Chapter 31

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I don't fuck with you
-Big Sean


A bad feeling rushes over me, I don't know who this new group is, but I'm positive my instincts are trying to warn me.

Miki pulls me back into her conversation, rambling on about the new trainees and how annoying it's going to be that they'll take away our training time. She promises to sneak in private sessions with me, so I can become "a bad ass bitch" as she puts it. I know I have a long way to go, but just hearing her words gives me confidence I'll do a good job.

We head out of the dining hall, and make our way to the rooms. I don't even look back to see if Damion is still here. If he wants to play games and avoid me, then invisible I shall become. We will see who breaks first in this stupid little game. I know he's going to reject me soon, but that won't stop me from enjoying what I have here now.

Maybe he will still let me stay after he rejects me. I really don't want to lose my friendship with Miki

I say my goodbyes to Miki and Nik, and do the one thing I was warned not to, take the elevator.

As the doors open, I see those piercing black eyes. Damion. Fantastic, now I'm dead.

"What do you think you're doing, O" the way he says O
sends tingles all over my body.

"Umm, I think I'm lost" I lie

"Lost huh, didn't Jasmine warn you, this is for my personal use only" he leans in, I can feel his breath on my neck. Sending shivers down my spine.

Surely he reacts like this too

"I'm sorry, I'll leave now" I say, turning to make a run for it.

He grabs my arm and pulls me in to him. I crash into his very hard, and very muscular chest. Inhaling the perfect aroma coming from his body.

"You'll leave when I say you can leave" he growls, trying to hold back his wolf. He bends down, his face inches from mine, closing the distance between our lips. I don't even hesitate, I grab his face and put my lips on his. His eyes widened in shock at what I've just done.
I'm shocked too, what was I thinking

He deepens the kiss, grabbing on to my waist and pulling me up to him. I wrap my legs around him and he pulls even tighter, I can feel him hardening against me. At this point I'm soaked, I know he can smell my arousal, I mean look at him, how could anyone not be aroused just by the sight of him.
An involuntary moan leaves my lips and he growls in satisfaction. I run my hands through his hair, enjoying the sparks it sends across my body.

Suddenly he drops me down, backing away from me.
Confused and sad, I don't even look at him, the door opens and I run towards my room.

Of course he would do that. He doesn't even want me. It's my fault for kissing him first. It was just his wolf that was trying to take it further

I can't help the tears that begin to fall, all my life I've been unwanted I didn't expect this place to be any different. My heart aches, slowly breaking for myself and for Atia. Destined to be mateless.

The next morning I woke up with one thing on my mind, never allowing my hormones to get the best of me again. From this day forward, Damion will just be another face in the crowd. If he wants to reject me and throw me away, then I shall make it easy for him.

Starting with a new room on a new floor.

I pack up all my belongings and make my way down stairs. Arriving in front of Mikis door, I knock.

"Hey, O, what brings you here so early. I thought we were going to meet In the dining hall. Is everything ok" she asks

"Not really, there is something I need to tell you" I say

After I tell her about Damion and I being mates, she pulls me in for a hug.
"I can't believe he's doing this to you love, don't worry we will show him exactly what he's missing" she says In an attempt to comfort me.

She offered me the couch in her room, till we can find a permanent solution, which I was more than happy to accept. Anywhere away from the top floor is fine by me.

When I'm done arranging my stuff, we make our way to the dining hall. Miki loops her arm In mine as we approach the doors "don't worry babe, I've got your back always" she whispers.

Gulping down my nervousness, we head towards our usual spot, while I'm trying to avoid looking at the front of the hall. The hairs on the back of my neck tell me that he's already spotted me. Hopefully after today I'll be able to stay off his radar.


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