Chapter 25

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You don't own me
Don't try to change me in any way
You don't own me
Don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay
-Lesley Gore

Octavia POV


I can't believe the Moon Goddess has given me a second chance mate.

The Alpha of the most feared pack in the world, is my mate.

This must be a sick joke.

The Moon Goddess is determined to make a joke of my whole existence.

For a fleeting moment, I thought that I just might have a chance for something normal. But now, now I know that I'm forever destined to be cursed. Cursed to a lonely life without love.
I'll never know what it's like to have a mate adore me. To cherish everything about me.


For whatever horrible deeds I've done in a past life, I'm surely making up for in this one.

I look into the eyes of my mate.

I'm terrified.

What's he going to do to me?

Is it going to be worse than Juda?

I can't handle this again. I need to escape.

His brown orbs are locked onto me. He doesn't move.
I let out an involuntary whimper.

"LEAVE" he growls

The pack doctor scurries out of the door.

His eyes never leave mine.

He steps closer again. Inches from my face.

My body is shaking In fear.

He leans down and sniffs my scent in. Maybe he needs to confirm we really are mates?

"Where are you from little wolf" he whispers in my ear.
Just hearing his voice sends chills over my body.

"I'm from Novilunium pack" I reply.

"Why were you running from them?" He asks.

I gulp.

I was mated to the Alpha but he rejected me" I say, leaving out what I can.

He growls, his eyes turn an even darker jet black.

Oh Goddess, he's angry at me.

He's probably going to hit me now.

His jaw tightens and he leans down again. His hand comes toward my face and I flinch for impact.
His brows fury at my reaction.
He cups my face in his hand and pulls me toward his.

I wasn't expecting him to be so gentle.

I've never had someone just touch my face.
Usually they're hitting it.

His eyes flick to my lips. I can see the desire deep inside of his them. He wants to devour me.

And Goddess, I want him to.

He closes the distance between our lips and all I can see is fireworks. Sparks tingle across my entire body.

I can't feel my legs.

His tongue is fighting for entrance into my mouth.

I willingly allow it.

I feel like I've been wandering in the desert for days and this is a cool glass of water quenching my thirst.

I can't get enough, I let out a moan.

My body is on fire and I don't want a single person putting out this blaze.

In fact, I want more.

I wrap my hands around his neck. Pulling him closer to me.

Deepening the kiss.

This is the most intense kiss I've ever had.

Juda was always aggressive and painful.
But this, this is different. I could get lost in this kiss, I don't need oxygen..

I just need Alpha...wait, what's his name again?

I pull away. His forehead rests on mine. We are both flushed.

"What was that" I say.

"I couldn't hold back any longer. Do you know how long I've waited for you? Now that I have you. I'll never let you go" he says.

"I don't even know your name" I reply, confused at what happened

"Damion Elijah Marudas" he replies, pulling away from me.
Before I can say another word, he storms out of the room. Taking what's left of the oxygen I was holding in my lungs, I'm stunned, mouth left open, gaping like a fish.

What was that? Still extremely confused and very much aroused.

Why did he just leave

I know he will reject me for sure now

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