Chapter 9

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A sea full of sharks and they all smell blood
-Nicki Minaj

I can't wait, it's now or never.

Maybe, just maybe he won't chase me. But who am I kidding, I all but challenged an Alpha Wolf. All they know is the hunt, to chase and stalk their prey. And that is exactly what I am to Juda.


Suddenly I see him grab his stomach, he falls over. Everyone stops and stares at him. His head falls back and he lets out a roar. Sharp canines descend from his teeth. His eyes darkened, turning pitch black. Fur prickling through his skin.

It's happening.

His shift.

Cheers erupt across the courtyard. Jessica moves in front of him, hoping he will claim her now, before everyone.

The Alphas voice booms "move out of my way" as he's rushing over to Juda.

This is my chance to run.

I look back to Juda again, he's almost completely shifted now. Sealing the bonds takes only a few seconds. Those precious seconds will be what saves me from him.
I start towards the woods, it's now or never. Shifting here will be terrible. No one will help me, I'd anything they'd try and kill my wolf.
One more quick chance back, just to be sure.
A mistake that cost me everything.
Standing where Juda was just at in human form. Is now a giant black wolf, who lets out a very loud growl.

The mate growl.

Judas wolf has found his mate.

Jessica squeals, his wolf seems to be looking directly at her. However, I can't help but feel like he's looking through her and straight into my soul. That prickling sensation covers my body again, chill bumps run up my arms.

I can't move
I can't breathe

The Giant wolf growls, followed by a howl, signaling that he's about to hunt his mate.

He moves closer towards Jessica.

As she's reaching out her hand to touch him, the wolf snaps at her. Jerking back confused, she puts her hand back down. The current Alpha raises his brow, watching this show unfold before him. Now Judas wolf passes her, eyes definitely locked on to me this time.

Goddess please no

Everyone's eyes turn to see what our future leader is looking at. Jessica spins around, her eyes darken at the sight of me. Jealousy is written all over her face. She knows what this means. Everyone knows what this means. My future Alpha, Juda, is my mate and he's about to kill me.

I do the only logical thing a person does under stress, I run.

I run fast.

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