Chapter 27

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Dead I am the dog
Hound of hell you cry
Devil on your back
I can never die
-Rob Zombie

Octavia POV

He stormed out the room so quickly, I haven't even had time to process what just happened before I'm jolted back to reality.

"Excuse me, Octavia, but the Alpha has instructed me to show you to your room" the doctor says.

My room

"Um, I'm sorry? What do you mean my room" I reply.

"Ah yes, well, on occasion, our Alpha allows stray rouges, like yourself, a chance to join our pack. Consider yourself lucky that he hasn't killed you and is allow you a chance to prove yourself. In 3 days you will begin training" she says.

What kind of alternate universe have I stumbled in

Carefully getting up, I follow her out of the medical bay. She leads me down a long corridor and into what seems to be their main entry way of their pack house. Pack members stare at me as I walk by, I don't miss the disgusted looks on their faces.

"Look what we have here" a familiar voice booms behind me.

"Ah, Beta Derrick, this is the newest recruit, Octavia" the doctor says, bowing her head, careful not to look In his eyes

I can feel more eyes on me now as the Beta towers over me, circling me like I'm so new prey to hunt.

"Well, what an interesting wolf you are Octavia" he snickers, a small smile forming on his lips. His eyes hiding a secret, one that I'm probably never going to find out.
"Run along to your room, I'd hate for you to get caught out here. Wouldn't want anything dangerous to happen now would we. I'll see you later jasmine" he says, unsure of the underlying meaning he's trying to make.
Derrick and Jasmine, at least I know three names now

I follow up the staircase trying to be attentive as I can while also taking in a mental note of the layout In the pack house.

"The bottom floor, that we just left, holds the medical bay, kitchen and dining area. The first floor belongs to the omegas. The second floor is for our warriors and our Gamma, Justin. The third floor is for the Beta, Derrick, who you are obviously already acquainted with, and his family. Lastly is the top floor, which is obviously for the Alpha" I hear Jasmine say, while we walk up another flight of stairs.

"There is an elevator located just at the end of the hall here, it has access to every floor, but this is only for the Alphas personal use. Never, ever, use it" she warns.

Don't ask questions, don't ask questions

"The Alpha had commanded that you sleep on his floor, I'm unsure why you are privileged to this, but I must do as he says and show you to your room. It is at the opposite end of his, so don't even try go near his room, unless you want to die" she warns, again.

I guess he failed to mention about us being mates

I look around, admire the beautiful layout of the house. It's so much bigger than the one from my old pack, the views from the windows are breathtaking.

I follow her slowly into my new room. A quaint queen sized bed, a dresser and what seems to be a full size bathroom. Definitely an upgrade from the cold nights spent on the floor in the basement at my old pack.
I can't help but feel overjoyed about having my own bed, my own room. Even if it's for a short moment, I will absolutely treasure every second of it.

"Training starts tomorrow, breakfast is served at 7am. Don't be late" she says as she walks out of the room.

Tonight, maybe, I'll finally sleep peacefully.

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