Chapter 14

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I swear to God I feel like death is fuckin' callin' me
But nah, you wouldn't understand
-The Notorious B.I.G

⚠️⚠️graphic content⚠️⚠️

The next morning, his scent of death awakened me, like a cold slap of betrayal hitting me in the face. A scent that was supposed to awaken my soul and set my heart on fire, turned out to be poison, turning my heart to ash.

"Wake up Mutt" he spits, griping my hair to pull me closer to him. He needs my scent, placing his head in the crook of my neck, inhaling the aroma to satisfy his wolf. We both know that his sham of a mate can never satisfy his needs, with each breath he takes, bile rises up closer up my throat. Just being near him makes me sick, Atia is trying to resist but even the strongest wolves can't deny their primal needs. Nothing can compare with a true mate bond. The longer I am here, the worse it will be come. Eventually his wolf will lose control to be with his destined mate, I fear that even Atia will give in. The only thing that will help is me leaving or him verbally rejecting me and I accept.

His face is inches away from mine, I can feel his breath on my neck. He moves slowly, starring straight into my eyes now. Glancing down, he looks at my lips, then back into my eyes. Crashing his lips onto mine, with such force, like a beast devouring its prey. It startled me, I wasn't expecting him to do this. Usually he is repulsed just from looking at me. The bond forces sparks to shoot across my body. My mind is disgusted but my body can't help the reaction it's doing.

"I can smell your arousal, Mutt" he whispers in my ear.

My body disgusts me, I never wanted this kind of reaction

"And I'm about to taste it" he says.

No, please no.

Don't do this, I silently scream in my head. I know better than anyone I can't stop an alpha wolf from taking what he wants. Especially when my body is practically dripping wet in response to him just standing here.

Fuck, I hate myself even more

I feel his hand run up my thigh, slowly he traces the outside of my panties. He eases a finger into my folds, sliding one inside my pussy.

I'm holding my breath, I can't relax. Tears start to form in my eyes.

He forcefully slides another finger inside of me, trying to stretch me. He's preparing for himself to enter me.
While he's still pumping his fingers In and out of my pussy, he lowers himself down so his face is flush with it. He breathes me in, smelling my arousal, seeing how wet I am.
He takes his fingers out of me, and with a growl, rips my panties off of my body.
I look down, his eyes are black. His wolf is present.
Not wasting anymore time, he puts his mouth on my pussy. Tasting all the juices, some are now dripping down his chin.

I feel sick.

I hate that my body is enjoying this. I can't believe how much betrayal I feel towards myself.
If I could only be stronger. To fight this stupid mate bond.

Before I have another second to think, he's dropping his shorts and freeing himself for me to see.

I gasp. Knowing the inevitable is about to happen.

His black eyes meet mine. A growl escapes from him, asserting his dominance over me. I have no choice but to turn my head and submit to him.
A smile crosses his face. Knowing that I will never be stronger than him.
He turns me around and forces my face into the bed. Sucking and licking my clit from behind.

The tears fall faster

"You are mine little wolf, I'll never let you go. Don't you ever think about running away. I will always find you. You and this pussy belong to me" he growls while sucking even harder.

I sob uncontrollably.

I clutch my thighs together, trying to avoid the Orgasm about to explode from deep inside me.

His hard cock rubs against the juices dripping from my pussy. He's jerking it hard and fast in his hand.

Please Goddess, don't let this happen

A few strokes is all it took and his milky white liquid sprays across my back. I let out the breath I was holding, I'm in disbelief he didn't put it inside of me.
Probably the only considerate thing he's done for me, ever.

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