Epilogue 2

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It's been 6 months since Jasmine and Gavin left us. We didn't hear anything else about the strangers asking around in the local towns. The other day I got a post card with a maple leaf on it, it was blank but I know it's her telling me they made it to Canada.
I worry about her constantly, wondering how they're doing. I hope she's okay and she manages to find her old coven members, or at least another witch.

Looking down in the cradle next to me, I can't help but smile at the sight of my beautiful boy. His dark hair, full and thick, just like his daddy. Miki was perfect helping me with the pregnancy, being pregnant herself definitely made it a challenge but we managed to bring a healthy pup into the world. She took on an assistant, a young she-wolf, who runs things currently. Miki is due any day now, so she's on strict orders by Nik, not to leave the bed.

"How's our future Alpha today, my beautiful mate" I hear Damion say as he steps into the room.

"Our little Zackiah is perfect. Barely even made a sound, probably tired from his late night screaming session" I say, giving Damion a quick kiss.

"Still no word around about Jasmine?" I ask, trying not to get emotional.

"Sorry, love. It's like they vanished into thin air. But that's good in their case. If I can't find anything out, then the people looking for them won't either"

I know he's right, but it doesn't make me worry less. Hopefully one day we will see them again, I'd love for her to meet Zak. My tiny little boy, who's going to be a powerful Alpha some day. Thinking about his future is exciting, Damion said with each new generation they get stronger, not weaker. We won't know till he's older what kind of power he might have, but looking at him now I know he will be a force to be reckoned with.

Damion told me about his own ability to control wolves, since then, we've been keeping an ear out for any news that packs might need his help. He swore that he would never allow himself to sit by while others suffer at the hands of men who don't need to lead them. Since my pregnancy and having our pup, he doesn't want Zak or myself leaving the pack lands, but he will certainly go himself if anything becomes serious. Since he destroyed Novilunium and Luna Eclipse Pack, things have been kind of quiet. Alpha Thomas Montez had sent some wolves to attack when we were at Novilunium lands, but his plan failed the second they crossed into his domain. Nik lead several wolves to stop them before they could come any further. Damion was so impressed he made Nik an official member of his personal entourage, positioned right after Justin. Miki was thrilled that all of Niks hard work paid off, they even got moved to their own house. Now he spends his days training warriors with Justin, and Miki runs our clinic.

Things have really been amazing for everyone in our Pack. It's so hard to imagine that I went from a small fragile girl, to the Luna of the most powerful pack in the country. I'm so proud to stand by Damions side, making changes in the world for the better. Together our pack is thriving, more powerful than ever. Together we can handle any threat that comes our way, protecting our family and every member of our Pack. I look over to my mate, watching him admire our future leader. He's still the most gorgeous male I've ever seen. Everything about him is perfection. Seeing him with our son, makes my ovaries go crazy.

"You know I can tell when you get aroused, O" he chuckles making his way over to me.

"Well, if you saw what I'm looking at. You'd be aroused too" I tease

"Actually, I think I'm quite hungry" he purrs at me

"Oh yeah, what do you have in mind?"

"Mm I think you know exactly what I have in mind Octavia"

"You truly are insatiable" I say, as he pushes me down on the bed.

I will never get tired of these moments with him. For the rest of my life, I know he's exactly where I want to be.


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