Chapter 45

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Sensing that he's finally calm, I take the opportunity to leave. We stand up and prepare our goodbyes to my friends. Damion walks out first and before I manage to walk out Miki grabs my arm. Turning to face her, I see that she's still concerned about me

"O, I know I can't change your mind but please just be careful. I care about you and you're my best friend. I can't lose you, or even think about you getting hurt. I'm not going to participate tomorrow because..." she points to her belly and I finally see a small bump.

"Oh MY GOSH" I squeal "you're pregnant"
She laughs as she leans in to hug me

"We just found out and Nik has been super over protective so obviously I can't fight tomorrow but I'll be there cheering you on" she says

Damion grabs my hand as we head off to the elevator, I can't believe my best friend is having a baby. It's so exciting. We make our way up to the room and Damion picks me up bridal style before I can even step inside.

"I can't wait any longer Octavia. After hearing your friend say she's expecting a pup my thoughts went into overdrive, now all I can think about is you having my pup" he whispers into my ear.

He throws me down onto the bed and I let out a giggle. He begins to rip my clothes from my body, unable to hold himself back. He unbuttons his pants and frees his gigantic cock. My eyes widen in disbelief, how will THAT fit in me. He grins at me knowing what I'm thinking

"Don't worry sweetheart, it might hurt a little at first but eventually you'll be begging for it" he says while taking off the last of my clothes.

He slowly crawls up the bed and starts kissing his way up my legs. Without hesitation I spread wider for him. Not knowing what to expect but my body is just reacting instinctively. His tongue runs across my thigh as he makes his way to my pussy.

"Mmm i can't tell you how many times I've jacked off to this smell alone" he whispers out. It sends chills across my body. Knowing that my scent alone makes this big bad alpha come undone. It brings me confidence and makes me feel so powerful.
He begins to stroke his tongue up and down my folds, then he takes his fingers and works one slowly in and out of me. The pressure inside of me is already building, I'm not sure how much longer I can last. He flicks his tongue across my clit and I see stars.

Holy fuck this is amazing

He begins to work another finger in me, stretching me but not painfully. I'm so turned on right now, I'm dripping everywhere. He sucks harder on my clit and my orgasm consumes me. I rock against his fingers riding out the waves of bliss. He lets out a slight chuckle as he makes his way up to me.

"You are so beautiful, especially when you cum" he says before crashing his lips to mine. Our kiss is almost feral, I know our wolves are enjoying this just as much as we are. His cock is so hard pressing against me. I'm still terrified at the thought of it going inside of me. He's going to break me in half, I just know it.

"This time I'll be as gentle as I can, my love, but after I don't think I will be able to hold back. You are so gorgeous and my instincts tell me to fuck you raw then mark you. For now I'll take it easy" he says as he rubs the head of his dick across my clit. It sends sparks across my body and I'm getting soaked again. He is so gorgeous, perfect and all mine. I can feel my canines coming out, the urge to bite him. I'm trying to hold back, not lose control. I've never felt like this before, the urge to pin him down and ride him till we both see stars. Slowly, he pushes against my pussy, it's so wet practically begging for him to push it further. I push my hips up showing him I'm ready. He pushes further and further until I feel the barrier stopping him from going deeper. With one final push, he breaks through and goes faster to help ease the pain. I feel so full, it hurts but not like I thought. The pain is fleeting and quickly replaced with pleasure. He starts thrusting harder and I feel another orgasm building.

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