Chapter 33

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When she's mean, you know you love it
'Cause she tastes so sweet, don't sugarcoat it
-Ava Max


How does he know me

I stand there perplexed, trying to place this man before me. But I honestly don't even know where I've seen him. How he possibly knows who I am, is a mystery to me. I'm positive I've never seen him in my old pack, not that I got out much there. I'm sure I would have remembered seeing him though, especially since he is obviously a very forward person.

"I'm sorry, but I think you must be mistaken, we've never met. And I'm sure I would have remembered you if we had" I say nervously.

"Apologies for my rude behavior, Octavia. While we haven't officially met, I do know quiet a bit about you. I know that we've both been betrayed by two people from Novilunium Pack, and I know that one of them is still trying to hunt you down, determined to bring you back" he says, looking directly at me.

What the hell

"You see, my good for nothing mate, Jessica, rejected me, as did yours. So, I'm determined to make sure they are never happy together" he says

Oh my goddess, Jessica's mate

"Now that I see you've found yourself in Dark Moon pack, it will be interesting to see how Juda gets you back now" he laughs

I'll never go back to that hellhole. I'll die before that happens

"Don't worry, Octavia, I'm on your side. You see, that night you escaped, I held Juda off for you. I knew I had to do something to stop him, especially since my wolf was still fuming about being rejected. I wish I would have been able to kill him that night, unfortunately the rest of his warriors arrived shortly after you escaped, so I had to make a run for it. One day I hope to have another chance for my revenge, thankfully our paths have crossed again. So, maybe I just might. Especially since he's still looking for you" he says, definitely catching my attention now.

"What do you mean he's still looking for me" I ask, very confused

"Since you escaped, his wolf has gone crazy. His wolf won't accept Jessica. Even though they've mated officially, his mark won't stay on her neck, every few days it disappears. Or so my sources tell me. I had an insider keeping tabs on everything after I fled, but I haven't had an update in a few weeks now" he tells me

But we rejected each other, and I accepted it.

I even have a second chance mate now. Not for long, but I haven't been rejected yet.

"I don't understand why he would hunt me down, we both rejected each other. And I cut all ties to that pack. Why would he even do this" I say, leaving out the second chance mate part. The less people know the better it will be. Especially since my rejection will be any day now, Damion will be better off with his new woman at his side.

Thinking about Catiyana even touching him sends a fury down my spine. All I want to do is break every finger that even dared to touch my mate.

My mate

I can't even defend what's mine, because In truth he's not mine. He doesn't want me. Just like Juda. Or at least he was like Juda, but not anymore since Juda is obviously insane and now hunting me down. What do I even do with this information.

Will he find me here

Will Damion just let me go to him

"Hey, Earth to Octavia" I hear Miki say, pulling me back into reality and out of the anxiety attack that was about to plague me.

"I can't believe that he's looking for you, O. What do you think Da-" I put my hand over her mouth quickly before she can even finish that sentence. No one needs to know that the Alpha here is my new Mate. That wouldn't be good for me, or if  Juda even catches wind of it. If he's as crazy as they're saying, I'm sure it would start a war between these two packs. The last thing I want is any blood being shed over me. I need to think of a plan, and fast.

"Let's just go outside and train for a while Miki, I need to take my mind off this sudden overload of Information" I say, heading towards the door.

I need to clear my mind of Juda, Catiyana and especially Damion.

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