Chapter 56

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Did I hear that correctly?

Hmm seems you did, that's surprising given her wolf hasn't emerged before

Turning my attention back to Jasmine, I see her walking closer to Thomas. Her body is radiating power like I've never seen. Even more than Damion has shown me. I'm sure, between the two of them, they could do some serious damage.

"If you'd be so kind, to remove your hand off my mates head, before I remove it for you" she tells Thomas, her eyes never leaving Gavin.

The clouds above us start to swirl harder, Jasmines eyes turn white, as the wind picks up, making Thomas lose his balance, he slips to the ground, letting go of Gavin's hair. Gavin collapses, his body still bound with ropes. Thunder booms out again, followed by another flash of light. Jasmine begins to pull the wind toward her, it swirls around her body, making her rise from the ground. Thomas scrambles to stand back up, his face unable to hide the fear and shock, of seeing Jasmine like this. Honestly, my face probably looks the same way, thankfully I'm not the one at the receiving end of this rage.

The force of Jasmines wind tunnel is beginning to make me lose my balance. Damion grips me tighter, putting both arms around me, not even being affected by her power. His face shows no signs of indifference, just looking onward at how this is playing out. The wolves that were fighting around us, have stopped, now watching Jasmine as she approaches Thomas.

Jasmine stretches out one of her arms, pointing it at Thomas. The wind blasts against him, knocking him to his knees. She smiles down, almost close enough to touch him, her hand stops just before she reaches his throat. Light pluses from her palm, her arm fully stretched out at him, glowing brighter as he rises from the ground. His body is thrashing back and forth, trying to free from her grip, she's not touching him, but her hand squeezes tighter, like it's really against his throat. His wolf partially shifts, in a panic, frantically he claws at the air, trying to remove whatever force is holding him. His efforts are in vain, all it does it make him claw his own throat, inflicting deep gashes. Thomas screams out, his wolf is killing him. He begs Jasmine to let him go, but she doesn't waver. He's lost control of his wolf, unable to prevent him from this feral state. His wolf claws him again, this time hitting too deep. Blood pools out of him at a faster rate, the life quickly draining from his eyes. A tear forms, dropping slowly, as he gasps for air one last time. Finally, he stops moving, Jasmine drops her arm, letting his body crash to the ground. The wind ceases, as she steps over his lifeless body, not even looking down at the state Thomas is now in.

Gavin lets out a small moan, she leans down, carefully stroking his head. Her hand begins to light up again, while she runs it up and down his body. The wounds on him start to close, his color returning to normal. I knew that she had healing powers, but seeing it in action is amazing. She unties his bindings, freeing him from the restraints. He quickly wraps his arms around her, then places a soft kiss on her cheek. She blushes slightly, examining his face for any further injuries.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" She asks him

"I'm better, now that you're here" he replies, kissing her again

"Wait, so you two are mates?" I ask, still shocked at everything I just witnessed

Jasmine and Gavin both turn to look at me, forgetting they had an audience. They both stand up, walking towards us, hand in hand.

"I guess the Moon Goddess felt I was deserving of a second chance, after that night in the woods, I ran into Jasmine who questioned me about a red mark visible around my neck. I told her what happened with us and the misunderstanding. When she touched me, to look at my neck, sparks ignited across my body. I guess with her wolf being dormant, I didn't notice her scent before. When she touched me, everything just came all at once. I could even sense her wolf, she's there but hasn't came out yet. I think we might be able to get her out one day" Gavin tells us

He looks over at Jasmine, clearly smitten by his new mate. I couldn't be happier for the two of them, even though I don't know Jasmine that well. Gavin deserves to finally be happy, after everything he's been through.

"I didn't think I'd have a mate. Being a hybrid wolf came with a lot of uncertainties, my witch side has always been more powerful. It caused my wolf to be forced away, I'm not sure my body could handle having that much power. Wolves are incredibly strong, mixing that with everything else I can do, is really scary to think about. Now that the possibility is here, I might have to turn to other witches for help" Jasmine says, concerned.

"There are more of you out there?" I ask her, clearly ignorant of the world around me

"A few, many went into hiding years ago. The small coven I left was attacked, most of them didn't make it. The ones who did, fled into hiding also. I managed to escape and found myself on Damions land" she replies

"I hate to break up this conversation but we need to finish what we started" Damion interjects, pointing to the wolves still staring at us

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