Chapter 55

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The late afternoon sun doesn't provide enough warmth for this cool breeze rustling through Atias fur. The smell of blood is overwhelming, still dripping from her mouth. Looking through her eyes, I can see Justin and the warriors fighting a group of wolves. From here, I can't distinguish which pack, but they're all our enemies now. Men and women both, are shifting so quickly, I don't see any in human form anymore.

Gavin screams out, turning my attention towards him. Catiyana's father, has his hand fisting his hair, forcing him to look upwards.

I'm going to shift back Atia. Give me control

That's not a good idea right now Octavia, that's what he wants. He will kill you and it will cause pain to our mate. Then he would be vulnerable for an attack.

Just trust me Atia, if anything goes wrong. I'll give you back control. I need to help Gavin.

Reluctantly, she gives me control. Shifting back leaves me naked and extremely uncomfortable. Pushing that feeling aside, I make my way to Gavin.
Damion and I have certainly made our bond stronger than ever because he's right back at my side, shifted and completely naked, too. Momentarily distracting me.

How should we handle this
I ask him through our link

I know things didn't start out the best between you and Gavin but he doesn't deserve to die out here. He was rejected too and didn't know I had a second chance mate. He's the only reason I even managed to escape from this place to begin with.

You're right. I was angry at first, when he kissed you, but since he helped you in the past. We will do everything we can to return the favor.

Maybe I can distract the guy by talking to him. Clearly he wants something so let's see if we can get him talking

Whatever you wish my beautiful mate.

"You can stop whatever plans you think you and your  mate are making, Alpha" he yells out to us.

"Plans? I see no plans here, Alpha Thomas. I'm simply collecting payment from these wolves. Payment in blood. For every scar, every drop of blood, every moment my mate was ever in pain here. I did give each of you a chance to beg her for forgiveness, you really shouldn't be such a stubborn old fool. Aligning with this pack, you sealed your own fate" Damion replies, unbothered.

"This pathetic pack was destined for failure long before I came here. Their weak Alpha ran it into the ground, then allowing his useless son to take over. Make no mistake, I don't care about the fate of this pack. It was all perfectly planned to get you away from YOUR pack" Thomas laughs out

"You'd think I'd be so foolish to leave my pack unattended? Even the best warriors in your pack wouldn't stand a chance against ONE of mine. You think having me here will give them a fighting chance? Don't be surprised when this plan of yours fails and they all end up dead. Nothing you do, will prevent your death on this day. Then who will run your pack now? Your daughter is dead, you have no heirs left, you spent years trying to push her into my arms, and for what? For this, not well thought out plan, you are no less pathetic than the Alpha's who you aligned with"

Thomas stiffens at his words, tightening his grip on Gavin. Gavin is barely even conscious, the loss of blood is draining the color from his body. They must of done something to his wolf, by now he should have started healing.

"What do you want, Thomas? Why did you even take Gavin" I growl out to him

"He overheard things he shouldn't have, he was caught trying to come spoil my plans. He's nothing but entertainment for us now. A show, for everyone to see what happens when you betray me" he replies

My stomach churns at the thought of these wolves being in a position of power for so long, wondering how much abuse they've put others through, over the years. How many other packs out there could be suffering from the same treatment, men like him shouldn't be allowed to be in control anymore.

The smell of blood is getting stronger, I know our warriors are fighting hard. So many lives ending, all for misplaced beliefs and being controlled with fear. My thoughts are all over the place, should I be seeking revenge on everyone? My anger told me yes, but seeing all these people dying is making me wonder if I made the right choice. Damion offered them a chance for redemption, but fear prevented them from choosing. Fear that we are equally installing into them.

Thunder claps in the distance, a storm is approaching. The last thing we need right now is a storm. My eyes gaze up to the clouds, they're swirling in a strange formation, almost like a tornado funnel. A bright light cracks across the sky, but it wasn't lightening. Grabbing Damions hand, I move closer to him. Something, or someone,  else is coming

The light moves to the tree line, a small figure appears, steeping out into the open.

"Jasmine?" I shout out. Hearing her name, she looks at us and smiles.

Why is Jasmine here?

I'm not sure. Jasmine is a witch but she's loyal to me. She's part wolf, but that side of her has always been dormant. Her witch side was too powerful, never letting the wolf emerge. Hybrids are rare, not impossible. Magic is powerful, most hybrids were killed out of fear for the unknown.

Just how powerful is she? She just appeared out of nowhere. Did you know she could do that?

Jasmine didn't share all of her abilities with me. She came to my pack lands injured, I offered her shelter. Since then she's made it her home, healing those who need it. Since we are wolves, that's rare. She didn't share her story with me, and I didn't ask. All I know, Is for whatever reason she didn't go back to wherever she was from. Although, seeing this now, maybe we will have a chance to talk after this is over.

"What's this Alpha, another female to fight your battles" Thomas laughs out

"Actually no, I'm here for my mate" Jasmine replies, her eyes locked onto the scene before us.

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