Chapter 52

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Sleeping near Damion usually leaves me waking fully rested, but last night I couldn't calm the worries in my mind. Even with their main pack members dead, Novilunium Pack still brings concerns. Especially, knowing that they've aligned themselves with Luna Pack. I don't really know much about them, I do know that I was to rip that smug look off Catiyana's face the next time I see her.

"How are you feeling this morning, baby" Damion asks as he's examining my body.

"I'm worried about going back there" I tell him. Trying to ignore the dull ache on my leg. That fight really did a number on me.

"All those memories will bring back emotions I'm trying to keep buried" I whisper, trying not to even say it out loud.

"Whatever happens today, just remember I'm always by your side. If the pain gets to be too much, give it to me. I can handle it" he tells me, taking my hand into his.

"Jasmine healed you last night with a bit of her magic, you need to take it easy today. Don't over do it.
Let's get ready to go, breakfast is getting served and I think someone has been anxiously waiting for you to come down there and see her" he says. Helping me up from the bed.

After all the chaos that happened, I completely forgot to fill Miki in. I'm sure she's been worried sick about me, that's the last thing she need to do being pregnant.

"I can't believe I didn't tell Miki about everything, she will probably be pissed at me" I say, letting out a small groan. Everything is so stiff, I definitely need to stretch later. Whatever Jasmine did, worked, but I still feel achy. Nothing a good run won't fix.

I scramble to get ready, throwing my hair up in a messy bun and changing into some work out clothes. After I see Miki, I want to get out for a run and let Atia loose for a while. She could use the time to hunt something, she's been so quiet in the back of my mind. Everything exhausted her, we both just need some time to run and be free from the pending worries we are about to face. I never thought I would end up being Luna to a pack, having so many wolves depending on me. The years of abuse killed my self esteem and even now I worry that I won't be good enough. Defeating Juda was just a small step towards my healing, I don't know if I will fully get there but I hope that one day I'll be good enough for this pack.

Walking into the dining hall, my stomach lets out a loud growl after inhaling those delicious smells of breakfast. I didn't even realize how hungry I was. Before I have a chance to even grab a plate, Miki wraps me into a hug.

"I can't believe you haven't even seen me yet, I've been so worried about you" she sobs into my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, please don't cry" I say, feeling extra guilty now

"Don't mind her, she cried earlier in our room because she can't paint her own toes anymore" Nik says, walking up behind her.

Miki lets me go and turns around to playfully slap Nik.

"You know I can't help myself, Nikolai. These hormones are all over the place" she tells him, crying again

"Octavia, are you alright? That tournament was insane and I was so worried for you. I can't believe what's happening with their Pack now. What is Damion going to do about them?" She asks me.

My stomach lets out another loud growl, causing Miki to laugh out loud at the sound.

"I think it's time for my Mate to get some food. We can discuss this after she's fed" Damion lets out behind me, walking into the Dining Hall.

"Sorry, O, I'm starving too but when I saw you walk in, I just had to come see you right away. Let's go get our grub on" Miki says, pulling me towards the tables of food.

We quickly pile our plates high and make our way to the tables. I know they have a million questions for me but I'm not sure if I can even answer the biggest ones. Right now, all I want to do is eat and go for a run. Having all these new responsibilities is overwhelming, I feel like everyone's eyes are on me even now while I eat.

"Nikolai, we will be leaving shortly, I want those new members trained while we are gone. I'll only be taking a couple of the warriors with me, for Octavia's safety. Everyone else will remain here to look after our Pack. You will be in charge of our warriors till we return. I want double patrols on our borders, just in case" Damion says before getting up to leave.

"When I get back, I promise to fill you in on everything. We can have a girls day, just the two of us" I tell Miki, pulling her in for a hug

She starts sobbing again, gripping me tighter

"Please be careful, O. I love you and hurry back" she says, reluctantly  breaking our hug.

Following Damon out of the Dining Hall, we make our way outside. The cool morning air sends chills over my body, thankfully we are naturally warm, otherwise I'd be running back inside for some extra layers to wear.

"Atia needs to go for a run, can we spare some time before we leave" I ask Damion, giving my best pouty face

"Anything for my Queen" he tells me, as he begins to undress

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