack. I'm sort of feeling like I belong. Miki genuinely likes me for me and I don't want to lose her friendship. She's one of the first people to ever actually talk to me like I'm a human, not trash to be thrown away. I enjoy our talks we have, and I appreciate all the work she's put in to help me train. Because of her I'm a stronger she-wolf, and slowly seeing the light at the end of my tunnel of darkness.

I hope I can make her and Damion proud of me when I fight tomorrow. However, I'm dreading what will happen when Juda arrives. Just thinking about seeing him again throws my mind into a frenzy. Will I be that scared little girl again or will I finally find my courage to stand up to him. I know Damion won't let him hurt me but I need to stand my ground on my own. If I don't face him then I'll always be a coward in everyone's eyes.

A knock at the door jolts me from my self monologue. I walk over to open it and one of the guards hands me a plate of food. I look to see where thing two is but it's just thing one delivering the tray alone.


"Thank you, I'm famished. It won't take long and I'll have this back to you" I say

Quickly I eat as much as I can so I can hand the tray back to him. I don't want to miss the opportunity to get a break from this room.
I open the door and he takes the tray from my hands

"Stay put, I'm just gonna run this down to the kitchen. If you leave this room it won't be good for you when I get back" he says.

Hmm I guess Damion hasn't filled them in on me being his mate or I'm sure this idiot wouldn't have mouthed off to me. Never mind that, if I argue with him then I won't have my chance to leave.

"Sure thing, I'll just go lie down. I'm feeling tired anyway" I reply

He just looks at me in disgust, probably assuming I'm just some she-Wolf trying to get higher in rank by sleeping with the alpha.

Not completely false. We haven't slept together, yet


Oh Goddess why am I thinking about that right now. If I'm not careful I'll summon the man up here from my arousal alone

He turns to leave and I close the door giving the illusion I'm actually going to listen to him. Keeping a mental note to tell Damion later that he needs to teach his guards proper manners. I listen against the door till I can't hear footsteps anymore. Carefully I open it back up, doing a quick check for my babysitters. I dart to the elevator, since I know no one else is allowed to us it. Pressing the button for Mikis floor, I nervously tap my foot. The doors open and I make a run for it, looking back making sure no one is coming. When I turn my head back around, I don't have time to stop before I collide into a brick wall.


Sparks ignite over my body and I lock eyes with the darkest orbs I've ever seen.

"Hello Mate. Where are you off to in such a hurry" Damion says, grabbing my waist to keep me from falling on my ass. He chuckles as I melt into his touch.

Damn, almost got away with it

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