Chapter 22

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In the middle of the night
Baby, let the games begin
-Taylor Swift

The Lycans POV

We've been hunting this rouge for the last two days. My Beta and Gamma have been with me. Normally it doesn't take the 3 of us but we just finished killing a group of different rouges when we picked up the scent.

What a unexpected day this has turned out to be.

The chase, it's what I live for. Hunting down worthless rouges, daring to cross into my lands. How pathetic they look at the end of my claws, begging for their lives. Occasionally, I'll spare one, allowing them to become part of my pack. However, it's rare.

This rouge has definitely given a thrilling chase, it's been far too long since I've hunted one down like this. Maybe, I'll consider letting this one live.


There is something different about this scent. Although it's faint, it reminds me of pine trees and daisies. This makes my wolf, Gray, go crazy. Now the hunt is on, I will not stop till I find who is at the other end of this scent.

Watch out little wolf, I'm coming for you.

My Beta, Derrick heads to trail West and my Gamma, Justin heads to go East. This will give us a better chance at cornering in whoever this little wolf is that is putting Gray, over the edge. He's itching to be let loose, to stalk down this little pup who thinks they stand a chance.

We run for miles, picking up traces of the scent as we go. I can see we are getting closer. The scent is thick now, fresh within the last hour or so.
I slow my pace and breathe it in again, Gray is stirring harder now. Begging me to give him control. For a second I think about allowing him. He will find this wolf in a matter of minutes. Unfortunately for him,I'm enjoying the hunt far more than I should. It's been a long time since something has brought me so much adrenaline. Stalking down prey is something Gray and I both love.

To my left, I see a little brown wolf dashing from a cave. The wolf is running extremely fast but it's no match for me. I just stand there with a grin across my face. I'll give the wolf a few more minutes to let them think they've escaped me. Then, I'll give Gray the satisfaction of ending this chase. I can't be away from my pack another night, I have duties to get back to so I need to finish this up quickly. As much as I've enjoyed toying with my prey, I still have work to do back in my own pack. The border was breached, I need the Gamma back to training our wolves better, so that doesn't happen again. We can't afford a single slip up. Any signs of weakness in my pack is an automatic death sentence.
I watch until the wolf is out of my line of vision. Now it's time for Gray to get his prey. I must admit I'm quiet curious to see who is at the other end of that delectable smell.

Fuck, when did I even start using the word delectable.

This wolf needs to die, I can't have anything that
causes me to show weakness. Seems like this wolf is already doing that.
I hear my Beta let out a growl followed shortly by my Gamma. They've cornered the wolf.

It's time.

As I shift, Gray let's out his thunderous howl. Letting everyone know within miles that we are coming.
Gray runs with so much speed, the trees blur together. The scent is stronger than it's ever been so I know we are close. It's then, that I see a small wolf running right in front of me. Gray reaches out and slashes across the back of the wolf. The wolf tumbles and collides into a tree. I hear a whimper, for some reason that whimper sends a slight ping into my heart.

What was that

Why do I care if I've hurt this rouge

Gray growls, getting ready to slash again, when it hits us.


This little wolf is our mate.

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