Chapter 40

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Yeah, you drive me crazy
Crazy, crazy for you baby


Leaving Octavia was nearly impossible this morning. Gray wants nothing more than to mark her right now, but I need to wait till she's comfortable. After everything she told me about her past, and her trauma, I don't want to rush her into anything she may not be comfortable with.

Try telling that to the beast within me

Her story consumes my soul, just thinking about another male harming my mate drives me to the point of insanity. When he arrives, I'll kill him. His head will be delivered to her feet. His pack will be obliterated. No one will survive when I'm through. They'll regret the moment they ever touched a hair on her beautiful head. If they thought their acts were evil, then they really have no clue what type of punishment awaits them. The pits of hell itself won't compare to the fury I'll bestow upon them.

Novilunium Pack will cease to exist when I'm finished. History will not even remember a single name from that pathetic pack. They will be erased.

My rage is rolling off me in waves, pack members don't even come within a few feet of me. They can sense that I'm on the verge of losing control. It won't take much for me to finally snap, however, I can't take it out on my loyal members. These wolves are willing to lay down their lives for me and I'll continue to protect them, even from myself.

As I make my way into my office, I see Catiyana already waiting for me. With everything else on my mind, the last thing I need right now is to deal with her bullshit. I need to end this obsession of hers now.

She walks up to my side and places her hand on my arm. I shiver from disgust. Removing her hand forcefully, I don't even attempt to make eye contact. Her presence is pissing me off and I'm almost tempted just to kill her father for even sending her.

"Don't touch me, Catiyana" I say to her "I'm not interested in yours, or your fathers schemes. After the tournament, you will leave my pack and never return"

She stands there in shock, I'm honestly surprised she even thought I'd go through with that sham of a plan. Doesn't she realize that I could just kill off that entire pack and take it by force. The fact they even think I'd marry someone for land is insulting. Even before Octavia, keeping a woman by my side was never something I was going to consider. Now the only woman who will sit by my side is my beautiful mate, asleep upstairs. Anyone who dares to think otherwise, will die by my hand. If they thought I was a walking nightmare before, they have no idea the possessive monster I will be now.

Just wait till I mark her as mine. The world has no idea what they're in for

"Get the fuck out of my office, Catiyana" I command. She darts towards the door, tears in her eyes.

I rub the side of my head, trying to relive some tension. Just thinking about Octavia being upstairs alone is distracting me from everything else I'm supposed to be doing. Gray is anxious and wants me to go back up there to check on her. I know she's fine, so for now I'll let her rest.

Derrick walks in my office, offering a cup of coffee.

"I sensed you might need this" he says "You look a little tense, and everyone is running around terrified that you are going to kill someone, or everyone" he laughs.

I drop my head into my hands in frustration. This whole mate thing isn't bringing out the best in me. I've never been so consumed about something in my entire life.

"Is everything ready for the tournament" I say, trying to look over the paperwork on my desk.

"Just a couple minor details to sort out, nothing that I can't handle" he replies

"Put two guards on Octavia at all times" I command "She's not allowed to be left alone, especially when Alpha Juda arrives. For now, I'd like no one to know that she is my mate. I don't want Juda catching wind of that and backing out of his plans. Once he is here, I'll handle him personally"

Derrick lets out a quick chuckle

"The goddess herself couldn't stop you, so I guess I need to start the paperwork for this new pack land we are about to acquire" he says as he turns to leave my office

Hes right about one thing, the Moon Goddess would not be able to change the fate of Alpha Juda. I dare any soul to try and stop the storm that's brewing.

My sad attempt at working has been in vein. I've read the same paragraph four times and it's still not even processing in my mind. I have to go up and check on Octavia.

As I open the door, I see my beautiful mate still sleeping where I left her. I walk to her side of the bed, and bend town to touch her. Running my hand across her soft skin sends electric sparks all over my body, I'll never get tired of feeling the effects of this mate bond.
I slowly lean over, taking her hair in my hand and inhaling deeply. Her scent calms me, so alluring and inviting. It sends a twitch to my dick, just being this close to her is making me so hard. I'd love nothing more than to watch my dick slide in and out of her tight, wet pussy. Marking her neck as we complete our bond. I know I can't do that with her yet, but soon I'll have my little wolf.

She begins to stir, I'm sure her wolf can sense me here.
Her eyes open and she turns to me. Captivating me entirely, I could look into her eyes for eternity, forever getting lost inside of them. She smiles, it makes me forget to breathe. Never in my life have I seen someone so beautiful and pure. She's everything good and innocent in the world, everything opposite to what I am. The light in my endless darkness, guiding me to the oasis that is her. I don't deserve her, she needs someone better than me but I'll never be able to let her go.

"I thought you had work to do" my angel softly whispers

"Knowing you are up here alone was driving me crazy, I had to come check on you" I reply. Taking her hand in mine.

She smiles again. This girl has no idea what she's doing to me.

"I'll be okay, Damion. You know I can handle myself. I've been training really hard and I'm not that weak little wolf you found in the woods" she says, attempting to pout now.

This time I smile, my girl is so strong and brave. She will make a fine Luna indeed

"I know how strong you are, Octavia. But for my sanity, I still need to see you. Being near you calms me down, I almost went on a rampage earlier. With everything you told me, and the tournament almost here, I'm not sure how much longer I can control myself" I say, dropping my head to her side.

She slowly raises her other hand, running her soft fingers through my hair. Just her touch alone soothes me.

"I see" she replies "You calm me too. I never thought I'd have this, someone who cares for me. It's all new for both of us. Eventually we will find the perfect balance, but for now, I'll happily take any moment I can with you"

She drives me wild

"You are so beautiful" I say. Grabbing her face in my hands, I pull her close to me and softly kiss her lips. It's taking everything in me not to devour her right here. I know I need to wait till I've killed Juda, but I'm not sure if I can wait.

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