Chapter 37

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Come on, girl, now, it's you
Sink your teeth right through my bones, baby
Let's see what we can do
-John Mellencamp


It has been an insufferable two weeks listening to Catiyana ramble on about whatever shit she attempts to tell me. My mind constantly consumed by thoughts of Octavia. I've seen her training hard, my beautiful she-wolf, showing me how perfect she is

Fuck I need to stop this

I just can't bring myself to reject her, even the thought of it makes me want to throw my fist through the wall.
Even the thought of allowing another man to come in and be with her, I kill them all. If anyone so much as touches a hair on her head, well they'll regret the day they ever stepped foot on my lands. I can't keep fighting this, but giving in right now isn't an option either. Not while Catiyana is here breathing down my neck every 5 minutes. Octavia is finally strong enough to defend herself, but I can't risk anything happening to her. I will never be able to control Gray if anyone dared to touch her, not that I would want to stop him either.

She is mine. And only mine.

I dismiss Catiyana from my office, dealing with her gives me a headache. Only one more week till she leaves, then I can address this mate issue with Octavia. It's been killing me to ignore her like I have, but I know it's what's best for her. She deserves someone better than me, but I can't seem to let her go.

Speaking of beautiful that beautiful she-wolf, I see her running outside towards the training grounds.

Late night training session, not by yourself sweetheart

I get up to follow her outside, attempting to get a glimpse at whatever it is she's trying to do. I constantly follow her around, like some lost little puppy. Always watching from the shadows. Making sure nothing happens to my girl.

My girl

She stops at the training grounds, carefully looking around to make sure no one sees her.

No one but me little wolf

Her head turns in the direction of the woods, and slowly she makes her way over to it.

Well things are getting interesting

As I'm getting ready to follow her, my Beta mind links me about a problem that needs to be addressed now.
I let out a quiet growl in frustration, just when I was so close to her. Her scent will still be lingering by the time I get back, so hopefully whatever problem this is won't take long.

I make my way back to the pack house, and find Derrick waiting at the door.

"What's the problem Derrick" I ask, knowing he's picked up on the annoyance in my tone

"Apparently Catiyana got a call from her father, and she's got something important to tell you" he replies.

I'm going to kill her and her pathetic father

Making my way up to her room, I stop in front of her door, attempting to control my anger.
Just as my hand is about to knock, the door flys open. Standing before me, is a half naked Catiyana.
I let out a frustrated sigh

This is the emergency that pulled me away from Octavia

"What do you want Catiyana" I ask, still repulsed by her attempt of seduction.

"Well, Daddy just called and told me that he was coming to the tournament next week. I just thought you'd like to know that. And since you are up here, maybe we could get to know each other better" she says, trying to be sexy.

I pinch in between my brows in frustration.

If anything has happened with Octavia, I'm surely going to kill this woman.

"Catiyana, you need to end this now" I say, turning to leave.

"You'll see things my way soon enough" she whispers out, trying to make sure I didn't hear her. But I hear everything, nothing can get past me.

I hurry back down to the training grounds, trying to pick up her scent. It leads me into the woods, and down to an area near the stream.

Quietly, I walk in deeper, watching carefully for my little mate. When finally her beautiful figure comes into view, but she's not alone. Another is standing with her, a male.

Gray is clawing to come out. Seeing our mate in the woods alone with another male is making us see red.

""I know we aren't mates, but both of ours have rejected us. The moon goddess hasn't given me a second chance mate, and I don't think she will. I'd like to try to have a chance with you, if you are willing"  I hear the male say, watching as he's leaning in to kiss my mate.

That's all it takes for Gray, the loud thunderous howl escapes. This howl is meant to be a warning, to give our prey a chance to think they can escape us, but no one ever does.

My blood is boiling at the sight before me. This disgusting display, how dare he touch what is mine. I will kill him and then drag her back to my room and make her see who she belongs to.

More like who I belong to

This girl is driving me crazy. She's rooted deep inside of my bones. I can't even think clearly anymore

My howl pierces through the night sky, I'm sure everyone at the pack house has heard it by now. Any second my Beta and Gamma will be out here, assessing what damage remains. They already know the wrath the follows my murderous howl.

I see Octavia look in my direction, fear written all over her face. She knows. She knows it's me and that I've seen this display. How dare she try and betray me. Little wolf, you have no idea the punishment waiting for you. She looks at the man standing with her and then back out to me

What is she thinking

As Gray starts to approach her, she does something unexpected, she makes a run for it.

My my my this little wolf wants to play

Gray doesn't wait, he walks out toward this male who dared touch our mate.

"I'm sorry, Alpha" he says bending his neck towards me. We pick him up by the neck, applying just enough pressure to hurt him but still allow him to speak. "I had no idea, I swear. I would have never kissed her if I knew she was yours" he spits out.

He kissed her

Our grip tightens. Anger consuming us at this point. Gray wants to kill him, hell I want to kill him. But all that I can think about now is my little mate playing games with me. Our grip loosens on him, dropping him to the ground,  he scrambles back to his feet. Gavin, the little wolf who came with Catiyana. His scent I've picked up on Octavia a time or two. Now,  he's caught my interest. I'll allow him to live a bit longer so I can find out what has my little wolf so interested.

We turn back to the direction Octavia ran in. Derrick and Justin arrive in time to take Gavin off while I play cat and mouse with my mate.

Darkness consumes the woods, even the darkness can't stop me. One more second to let her think she's going to get away, one more second and this little wolf will be mine.

Here I come, Octavia

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