Chapter 57

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Looking out into the crowd of blood thirsty wolves, I feel Gray getting antsy. He's ready to show our mate just how powerful we are. I'm ready for him to unleash all of his glory. Jasmine put on a hell of a show for us but that's nothing compared to what I'm about to do. I can smell their fear, it's potent, lingering in the air along with the stench of death. They wanted to fight, to support a pack who allowed years of abuse against their members, particularly my mate. Others suffered, none as bad as Octavia. For that, they'll all pay. She may not have been my mate then, but everything she feels now, I can feel too. They hurt her beyond words, pain that she will probably never get over.
All I know to do, is eliminate the ones that caused the pain. She's been so strong, facing her tormentors, defeating her demons, but now I want to finish this for her. Ending these wolves will put a stop to their cycle of abuse, the abuse that never should have happened in the first place. A pack is meant to be protected from harm, protected from outside threats, not turn against your own. Octavia will never experience that type of behavior again, as long as I'm breathing, she will always be protected.
My reputation proceeds me, they say I'm evil, killing without mercy. For years I've protected my pack, rouges have constantly tried to attack my lands. Over time the stories became more vicious, stories I allowed to be told. The more they spread, the less attacks came. People began to fear me, but that fear brought peace for my pack. That peace clearly came at a cost, while my pack was thriving, my mate was suffering.

She stands next to me, unaware of how beautiful she really is. Her naked body, perfect in every way, begging to be worshiped by me. I growl, reminded that she's naked, for everyone to see. Of course, as wolves, we aren't shy about being naked, but having other males see my mate like this, brings out my possessive side unintentionally. I need to rip out their eyes, they don't deserve to see this perfection.

I mind-link with Justin and my other warriors, letting them know I'm finishing this. They step back away from the crowd, a few start to looking around at each other wondering what's going to happen now. Taking Octavia's hand, I bring it to my lips, placing a soft kiss against it.

"Stand back here with Jasmine and Gavin. Justin will handle the wolves at the front of the house. They'll be sent back to our Pack for their safety. I know you feel sorry for the ones remaining, but they made a choice. The second they let their fear hold them back, shows me that they would turn against you again. You can't make people loyal to you, who are only loyal to themselves. Our pack needs wolves who will take a stand against the injustices of others, not cower in fear, trying to save their own lives" I tell her "and please grab some clothes if you can, I really can't focus on anything while you are naked. Half of me wants to fuck you where you are standing, the other half wants to rip off everyone's heads for looking at you"

Octavia simply rolls her eyes at me for my last comment, my fierce Queen is getting more confidence, and I love it.

"I understand what you are saying, I don't want these people to die for a cause they blindly followed, but you are right, they'll never be truly loyal"

She slowly leans up to me, placing her lips onto mine. Passionately kissing me, tracing my lips with her tongue. I open my mouth, letting her fight my tongue for control. Silently, I'm begging my dick not to harden. She pulls away, leaving me wanting more. I take a deep breath, trying to control the flow of excitement to my cock.

"Octavia" I growl "if you continue to tease me, I will certainly fuck you right here, you cumming on my cock will be the very last thing they see before they leave this earth"

Like the little minx she is, she just laughs at me. Adding a little more sway to her hips, as she walks away with Jasmine and Gavin.

Now, it's showtime.

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